I payed for your pro cost calculator and am very happy with it except for the detail that no commas show up to separate the thousands.
Could you tell me how to add this to my calculated fields? This is a minor issue that could turn into something major.
I would appreciate a quick response.
]]>How do I change the currency displayed when calculated from dollars to GBP?
this plugin wont work for me and I get errors.
I even tried the developers example plugin code and doesnt work, but works on developers website
<label> Checkbox (required)
[cf7cc_checkbox* checkbox_test id:checkbox_id “default=0” “15|Red, with blue lines and black roof” “15|Black, with blue lines and black roof” “60|Blue, with blue lines and black roof”] </label>
<label> Radio (required)
[cf7cc_radio* radio_test id:radio_test_id “default=0” “59|$59” “69|$69” “79|$79”] </label>
<label> Dropdown (required) (required)
[cf7cc_dropdown* dropdown_test “placeholder=Select Product” “20|T-shirt” “30|Business Cards” “40|Brands”] </label>
<label> Slider (required)
[cf7cc_slider* slider_test id:slider_test_id min:0 max:100] </label>
<label> Subtotal (checkbox_test + radio_test + dropdown_test + slider_test)
[cf7cc_calculated subtotal] </label>
<label> VAT (subtotal * 0.1)
[cf7cc_calculated vat] </label>
<label> Total (subtotal – vat)
[cf7cc_calculated total] </label>
<label> Your Name (required)
[text* your-name] </label>
<label> Your Email (required)
[email* your-email] </label>
<label> Subject
[text your-subject] </label>
<label> Your Message
[textarea your-message] </label>
[submit “Send”]
In the video tutorial there seems to be a ‘slider’ option. Unfortunately I cannot find it anywhere. Do you use an add-on for this option? I tried adding #cf7cc-popup-slider to admin-form-tags.php but it only shows the button when editing the form. But unfortunately nothing is shown.
I’m also not having any options shown using ‘calculated’. In the video around 2 minutes you are using calculated and you can 4 buttons. I’m seeing none.
It seems like this plugin needs some updates because it’s not working as it should be.
Really looking forward to your response. Thanks.
I have installed your plugins but when clicking on insert of the “Form-tag Generator: Dropdown” or other like checkbox, radio……they are not inserting or not taking any action on click……..can you please advice….If I get your help, I will be the
first person to mark 5 star review.