does it support to display bbpress Topics with excerpts and featured pictures?
after testing, it does not work, did I miss anything?
Any comments on this matter would be highly appreciated.
Thanks a lot, have a nice day.
Can the buddypress group user choose posts from a list as featured content including thumbnails and when, how many posts can be shown in the widget of one group?
Best thanks for all reply,
Hi there
First up, I love CAC featured content, great plugin.
I’m trying to use the ID field to add an ID to each of the featured members, however it isn’t displaying the ID on the front end. Here is how the code is coming out:
div class="cfcw-content">
<img src="https://sitename/wordpressdirectory/wp-content/uploads/avatars/21/1ef7a57acd15f9113f99390c9e43fb07-bpfull.jpg" class="avatar user-21-avatar avatar-191 photo" width="191" height="187" alt="Avatar Image" />
<p class="cfcw-title"><a href="https://sitename/wordpressdirectory/members/username/" title="Jon Miller">Jon Miller</a></p>
<h3 class='widgettitle'></h3>
<p class="more">
any ideas on how to get the ID showing?
]]>first off, thank you for releasing this to the public, it’s working great in a new multisite install.
however, just wondering if there are any future updates, can i make a few requests?
1. option to have the widget title, featured item description, and photo in either a left, center, or right layout
2. option to bold the text for both title and description
3. or an option to use css to modify those items..even though i’m just starting to learn programming ??
]]>Hi there
I’m using the featured members function within a widget on the home page.
I’d like to make the image of the widget a link to the users profile, just like the username, can you let me know how to do this?
I assume this is in cac-featured-member.php
]]>Please give us an optional field to add a CSS class instead of only h1…h6 – the theme I’m using has special widget title classes:
You can see that the horizontal line is missing below “Neu im Blog” because it should have h4.widgetTitle and not only h4.
]]>Please give us a checkbox below “Enter featured resource link:” to add target=”blank” for an URL.
]]>I tried to use the Featured Resource setting with v1.0.3 and a link to Vimeo (the BuddyCamp 2012 movie). Did a screenshot of that movie and put it via ftp on my server:
I have these dimensions (210×118) in the fields for Image Width and Image Height but the image does only show up as Avatar:
]]>Hi there,
Thank you for a great plugin.
Could you please explain how to use the plugin in details (example if you have please)? I searched and searched but could not find any documentation about it.
For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to use it (especially: Resource – what do you mean in this case?!?) ??
Thank you.