Hey, Thanks for the plugin and it’s very helpful. Just one request please update the plugin it seems not updated from a long time with the latest version of WordPress. Its shows error while downloading – Warning: This plugin has not been tested with your current version of WordPress.
Thanks, ones again.
]]>I have a user that has the role of Editor.
He can’t see the Author drop-down in the new Gutenberg editor sidebar (even if enabled in classic editor).
I (role Administrator) have it and can use it.
]]>There seems to be a conflict with your plugin and using another called Print, PDF & Email by PrintFriendly. When activated, the PDF Icon on the page (see link for example)
Ends up linking to a blog post I have associated with an author using your plugin. Very strange. We need both plugins to work unfortunately – the code they are placing into the page looks like this: <?php if(function_exists(‘pf_show_link’)){echo pf_show_link();} ?>
Why would this cause such a problem and how can I fix it?
Thank you
]]>We have an extensive list of authors, editors, and subscribers. When we want to change the author on a post, though, all user roles are on the list, making it difficult to find the person we’re looking for. Is there a way to limit the list to users with certain roles (admin, editor, author, etc.) and leave out subscribers? Thank you in advance for your response.
I’m using your plugin and it works really good for me, but I have a little problem with another admins. Well, my site has five admins but only I and build in admin account are able to change the post or page authors – another person with admin permissions not (we have THE SAME role). They don’t see the “Change author” tab under the post in backend. Do you know how to resolve this? It’ll be great if every user with admin role could change the author of the post. Thank you in advance for help.
]]>Hi Martin
Hope you can help. Had your plugin working perfectly, but as of the latest WP update it seems to not be working anymore. It instead show the actual post author, not the one I’ve assigned.
Hope you can help!
any chance to make the author metabox available for the “download monitor” plugin?
It is available for all sites and pages but not for this kind of posts (“dlm_download”)
All the best,
I tried to change autho for woocommerce product, but it always return back to admin autho. Any wrong please?
Thank for your plugin, can you add function allow author add author in frontend?
Why? == sometime the article ued created by team , i would like the article can be multiple autho.
]]>Can this plugin be extended to work with the Quick Edit and Bulk Actions features on the main post listing page? I have a client that needs to be able to edit several posts’ authors at once, and this would be very helpful to that end.
I want to be able to give my editor the ability to assign authors. The articles are submitted via email and then we are uploading them manually, but i dont see the ability for editors to select an author. Is this possible?
]]>I was hoping that maybe you’ve added support for Custom Post Types. If not could you tell me exactly where I find the code so that I can modify it for custom Post types? I’m not real technical so a step by step would be helpful.
Thank you so much for your help,
This plugin works nicely – very simply code.
I modified it so I could edit authors on pages too.
A one-line change that hopefully you’ll consider adding to the next version of the plugin;
< add_meta_box( ‘authordiv’, __(‘Author’), ‘ca_meta_callback’, array(‘post’,’page’), ‘normal’, ‘high’ );
> add_meta_box( ‘authordiv’, __(‘Author’), ‘ca_meta_callback’, ‘post’, ‘normal’, ‘high’ );
I would like to use your plugin, but just want to check if it is still supported ? (because the last update was 1 year ago…)
Thanks !
]]>Not sure if this plugin is still supported…
The site is private and by invitation/code only. So it wont be view-able. I’ll do my best to describe the issue.
All members are assigned “subscriber” role. Content is submitted by users through a form, admin then creates a post from the submitted content and assigns the user as “author” to their submitted content.
When clicking on the authors name to pull up all posts by that user, the class=”page-title” reflects “Author: admin“
Any suggestions on how to have this reflect the subscribers name instead?
]]>How can this be modified to be used in place of the default author dropdown in the bulk edit screen of posts?
]]>Wonderful plugin! Unfortunately it is not working with custom post types!
Is this difficult to add? Is there a chance to have this feature in the future?
Looking forard to reading from you!
Is there any opportunity to reduce list of authors by their status in wordpress? For example list of authors consists of users with status Author, Editor and Admin. Jthers – subscribers and contributors are not in the list…
]]>I have just installed this app and I really like it. I just need to know how to add in more authors to the selection. Can you please help?