Rating: 1 star
In primul rand NU functioneaza cu ultimele versiuni de woocommerce in sensul ca NU apare meniul de generare awb, iar in al 2-lea rand cred ca ar fi fost normal sa raspunda la mesajele utilizatorilor si sa incerce sa rezolve BUG-urile raportate.
]]>Rating: 2 stars
Dupa cum a mai scris cineva, iti ingreuneaza vizibil raspunsul site-ului, mai ales in admin. Avantajul este ca poti genera rapid awb-uri, dar doar atat
]]>Rating: 1 star
Pe lang? m?g?riile care au loc ?n pagina ce checkout, unde sunt modificate campurile ?i sunt f?cute multe conexiuni puturoase cu serverul lor, ?ngreuneaz? viteza general? a website-ului ?i chiar poate s? ?l crape ?n func?ie de ce update mai apare la WooCommerce.
Este foarte instabil ?i foarte lent.
Rating: 1 star
I don’t know when this started but it became more and more disturbing. Why they need admin rights to my site when the error can be seen from any browser as simple user?
More and more plugin developers are asking for it, as there is not GDPR regulation and many sensitive data on the sites, and can give access to everybody as they ask for.
Please setup a test environment by yourself if you need it and stop disturbing the clients with giving you admin right on their sites.
In this particular case pissed me off for an error where the Postal Code can not be calculated if you enter the number 1 (ONE) as the street number (Country, County, City and Street name being corect filled in advance).
Have told them about the issue even with prescreens from the Chrome browser in developer mode. Have explained that it can be reproduced in any client browser as user and not need any admin right to see the bug.
Just put the Chrome browser in developer mode and check the box to break on any uncatched error. Open the cart page and fill the address information puting number 1 (ONE) as street number. This will triger the error and the debugger will stop on it. Then you just move the breakpoint to the beginning of the function and refresh the page. Analize the data, execute the function step by step and you can see where is the error and how can be fixed.
So please, just stop wasting the others time with the incompetence of the commercial department and just pass the tickets to the developers, because in 90% of the time the errors can be reproduced and solved without the need of site admin access.
]]>Rating: 3 stars
A fost o surpriz? pl?cut? s? descop?r c? au f?cut ?i ei o integrare ?i au urcat-o ?n repo-ul de WP, desigur era mai bine s? ne ?i fi anun?at (ca ?i dev/integratori/clien?i).
Pentru versiunea 1.0.1 am ?ntalnit urm?toarele 3 probleme (majore) + 1 simplu bug:
1. ship & go este slab construit?, se blocheaz? browser-ul din cauza num?rului ENORM de mare de elemente DOM (550k+ elemente) pe care le introduce ?n browser atunci cand aduce harta ?i loca?iile; deci nu recomand s? folosi?i aceast? op?iune deoarece o s? se blocheze checkout-ul la utilizatori
2. obligativitatea codului po?tal, dac? nu exist? nu po?i s? generezi AWB; cand o s? fie codul po?tal scris pe buletinul clientului, atunci ar trebui cerut obligatoriu ?n rest nu; eu mi-am rezolvat problema asta prin a defini 000000 dac? este gol codul po?tal din comand?, sper s? vedem un update ?i de la autori.
3. documenta?ia este inexistent? (nu merg link-urile)
iar ca bonus:
4. interfa?a nu este chiar cea mai prietenoas?/intuitiv?:
4.1 nu ai buton dedicat de generare awb, ai ?n selectorul de ac?iuni op?iune de creare, ?tergere sau print (prost organizate, po?i u?or s? selecteze operatorul gre?it)
4.2. dup? fiecare ac?iune selectat?, trebuie s? o trimi?i ?i s? a?tep?i r?spuns
4.3 ajungi s? faci un total de 2 selec?ii + 2 click doar pentru a scoate awb (?n condi?ii ideale), fa?? de un buton clasic cum se vede ?n restul industriei ?n care ??i iese direct awb-ul la un singur click (f?r? alte interac?iuni).
Kudos pentru op?iunea de bulk, am testat un pic ?i acolo este mai OK, pentru comenzile invalide le sare ?i ??i vine mesaj c? s-a generat doar pentru comenzile x ?i y, nu ?i z (f?r? s? zic? motivul).