Hi Francesco,
I used many times your plugins and it’s a great work!
Any possibility to translate the name of attribute? I can change terms and slug but not the name. Tks in advance ??
Hello Alexander, you made a beautyfull job and I will congratulate to you on the excellent achievement.
I have two language on my site: ITA and ENG.
When I change a translation of a product in a second language (English), if I try to edit it again it do not update the relevant page on the frontend.
To check this, I have also observed the database tables and update the records in postmeta, under the meta_key cml_woo it is not updated.
The product translation do not will put on the postmeta wordpress table but wroten on wordpress post table and not published and viewed in frontend.
Regards, Stefano.
I am using the plugin but I have some difficulty in viewing the list of orders.
The second column of the table has three icons that vary depending on the language.
These icons, if the status of the order is canceled, the flag displayed correctly and the title of the link “Edit article”. If the order is on hold as I view icons three pencils with the title that says “Translate langiage {}”
I would either eliminate these columns or understand how to apply the translation.
The links that do not work are the ones that lead to the inclusion of a new order.
Thank you
]]>In frontend/frontend.php, filters are added for a number of permalink page:
$pages = array( 'cart', 'product', 'myaccount', 'shop', 'change_password', 'checkout' );
foreach( $pages as $page ) {
add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_' . $page . '_page_id', 'cmlwoo_get_translated_page_id', 10, 1 );
Please add 'terms'
to this list.
]]>The Woocommerce cart on my site appears untranslated. This is because the “lang” argument is not properly added to the AJAX call to /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php.
In js/frontend.js it is assumed that settings.data is an object or null. However, according to the jQuery documentation, settings.data may also be a string.
I propose changing
settings.data[ 'lang' ] = ceceppa_ml.slug;
with this
if (typeof settings.data == 'string' && settings.contentType.match(/^application\/x-www-form-urlencoded/)) {
settings.data += '&lang=' + ceceppa_ml.slug;
} else {
settings.data[ 'lang' ] = ceceppa_ml.slug;
]]>The plugin does not define a filter for woocommerce_product_title used in WC_Product_Simple::get_title() that is used in the product list widget.
I made the following quick-fix to frontend.php. There are probably better ways, but I am new to WordPress development:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_title', array( & $this, 'get_translated_title2' ), 0, 2 );
function get_translated_title2 ($title, $post) {
return $this->get_translated_title($title , $post->id);
]]>Ciao, sono Giovanni.
il plugin ceceppa purtroppo va in conflitto con il plugin Custom Related Products for WooCommerce
in pratica i prodotti scelti da me non vengono visualizzati, ma visualizza i prodotti a random.
come posso fare??
]]>main store page doesn’t support
how can fix it ?
]]>Ho 2 problemi con il mio sito con Woocommerce 2.2.8
e Ceceppa Multilingua support for WooCommerce 0.6
Il primo problema riguarda un errore jQuery:
“Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined frontend.js:1”
La pagina si interrompe e non è possibile scrollare per vederne il contenuto.
L’altro problema è che alcuni prodotti mi vengono inseriti in categorie sbagliate anche se non sono assegnati a quella categoria. Come è possibile? Modificando quei prodotti ho notato che non sono assegnati a quella categoria, cosa posso controllare per risolvere?
Thank you for having developed this wonderfull plugin, it’s really usefull and simple. You made a good job.
I’m having some trouble with the shop page URL to change between languages. I hope you can help.
I have two languages configured in the ceceppa plugin: EN and PT. All pages work just fine when changing between languages except the shop page, because the URL isn’t correctly formed. When at portuguese the shop URL is:
https://zimlabim.com/loja (nice, it’s correct)
When I click the english flag it takes the user to the URL:
https://zimlabim.com/loja?lang=en (OMG what is this? it’s not correct)
The correct URL is:
What should I change/configure differently so that the shop URL is correctly formed?
Many thanks.
Kind regards ??
]]>I can’t make Ceceppa working correctly with Woocommerce.
I have three big categories: “Nuovo” (“new”), “Nuovo Exdemo” (new exdemo) and “usato” (used). All of three give me back 404 (and “new” in the menu is not translated).
In the menu I also have a link to a simple page and a link to an event plugin. Both of them works perfectly.
If I go on the events page from english side and then I go on “Nuovo”, then a blank page shows up, with just the title of the page (no under-categories, no products, just the title of the page).
Probably it’s a matter of permalink, but I can’t fix it. The website is not online, but here are my settings:
In Ceceppa -> Woocomerce I have enabled “Translate product permalink” and “Translate product category and tag base”.
What I’m doing wrong? (I also updated Ceceppa and Woocommerce just now)
]]>Everything seems work except in Checkout Page.
After i click on Place Order the site return a Page not found, settings are on Pre-Path mode and after the click I see malformed url on address bar seems that language is lost somehow.
]]>When I active Ceceppa Multilingua support for WooCommerce plugin, Woocommerce not show orders in order page of the admin. Without “Ceceppa Multilingua support for WooCommerce”, the plugin “Ceppe Multilingua” show orders only if i select “all language” filter. Can someone help me?
]]>Everything is working fine but as soon as I translate my shop category, the shop’s page stays empty.
Default language is estonian. I add finnish and russian.
Shop page is “pood” in all languages – everything is ok.
I add product with translations – it is available in all languages.
I add category to this product without translations – still ok.
I translate the category and now as soon I change the language from primary menu I got empty page in finnish and russian language.
I tried to switch all possible settings in main plugin and woocommerce addon, but I have no glue why category translation breaks it.
Maybe it’s better that I give to you acces to my site and you can check it for yourself?
I created product attribute and instead of translating attribute name, I can translate it’s slug… Is it by design or I don’t quite understand this logic.
]]>Ciao, ho appena installato il plugin usando firefox come browser e al momento è tutto ok, solo che provando ad entrare nell’admin di wordpress tramite chrome o explorer mi da invece questo errore:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function cml_is_homepage() in C:\xampp\htdocs\wp\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\ceceppa-multilingua-support-for-woocommerce\frontend\frontend.php on line 123
]]>I tried to using this plugin because I am using the Ceceppa Multilingua one and that one works like a charm but unfortunately this one for WooCommerce does not in my site, with the Trego theme. That theme supports localization, but the translated categories and products in WooCommerce are not been found and then I have error 500 when I try to change the language. You can see it live in this address.
I tried changing the permalinks and all other configurations I could find and read documentation and still can′t make it work at all.
For instance, the plugin works in the backed, because the WooCommerce has the appropriate fields for translations. It just is not working in the frontend.
]]>It’s nice to be able to chose a English product title (my site is in Swedish), but when I do that the Permalink for the English version of the product page changes to the English title while the correct link still is the same old Swedish one.
I don’t understand why the English title becomes a Permalink when I can’t set one myself, nor why the English product page does not rest at that link, it goes to a blank page. As of now if I use this plugin I would have to use another plugin to redirect all links in the shop to the product pages.
Looks like I have a issue with the Checkout page won’t be fully translated, but not much to care about If I cant have the shop page link to the product pages.
Anyway, thanks for the work so far. I will look back on this plugin later on and see if there has been any progress.