Hi there!
After php and WordPress update posts started to copy with publish status instead of draft. How can I fix it?
WP version: 6.2
PHP version: 8.2
Carbon Copy version: 1.3.0
Thank you!
The featured images are not being copied so when the original product is removed the image is missing
I use the free Polylang translating plugin. And I want to make copies of pages and then indicate these copied pages to different languages in Polylang. This is working.
But, after that, when I use Polylang to link different pages in different languages, just as to indicate different home pages in different languages, Polylang can’t retrieve these pages from some languages.
I know it’s very nasty or difficult to explain my problem.
I don’t wait for a solution here from Carbon Copy. I already found a working solution with an other page and post duplicate plugin. But I need also an other menu duplicate plugin. Carbon Copy should all do, but it seems not to work also with Polylang. ??