Coming Soon Chop Chop
As of 2022, on June 1st, Chop-Chop company will end support for the Coming Soon Chop Chop plugin. Also, that plugin will no longer be available in WordPress Plugin repo.
]]>Hi, I’ve made a Coming Soon page which is activated. It shows when I’m logged in, but it’s not showing when I visit the website on multiple different devices. The standard WordPress coming soon page is displayed. I don’t have a cache plugin.
What can I do to fix this issue and have my Coming Soon page displayed?
I was wondering if you could take a look at my site which is using the free version of coming soon chop chop (great plugin btw)!
The only issue I have is that the layout for a mobile device is not right. Is there a way I can change this?
Also, I would love it if I could change the size of the social icons.
Hi Chop Chop,
Very nice lightweight and easy to set.
But, any way I can TAKE OUT those social icons not to show on the coming soon page?
Please advise, Thanks
]]>Your recent update broke the layout of my coming soon page. Clearfix, header font, basically everything is shifted.
I can‘t get the social media icons to display properly. At the moment, they are just showing as a random letter in a box, so you can‘t tell what they are.
Any fixes?
Thank you
]]>Is it possible to use video background, for example of some video from youtube ?
I checked settings and find youtube only as link to the my channel. If it’s not possible in settings, maybe you have some suggestions of the code customization?
]]>This is a very good and easy to use plugin but i am facing a issue in the subscription form the submit button is not working in the subscription form please help me in this issue.
Hi there,
This plugin works for my URL: but not
Does anyone know how I change the coming soon page to
I have recently set up a staging environment with a clone of my main site.
I noticed that while the plugin copied over, none of the settings or changes made to the template copied over.
Does anyone know what could be the issue?
Where are the settings saved for this plugin?
]]>On the live site when entering an email address and clicking “Submit” I get the Thank You message but never receive an email at that address. I’ve tried an alternative address to avoid possible Spam settings. same thing.
Any ideas? Great plugin, it would be even greater if this feature worked.
]]>Hi I have paid for the pro version via paypal but was not given any confirmation or instructions how to install. I have emailed your support but no answer. Please can you contact me by
[email protected]
or [email protected]
I urgently need to connect to mailchimp
MY site is and when you click submit button, there is no success message appear, nothing happened.
Please help me to solve this as it looks silly ??
Is there any way to whitelist users? I’ve tried to sign in using a subscriber role and it points to the coming soon layout.
Just installed plug in and works great!!
I have a recommendation however. I think it will be nice that when someone subscribes , you wont get an email for each individual subscription, but all this data can be stored in a tab for the plugin and can be copied when needed.
It will help keep my inbox clear.
]]>Why is this error showing up after saving the edits I made to the template?
After I customized my Coming Soon page, I clicked “save & close.” I visited my site ( on another device and found the page is active, but the content is the plugin’s default text. Hoping someone can explain what may have happened to prevent the page from saving my changes… and/or, even more important to me right now, I’m hoping someone can tell me that the edited version is, in fact, saved somewhere and just didn’t update (because I was foolish enough to edit — for a long time — within the app itself vs. in a text edit or Word doc); if so, how can I reopen it for editing?
After I customized my Coming Soon page, I clicked “save & close.” I visited my site ( on another device and found the page is active, but the content is the plugin’s default text. Hoping someone can explain what may have happened to prevent the page from saving my changes… and/or, even more important to me right now, I’m hoping someone can tell me that the edited version is, in fact, saved somewhere and just didn’t update (because I was foolish enough to edit — for a long time — within the app itself vs. in a text edit or Word doc); if so, how can I reopen it for editing?
]]>Recently purchased the Coming Soon CC Pro plugin and activated it with the license. The text will NOT change no matter what I try. The background images will change. I have cleared all cache from browsers on desktop and mobile platforms. Will not change. Any advice? Thank you.
]]>I’m Trying to find the date that I last published the coming soon page or even the multiple publishes of the coming soon page. Is there anyway I can find this? I couldn’t find anything through the WordPress dashboard or plugin page and tried looking at the plugin files in my file manager, but it appears the date gets updated as the plugin is updated.
Thank you!
]]>Hi, I have been using this plugin for a while and just recently purchased the pro version for the extra features.
One feature I would really like to see is a way to edit the CSS without editing the plugin files. A custom CSS box in the settings tab would be perfect.
I understand that many things can be achieved by adding inline styling in the customizer, but there are many things that cannot be done such as adding spacing above the logo or making the border-radius on the email field larger/smaller, modifying the button padding, changing opacity, the list goes on and on.
If this isn’t a planned feature for the future, is there a way I can enqueue an extra stylesheet to load on the coming soon page?
]]>Is there a way to change the font sizes of the different elements?
]]>I would like to add a background image. Is this possible on the free version or only the pro?
I have the plugin working fine on one site of a small multisite install with domain mapping (two blogs).
So you login and you can then see the front page of site #1 as usual, but when you select site #2 from the “My Sites” menu, and then try to view the front page of Site #2, you just see the “coming soon” page.
I’ve tried using the plugin as a network activation and as a single activation, but have the same result.
Anyone know how to fix this?
Thanks for such a great plug-in, even the free version is very complete!
Everything is looking beautiful but even after putting my email and seeing the green success message, I never receive the email notification, so there’s a problem and I don’t know why, can you please help me?
I have deleted my cache already and it didn’t work.
the website is
]]>When trying to upload the theme cc-coming-soon to my site, via the upload theme function from the dashboard i receive the following message.
“The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.”
All I’m doing is selecting the Zip file to upload.
Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
]]>Hi there.
Firstly, I’d like to thank you too for this great plugin.
Unfortunately, I’m facing an issue with the ‘submit’ button. I do get the notification mail including the email of the subscriber when he/she hit the button. Matter of fact, everytime the subscriber hits the button I would get an email. But!!!!! after hitting the submit button the subscriber doesn’t see any notification page that submitting the email worked out: no thank you for subscribing, no changed page in any sense.
I would appreciate if you help me fix this.
Kind regards
Hey, I downloaded the zip file yesterday and there appears to be no CSS Style Sheet. Would you be able to check this out for me – and/or send the complete zip file.
I disabled the plugin via the plugin settings but the coming soon page still displayed. I then uninstalled the plugin and it has not resolved.
Whenever I visit another URL on the site that isn’t the homepage ( the site displays.
Please help!
]]>Olá, instalei o plugin cc-coming-soon e configurei da maneira desejada, porem quando eu fa?o o teste de receber email quando o site estiver no ar, ele n?o envia (n?o aparece a mensagem que foi enviado). ja entrei nas configura??es e coloquei outro email porem n?o funciona. voce pode me passar um passo a passo? obrigado.