Hello Sir,
I saw your plugin, and liked it.
The challenge is that my website is an Elementor based website, with about 4 Elementor Addons. This normally will slow down my website.
In all, I already have 18 plugins. So I’m looking at minimizing my plugin use.
Since I want the feature that your plugin brings to WordPress, while wanting to reduce my plugin count at the same time, I therefore seem to make an unusual request of you:
Can you Please send me the raw code of the plugin– which I can enter it into functions.php without installing the plugin?
Needing to hear from you soon.
]]>I’m not sure why you put up this plugin as your own. I wrote this plugin in 2013 already and adjusted it ever since. It is for sale on https://codecanyon.net/item/category-colors/5587892 and I also support it. Please remove it asap or I will have to report this.
We have a theme where there are three different category colors. As we need more different colors for the categories we have installed the Category Color plugin. Unfortunately, are the colors not showing up.
We have tried to fix it but not been able to find where the problem is.
Please help us out.
Thank you and best regards,
This errors still persist
I the plugin on github, open for pullrequests?
]]>I can see the plugin appears in the post categories but I wanted to change the color of the product categories in the website. Is that possible?
Thank you
Greetings all,
I am dismayed after posting a new post to find after creating a new post that the Category field at the bottom of the post is in some pukey grey background color. All of my previous posts have the background color matching the black background of the rest of my theme. I am using the 2011 theme. I can not find anyway to change this in the settings for the post, and why the heck is it different from all my earlier posts?
To view problem please visit:
Hi, good night. I’m sorry for my English, I’m brazilian. I can not make the plugin work, it may be incompatible with the theme DeVoe? Can you give me some help? My email is andynramos (a) gmail (dot) com.
Thank you very much in advance.
I am using WPML.
It would be great if the color-field could be choosen as not-translated.
See here for more details:
The WPML support team suggested to apply to the Go-Global program,
are you willing to do so?
]]>ColorPicker doesn’t work ! when specify the color for the category, the color picker disappear !
I’ve been trying to use this for use in a custom template that uses another plugin to loop thru category posts and shuffles the posts around with ajax.
Been trying
$categories = get_the_category();
$separator = ' / ';
$output = '';
foreach($categories as $category) {
$rl_category_color = rl_color($category->cat_ID);
$output .= '<a href="'.get_category_link( $category->term_id ).'" style="color:'.$rl_category_color.';">'.$category->cat_name.'</a>'.$separator;
echo trim($output, $separator);
but thats not working.
I’ve also tried `<?php
$category = get_the_category();
$the_category_id = $category[0]->cat_ID;
$rl_category_color = rl_color($the_category_id);
and I’ve confirmed it gets thru the If Function Exists by hard coding a color into it, but if I post it as it is now it just returns an empty value.
Any ideas?
]]>I did install and apply the Category Color plugin, but I cannot see any color displayed on the category and / or on the post title
How does it work?
Sorry, Im not a developer
(scrool down) I would liek to differenciatte any differentiate category post with colors
Hello Sirs,
thank you for your great plugin.
I’am using WordPress 4.4 multisite and unfortunately get some errors from the plugin
Notice: Undefined property: RadLabs_Category_Colors::$js in /…/htdocs/…/wp-content/plugins/category-color/rl_category_color.php on line 75
Notice: Undefined property: RadLabs_Category_Colors::$css in /…/htdocs/…/wp-content/plugins/category-color/rl_category_color.php on line 57
Notice: Undefined index: desc in /…/htdocs/…/wp-content/plugins/category-color/rl_category_color.php on line 126
Is there a conflict with the new term metadata of WP 4.4?
Thank you for yur help
Hi, i need your help with inserting your code into another one through a function/filter
this is the code so far, it displays fine but it cannot retrieve the color set in category options
// Category option checked
if ($instance['stats_tag']['category']) {
$rl_category_color = rl_color($category->cat_ID);
$post_cat = get_the_category($popular->id);
$post_cat = (isset($post_cat[0]))
? '<a class="reddish" href="'.get_category_link($post_cat[0]->term_id).'"style="background-color:'.$rl_category_color.';">'.$post_cat[0]->cat_name.'</a>'
: '';
if ($post_cat != '') {
$stats[] = '<span class="wpp-category">' . sprintf(__('under %s', 'wordpress-popular-posts'), $post_cat) . '</span>';
Obviously it missing something or perhaps has some incorrect code, would you help figure it out?
My web page that I’m working on is https://www.creativitynest.com/home
]]>Hi, after hours and hours of work I made it work and I’m saying hours because I’m not a web designer by all means, just someone who wants to make a good looking website with the help of google. Well anyway.
I managed to make it work, but can you help with a little thingy?
Instead of making the link colored I chose to make the background colored. Also managed to make the text white, but can’t seem to make the text white on hover too. Can you give it a look and tell how to to do it?
It’s pretty basic but can’t seem to make it work.
Link is https://www.creativitynest.com/home/
Thank you in advance.
]]>First of all, great plugin, nice work.
And it would be pretty cool to have colors on custom post types too ??
]]>Hi everyone,
I’m very happy about this plugin, and I found the code and instructions clear and easy to use even if I am not a developer.
I’ve used it on this website https://modelexpoitaly.it/, to add colors to the news categories.
Now, i created a Custom Post Type and a Custom Taxonomy, I tried to apply category color to the custom taxonomy, but I see that the function applies to the base categories of wordpress and i didn’t manage to build something that can work for any taxonomies.
What should I do to make it work? I guess it’s something pretty easy for a developer, and might be useful to other people out there.
Thanks in advance for the support!
I am wondering if it is at all possible to instead of changing each category font color, change the background area of the category while the font color stays white. So then each category would show up as a colored rectangle with the category text inside it.
]]>Eyh dudes!
Your plugin seems really fine, I would like to use it. Sadly, what I need is a more complicated than adding color styles in my PHP templates. I would rather have your plugin generate some classes for each category, such as
.category-ID-color {
color: the_color !important;
.category-ID-background {
background-color: the_color !important;
I saw this functionality has already been asked around, so it might be a good thing to add it.
I need to find a workaround, but I’m a bit lost with the hooks. Could you tell me to which hook I should add a ‘add_action’ if I want to create a function to generate my CSS by calling your theme after a category is created or modified, please?
Anyway, thanks for the plugin, and keep up the good work!
]]>It’s a great plugin. I suspect not many people use it because your instructions (FAQ) on how to insert the code is very confusing ??
You give 2 codes:
$categories = get_the_category();
$separator = ‘ / ‘;
$output = ”;
foreach($categories as $category) {
$rl_category_color = rl_color($category->cat_ID);
$output .= ‘term_id ).'” style=”color:’.$rl_category_color.’;”>’.$category->cat_name.’‘.$separator;
echo trim($output, $separator);
$categories = get_the_category();
$separator = ”;
$output = ”;
foreach($categories as $category) {
$rl_category_color = rl_color($category->cat_ID);
$output .= ‘<div class=”featured-cat” style=”color:’.$rl_category_color.’;”>’.$category->cat_name.'</div>’.$separator;
echo trim($output, $separator);
And what about themes that do not have <?php the_category(); ?> function? Include a solution to where and which code to use.
As of right now, you are the only one who understands your FAQ, because you know code. The majority of us do not. When you write instructions, try to think like a regular user (and not as a programmer.) You could explain it to someone else and have them write the instructions in a clear way. It’s OK ??
Trust me, if you re-write the FAQ in plain, simple and correct English (have someone proofread what you write) then you will have tons of downloads ??
It’s a great plug in. I hope you clarify your FAQ.
Thank you.
first let me just say that this plugin is amazing and thankyou for making it! It has made my designs much more user friendly with my clients.
However, I am having a problem with some of the pages on my site are not displaying the category colour.
If you have a look at https://iampressmagazine.com/ you will see that the following categories are not displaying the colour –
Thankyou for your assistance.
]]>Hello, So I’m trying to achieve colored category link lists, outside the loop.
I’m currently using this bit of code to display the categories in a navigation bar:
$categoriesListNav = str_replace( '<br />', '', wp_list_categories( 'style=none&echo=0' ));
echo $categoriesListNav;
I’ve tried some different methods that seemed like they made sense syntactically but didn’t work out and now I’m stumped.
]]>how can you use it with product categories (woocommerce) ?
thanks in advance
]]>This plugin is absolutely amazing, but its giving me a colour code with two “#” signs instead of one, making it invalid. E.g. ##ede625.
Any idea on how I fix this problem?
]]>Hi, I’d like to have different categories’ colors in the home page but I can’t understand where I have to insert php code I should insert in the template.
The site is https://pickandpopculture.it
]]>Dear developers,
I thanks for your plugin, it’s useful.
I have feedback about display column color to easy select color, when I create new category or edit it.
I expect it.
Thanks you
Best regards