How do you style the Catfolder link font with the rest of your site?
Also, can you add a break character to those links?
Thank you
]]>I have installed these plugins:
CatFolders Document Gallery
CatFolders Lite – WP Media Folders
But when I create the folders they are not saved and I cannot attach items to these folders. But I get the success message and the name I give to those folders is saved, because I can’t use it again to create a new folder.
PS: I use the Elementor Pro builder
I am attempting to add a new custom column to the ‘Display fields’. I found a page in your documentation with a snippet for adding the “User name” column to catfolders. However, the page only contains a screenshot of the snippet and not the actual code.
I copied the code from your screenshot into my functions.php
, but I am encountering the following error: “DataTables warning: table id=catf-dg-table-0 – Incorrect column count. For more information about this error, please see https://datatables.net/tn/18.”
Can you please help me identify what might be wrong with the code snippet? Also, where can I find the rest of your code snippets?
Thank you.
I am getting reports that the advertisement for Catfolders Pro present on the left side of the media library is overflowing and covering up the media elements and dropdowns when uploading new media.
I understand that it’s trying to upsell to a better version of an already great plugin, but it does seem to be causing issues with my users. Is there a way for me to hide it? Attempting with CSS hasn’t been working.
Thank you in advance!
]]>I have been using FileBird Pro a year now, and i wanted to try Catfolders.
But i have encountered that i cannot create folders!
I do create a folder. I assign a name to it. I save a couple of pictures inside. Then i hit refresh and the folder is gone and the images are in Uncategorized folder.
I am willing to help to change fix this issue.
]]>When sorting by modified is activated the ascending or descending sort type doesn’t work.
Best regards.
]]>POST https://23.thomas-mueller-drawings.com/wp-json/CatFolders/v1/folders 404 (Not Found)
send @ load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5Bchunk_0%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,moxiejs,plupload&ver=6.4.3:2
ajax @ load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5Bchunk_0%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,moxiejs,plupload&ver=6.4.3:2
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Ke @ Material-xC54iZ89.js:208
createFolder @ Material-xC54iZ89.js:208
createFolder @ main-bXtX6WvU.js?ver=1:55
u @ main-bXtX6WvU.js?ver=1:55
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Dear users,
Since the initial version, CatFolders comes with 2 folder modes:
These settings can be found in CatFolders menu > Settings > Media Folder Access > User-Based Folders.
If you switch this user-based folder mode setting, your folders might disappear. However, you can just switch back to the previous mode to find all folders created in that mode.
If you want to keep a backup or merge user folders into common folders, please follow this guide: https://wpmediafolders.com/docs/settings/backup-restore-folders/
Through continuous development, we’ve found that the user-based folder structure doesn’t seem helpful to many site owners, as it interferes with “user-role-level folder access” features.
Also, in CatFolders Pro, we offer user role permissions so the admin can decide which user roles can edit media folders. We are also working on creating folders for pages, posts, and custom post types. These new features might not go along well with personal folder mode.
We have been thinking that the same folder structure will help all users on your site stay on the same page and understand each other better. Therefore, we plan on sunsetting the “User-based folders” mode.
Until then, please feel free to let us know if you have any suggestions.
Yours sincerely,
CatFolders Team
]]>Hello, does your plugin create a real folders that i can find thru my ftp and not just a virutal folder?
Regards B
Does it only work with the [mla_gallery] shortcode, or also the [mla_term_list] shortcode? And how do you determine the folder ID in order to add it to the shortcode attributes?
If I use your plugin to organize the images in the media library into folders, would these folders be created also in cPanel? At the moment by default they are by Month and Year both in the media library and in cPanel.
Thank you!