here is my form
[text* twoconame “Enter Name”]
[email twocemail “Enter Your Contact Email”]
[text* Titleofthework “Title of Work”]
[text* whatdouneed “What Do You Need”]
[number* Numberofwords min:1 max:9999 placeholder “Enter the number of word required here in digits like 999”] this point user input the number of words.
[calculator Pricecalculator Prefix:Total=$ “Numberofwords * 0.04”] >this step total cost is calculated on the basis of user input.
[text* twocaddress “Enter First line of address”]
[text* twococity “City”]
[text* twocostate “State/Region”]
[text* twcopostalcode “Zip/Postal Code”]
[text* twcocountry “Country”]
<p> <h3>Dont Navigate From This Page Unless Payment is completed.</h3> </p>
[twocheckout currency:USD “0.04”] here tag only read the fixed priced set from the tag generator………. and when i replace 0.04 with Pricecalculator. the 2checkout according to my understand should pick the calculated value ….for example this should work according to my understanding [twocheckout currency:USD “Pricecalculator”]… but it does not work……. i am doing it right… or there is some change i need to make … or it will not pick calculated price or there is some error…. or it will only picked manual price put there myself
[submit “Pay Now”]
Hi there,
It’s a nice plugin and we are waiting for you will release an updated version for WordPress 5.0.2. at least you may confirm compatibility with the new version.