Hi, in Poll Statistics you have error, please check
Notice: Undefined index: label in ..\wp-content\plugins\cardoza-wordpress-poll\app\views\CWPViewStats.class.php on line 15
Your plugin is using a deprecated WordPress function in file: cardozawppoll.php on line 105 and line 179.
Please update your plugin to conform with WordPress standards.
Thank you.
I would like to hide ‘See All Poll Results’ in the widget. How to achieve this?
]]>I have a large list of answers (300) is it possible to import them into a poll.
Thank you for sharing your plugin!
However when testing locally the poll was blocked after one vote, due to the lack of an option to unblock.
Could you add the following options:
1. blocking: never (for testing purpose)
2. blocking: IP address AND cookies (more secure)
I would appreciate your help very much. Thanks again for this straitforward plugin!
Dear author
how can use the plugin for other languages?
I have a simple poll on https://www.drachsi.com/business-owners/ the Poll works but shows no count and has this message under the Poll.
“Notice: Undefined variable: count in /home/drachsi/public_html/wp-content/plugins/cardoza-wordpress-poll/cardozawppoll.php on line 337”
What could the problem be?
Every time when i use word with polish characters in “question block” and others blocks, plug change this haracters it to “?”. For example: wp?yw -> wp?yw,
Is there any way to insert polls by code in the sidebar? I’m not using widgets.
Thank you for this plugin. I do need some more feature in it. Is it possible to add
1) There should be option to show results with different kind of graphs e.g Pie chart, vertical bars etc
2) I want comment option on poll result page, so people can give their opinion on the final result.
Any idea, how can I add them now in the present version. Is wordpress comments template function works ?
I have seen good reviews about WordPress Poll and would have two questions.
1. How does WordPress Poll prevent that People do not vote more that on time by IP-Filtering or cookies?
2. Is WordPress also available as widget for WordPress
Thank you very much for your answer.
That would help me in the decision making.
]]>I created the translations files .po and the .mo and I renamed them to cardozapolldomain-ar_AR.mo and cardozapolldomain-ar_AR.po in the plugin languages folder. But I still I did not get these translation over the website. Any idea why is not working.
]]>Hi there!
I can’t seem to use an apostrophe cause the plugin will add at least one \. Sometimes a lot more. How can I fix this besides writing the words completely.
Example: She’s
Plugin: She\\\’s
Can your poll not only be embedded on a self-hosted WebPress.org site, but intermingled with non-polling material? For example, if I have a series of articles and want each article followed by a short poll about the article, I assume that I either would have many short polls, sometimes with more than one poll on the same page, or, if possible, I would have the same poll on discontinuous pages. In either case the user would have to have easy links back and forth from the each article to the poll—I say “easy” because too much of a navigational burden would discourage participation. In any event, answers should be recorded after each question since few users would be expected to answer all questions.
Secondly, each user—identified by name, password, and maybe IP address—should be able to take the poll only once. Can users authenticated on my site automatically be authenticated for the poll, with no further logon needed?
If I am forced to have a series of separate polls, it would be good, but not imperative if the results could be totaled by each authenticated user.
How many of the above requirements can your software meet, please? For simplicity, though at your option, you might want to answer Yes-No for the following:
1. Multiple short polls, with some on the same page?
2. Single poll on discontinuous pages?
3. Easy, bidirectional links between articles and questions?
4. Password for my site automatically inherited by embedded poll?
5. Results for separate polls totaled by same user?
If your software is not suitable for this application, I would be glad to learn of other plugins/widgets that you might want to suggest. Thanks in advance.
]]>WE are having a problem with people occasionally being able to double vote. We have asked them how they did it, and it was always on the same machine, and because they got no notification that their vote was counted and the page comes back so they vote again.
Cuando un Visitante INGRESA al Sitio ve la Encuesta Resuelta Con La CANTIDAD Votaciones, porcentajes y no deja Votar a Los Nuevos Visitantes del site.
Consulta: Como hago Para Qué muestre la Encuesta sin Resultados y permita Votar Cada Vez Que se Ingrese al Sitio ?
Saludos. Muchas gracias!!!
Website: https://www.cheerleadingblog.com/
For some strange reason the poll has started messing up my tab widget (causing it to all 4 tabs to show at the same time). I’m running 3.6.1 but will be running 3.8 soon. I just started a new poll and now I can’t vote. When I try, the widget reloads with my home page in the widget. Seriously, WTF! This just started happening today. Also the vote I made is not recorded.
I’ve made no changes to the blog or the plugin recently. The poll has been scheduled for many months. The only thing I can think of is the update I did to the plugin back in early November. The poll running today is the first poll to start after that update.
I’m also running a version of my blog on a dev. site using 3.8 and I also have the same problems. I’ve checked in Firefox, Chrome and IE – all have the same problems.
Please help… I love your polling plugin.
]]>Plugin version 35.0
0 votes is indicated as -1% and shows 100% gray bar in results.
Old topic about this was closed and no solution was given.
Please tell me is there a way to fix this problem? Or a workaround?
It is iresponsible to publish plugin that is unusable. WordPress should delete plugins like this from its web. You are not even trying to solve a problem. Old post is a year old and there is no solution.
So far, this is how the pool looks:
How can i apply custom stylesheet to look similar to this one?
Thanks for the help and have a nice day!
]]>I’ve just started using this, and I noticed that if someone abuses the poll, there’s no way to filter out that abuse. Or am I missing that?
How can one edit the results of a live poll to remove abuse from users? Tkx.
]]>Plugin does not support Arabic language?
i did everything necessary to set up the archive page:
“created a page, copies “[page_polls]” in it, named the slug, copied the url into the widget/option filed, saved”
still, the link to the archive does not work and instead displays “[page_polls]”
Any help would be much appreciated!
]]>Plugin works fine, thanks, I have a problem with the styling, the questions are scrunched right up against the check box and the vote button doesnt have any padding above.
It just doesnt look right.
I have looked through the css and cant seem to find the problem or answer.
Any help to how to style so it looks correct?
]]>How to correct too big gap between radio buttons and text
]]>I’m having problems..don’t know is this plugin uses UTF-8 – seems that it’s doesn’t cause i enter char which is in win-1257 and it doesn’t display it. it shows ?
Also version 34 but there is no link to edit poll without entering poll number? what is that? it’s stone age man ?? I love your plugin but common..enterring poll number?? ??
]]>Seems there was some type of update with jquery coding and the short code no longer works on our site. Is there any fix or update for this?
I’m not able to get the plug-in to show on my site. I think it is something to do with the status which is ‘not yet opened’. I have tried changing the date but the status does not change.
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
]]>Since updating to WP 3.5 and WP Poll to the latest version, I am getting a lot of 404 redirect errors. My site is https://waynecochran.net/. Here is a sample error I am getting from the 404 Redirected plugin:
A user tried to go to https://waynecochran.net/wp-content/plugins/cardoza-wordpress-poll/public/css/images/ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png and received a 404 (page not found) error. It wasn’t their fault, so try fixing it.
They came from https://waynecochran.net/wp-admin/admin.php?page=cwp_poll
]]>I thought I would share what I’ve done so far. I like the way you’ve done some of your code, it’s easy to read. I wanted to be able to have my users vote once per day. I edited the cardozawppoll.php and changed the $lock_by = $option_value[‘poll_lock’]; section to
$lock_by = $option_value['poll_lock'];
if(empty($lock_by)) $lock_by = 'cookies';
if($lock_by == 'cookies'){
$today_date = date("Ymd");
$status = $cwp->getPollIPLogged($poll->id);
foreach($status as $status_piece){
$polldates[] = $status_piece->polledtime;
$most_recent_polldate = max($polldates);
$checktime = date("Ymd", $most_recent_polldate);
if($today_date - $checktime > 0){
showPollFormSC($vars, $polldates);
toggleResultsVotes($poll->id, $vars);
else displayPollResults($vars);
elseif(isset($_COOKIE['cwppoll'.$poll->id])) displayPollResults($vars);
showPollFormSC($vars, $polldates);
toggleResultsVotes($poll->id, $vars);
Since the ip address and timestamp was already being recorded in the database I just used your existing code to pull the timestamp, compare it to today’s date and if the difference is greater than zero to let the user vote. If that isn’t the case then it runs the existing conditionals.
I only applied it to when we are locking by cookies because of my voting requirements (and honestly it will still compare the ip address to get the timestamp so it would make more sense in the ip address section but at least you get the idea) and it could very easily be adapted.
I would appreciate it if you could tear my code apart and tell me what I could do better, I’m only an intermediate (arguable to novice I suppose) when it comes to php.
Also I have only done limited testing. If it breaks…. sorry.
]]>I would like to use this for online voting system and we would prefer that the results not be visible until we reveal them at the end.
Could you give me any help on what to edit so that the poll questions just disappear after voting and maybe say “thank you” but don’t display the results?
I just need to know where to edit.
Thank you in advance.