I tried but It does not work with the lastest of WordPress 5.03
It still work with Wp 4.5 of earlier version.
Please help!
Hi there, I just want to find out if this plugin is still working with the latest release of WordPress? Are there any problems with it?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Hi there,
just see the discussion on trac, as I thought it was wordpress behaviour at first.
Strict Standards: Non-static method Category_Checklist::init() should not be called statically in /mec_Author_Box/include/Category-Order.php on line 136
class Category_Checklist {
public static function init() {
add_action('add_meta_boxes', array(__CLASS__, 'replace_box'));
// adapted from wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php
public function replace_box($post_type) {
foreach ( get_object_taxonomies($post_type) as $tax_name ) {
$taxonomy = get_taxonomy($tax_name);
if ( !$taxonomy->show_ui || !$taxonomy->hierarchical )
$label = isset($taxonomy->label) ? esc_attr($taxonomy->label) : $tax_name;
remove_meta_box($tax_name . 'div', $post_type, 'side');
// don't use 'core' as priority
add_meta_box($tax_name . 'div', $label, array(__CLASS__, 'meta_box'), $post_type, 'side', 'default', array( 'taxonomy' => $tax_name ));
add_action('admin_footer', array(__CLASS__, 'script'));
// Scrolls to first checked category
public function script() {
this is a static class call and the code has none static functions
part of the updated code above
]]>Hello, Thank you for the great plugin, I tested it in MENUS (Appearance> Menus) in the admin, but when we click on the “View All” tab, the categories are not hierarchically organized.
Could you please make your plugin work on the Menus Page too?
Many thanks in advance.
]]>Can you create tag in svn, please? Because version 1.3 is in trunk only
I’m using WordPress 3.3.2, just installed your plugin v.1.3-beta. The categories are behaving as always, selected one jumps up to the top out of it’s parent.
Am I missing something? Is there anything else I need to do to get it working?
I disabled all other plugins to see if that made a difference and still no go.
Appreciate any help, this is exactly what I’ve been looking for.
I am using custom meta box for a hierarchical taxonomy and i am removing default taxonomy meta box with remove_meta_box. But plugin ignoring remove_meta_box and showing that taxonomy’s default metabox
How can i fix that?
In WordPress 3.2.1, using ‘high’ as priority for the Categories meta box results in it being placed above the Publish meta box. I’ve fixed this by changing it to ‘default’.
]]>By making any modification to this plugin. It could also fix the order / hierarchy of the categories when it comes to putting together a MENU (Appearance> Menu) in the admin area?
Thanks for advanced…
]]>Thanks for posting this plugin. It’s a great fix for that annoying wordpress behavior of breaking the category tree.
]]>When I use this pluging and I want to use wp_list_categories with an &exclude=1 (or any other category ID) then this category is shown where it should be hidden.
]]>@scribu, thanks for this plugin.
I still think that the this should be the default UI behavior, even if having a lo of categories but a lot of sub-categories, too – it very confuses as one just can’t know which category is child of who, especially if there are some children or grand-children categories, with the same name….
I hope that #3130 enhancement idea will go to the core. Do you know if there are plans to put such a feature in the core?