Thank you for creating this plugin! Couple of things would make it awesome…
The message showing the price doesn’t allow any HTML like a whats app link etc.
So in cab-grid.php how about this change please? wp_kses_post is the sanitization/escaping for html in a form field…
function cabGrid_sanitize_options_loose( $options ) { // called from register_settings in admin
foreach ( $options as $key => &$value ) {
//changed by Andy Moyle
$value = wp_kses_post(stripslashes( $value ));
return $options;
also cab-grid-form.php line 13 would be better using wpautop instead of nl2br
$cabGridMessage='<div class=”cabGridMessage”>’.wpautop($cabGridMessage).'</div>’;
Lastly there is a horrific lack of esc_html() and esc_attr() to escape output
]]>Hello, I have installed the free version to test but notice that the form is not responsive. when the screens size diminishes, the field overlap instead of moving to next line. Can this be fixed ?
]]>Thanks for this great and useful plug-in!! It’s possible to customize the plugin to use it with bus fares and include departure hours? Thanks!!!
Il existe une petite erreur d’affichage lorsqu’on sélectionne le menu déroulant il passe en dessous du texte alors que ce devrait en 1er plan.
Cela ne concerne que le second choix, l’affichage du premier étant correct.
Ce que l’on a:
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