Rating: 1 star
Like the others: it doesn’t do what you expect.
Rating: 1 star
Besides, there is a setting inside swift – clear cache mode: action based. It clears itself after each update.
]]>Rating: 2 stars
The description says: “Adds a button to the bottom of front-end pages so you can force cache creation of any site page without waiting for it to build manually.”
OK, first of all, the Plugin really adds a button to the admin-panel in the WP-frontend. I didn’t try the option with deactivated admin-panel where the button should show up at the botoom of each page. But I think it also works. First star.
If you click the button the Swift Performance cache is cleared. Second star.
But it is completely cleared. You start a complete cache rebuilding process, which can take several hours with big pages or Woocommerce-Shops with a few thousand items. Damn, this is p.i.t.a…
Maybe exacly this is meant in the description but not said. OK, to be honest, not what I read… to be even more honest, I think the real problem is a misunderstandable description (maybe only for non native speakers) in combination with my just average knowlege of the english language.
But I read kind of: Press the “magic button” an only the cache of this SINGLE page/post/article/whatever is refreshed. Not the damn whole Website.
THIS function would be really useful. In fact Swift Performance already supports refreshing single items (even the Lite-Version), but you can only do this within the Swift-Dashboard. Really fuzzy.
I deleted the plugin, ’cause it only provides a function I already have. As long as the admin-panel is activated I can clear the cache with the Swift-Menu and don’t need one more plugin. So it is totally useless for my way of working with WP an Swift Performance.