Good morning Everyone,
this plugin is fantastic and we’re using for several websites.
I was wondering if you’re planning to release an update soon because I can see some deprecated errors in my dashboard:
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property C3_CloudFront_Cache_Controller\Invalidation_Service::$cf_service is deprecated in?/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mywebsite/wp-content/plugins/c3-cloudfront-clear-cache/classes/Invalidation_Service.php?on line?68
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property C3_CloudFront_Cache_Controller\Invalidation_Service::$notice is deprecated in?/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mywebsite/wp-content/plugins/c3-cloudfront-clear-cache/classes/Invalidation_Service.php?on line?69
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property C3_CloudFront_Cache_Controller\Cron_Service::$cf_service is deprecated in?/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mywebsite/wp-content/plugins/c3-cloudfront-clear-cache/classes/Cron_Service.php?on line?51
thank you for your attention and in the meantime, I wish you a good rest of the day!
Hi. I absolutely love this plugin! So helpful, thanks!
I was just wondering though if you might be able to update the plugin to add a “Clear All Cache” button to the black top admin bar, so that I don’t have to keep navigating to Settings > CloudFront Settings every time I want to clear the cache? (Yeah, I know, I’m lazy! LOL!).
We’ve found an issue in the use of both C3 and NinjaForm.
When a form is submitted and C3 is enabled, the form submission does not work and an error 500 is thrown.
From log that is stored in DB, the issue seems to be related with AWS SDK.
Cannot declare interface NF_FU_VENDOR\Aws\AwsClientInterface, because the name is already in use
Any idea about that?
]]>It looks like we might be having issues with the latest 6.1.5. Where can we get the download for 6.1.1
]]>When next official C3 Cloudfront Cache Controller will be released?
(Current official version is version 6.1.1.)
]]>We encountered following exception from CloudFront. We doesnot change any php source code for 1years. Thus, we are not sure why path is judged as “invalid invalidation paths “.
I have attached exception log.
Could someone suggest any possible reason?
[12-Dec-2022 04:13:25 UTC] exception ‘Aws\CloudFront\Exception\CloudFrontException’ with message ‘Error executing “CreateInvalidation” on “”; AWS HTTP error: Client error: POST
resulted in a 400 Bad Request
Sender< (truncated…) InvalidArgument (client. – ): Your request contains one or more invalid invalidation paths SenderInvalidArgument
Your request contains one or more invalid invalidation paths.a1fc1ecd-18c3-4780-929f-20543c30ed1f’
Hi Support,
When cache is cleared for any post/page, the RDS DB connections are increased up to 850 or sometimes more than that and website goes down. We are unable to access admin panel and frontend when website goes down.
We are using “6.1.3” version of plugin.
Could you please help here to resolve this issue?
After I updated WordPress to version 5.8.3, the plugin stopped clearing the cache after publishing or updating posts. It was working before the update.
Clearing using the button “Flush All Cache” still works but it is not an ideal solution.
There are currently no errors logged but I did received a notification of this error a little while ago.
エラータイプ E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR が /wp-content/plugins/c3-cloudfront-clear-cache/classes/WP/Hooks.php ファイルの 29 行目で発生しました。 エラーメッセージ: Argument 1 passed to C3_CloudFront_Cache_Controller\WP\Hooks::apply_filters() must be an instance of C3_CloudFront_Cache_Controller\WP\string, string given, called in /wp-content/plugins/c3-cloudfront-clear-cache/classes/Invalidation_Service.php on line 104 and defined
I hope you can help me.
Thank you
I started doing tests with the plugin and seems to be working really well.
However I would like to request to add support (option to activate this feature or make it default behaviour) for invalidating cache of only modified pages + eventually archive pages (if post is modified or published).
In many cases it is best if not modified pages are still cached because it doesn’t make sense to clear their cache.
It would be also good to have extra option where we could configure which pages always need to be invalidated on modifications of any page – for example a good example for this is the frontpage + archive page + taxonomy pages.
In many cases those pages have dynamic content and if someone publishes a new post, then this change must be refleced in frontend grid for example or news/blog page.
That’s why it would be good to have option to define which pages to be invlaidated all the time when something new is published or modified or deleted.
Everything else must keep their cache until they get modified, like that cache utilization and serving from cache used as much as possible.
Please let us know if there is a possibility to get such feature implemented. It would be really great!
Thank you for your great work and good plugin!
Best regards,
Ali Nebi
Can you please help me with the following queries that I encountered while trying to work with C3 Cloudfront Cache Controller
1) Is WordPress 5.4 compatible to C3 Cloudfront Cache Controller plugin?
2) If we are updating multiple post from wordpress admin panel, how many invalidation request will be created in CloudFront?
3) Can we customise c3 Cloudfront Cache controller plugin ? Can make the post update reload happen only once the invalidation request gets its response.
]]>From a security standpoint once the Key and Secret are saved it would be ideal if it was not displayed. At the very least the secret should stay that. Thank you for your consideration.
]]>Hi, we are getting this error when clearing cache:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined class constant 'VERSION' in phar:///var/www/vhosts/
I was able to identify that the conflict is with woocommerce-bookings plugin and Guzzle library. I tried replacing the sdk with the last version but new errors appears. I wonder if there is a way to encapsulate the sdk to avoid this kind of collisions?
]]>We are getting the following error message in the error logs:
Found 2 errors while validating the input provided for the CreateInvalidation operation:\n[DistributionId] is missing and is a required parameter\n[InvalidationBatch] is missing and is a required parameter\n)\n
Please advise.
I discovered that after using CloudFront with c3, admin bar is not showing anymore on regular URLs when user is logged on.
If checking without CloudFront, it shows as expected.
Any idea?
Thanks in advance
]]>I have users that should not have admin access to our site but that do need to be able to manually invalidate the cache. Currently, in module>view>menus.php, you’re limiting the Cloudfront Settings page to administrators only.
Would you consider opening this up to users with the permission “edit_others_posts” so that WordPress editors can access the Flush All Cache button? Alternatively, a toolbar button to flush the cache would work…
Nice plugin.
I have a question.
When adding IAM user which existing IAM policy should we attach to the user?
Should I add “IAMAccessAnalyzerFullAccess” to the IAM user I created?
Please advise.
]]>Hi there,
Is there any way to control the load of the AWS library, so that it only runs during its own cron jobs/ interface? Currently it loads on plugins_loaded, which is a bit eager?
Let me know your thoughts – thanks for the great plugin.
]]>What version of the Cloudfront API does this use? The older versions of the Cloudfront API from prior to 2016 are being depreciated on June 6th, 2019 as per the below note from AWS:
On April 4, AWS announced via a Developer Forum post, that CloudFront will deprecate the oldest versions of the CloudFront API, specifically those dated prior to 2016, on Thursday, June 6, 2019. As CloudFront has evolved, new features and concepts (such as origin groups and support for SNI certificates) have been introduced that can’t be represented in the older APIs. To improve overall support and consistency for CloudFront developers we’re reducing the number of API versions we need to maintain.
Beginning on June 6, 2019 the listed versions of the CloudFront APIs will stop working and will instead return a “410: Gone” response code. To prevent disruption to any calling applications, we recommend that you upgrade applications that invoke these APIs as quickly as possible. If you have questions about this notice, please contact AWS Support.
]]>When I update a single post or page, the invalidation in AWS Console shows the Object Paths as “/*” so this means the full site is cleared when I only changed a single post or page. Am I doing something wrong?
]]>I tried deleting a page and I checked the invalidation details in CloudFront. It looks like the plugin is invalidating a renamed url instead of the original url. It is appending __trashed/* to the page/post url. So instead of invalidating /page-slug it is invalidating /page-slug__trashed/* which never existed in the cache so it’s not helpful.
]]>What is cached?
]]>When I look at the invalidation details when a post is created, the plugin is not clearing the /feed* url. It seems to me that the feed url should be treated like the home page url. That is, to clear the /feed* url on any post publish.
]]>It would be cool if this plugin had better multisite support. It would be nice to be able to enter credentials once for all sites in the network.
]]>I’m getting uncaught errors leading to 502 errors on menu/post saving when the distribution ID doesn’t exist. Please could you catch these errors in the next version?
In my nginx log I’m getting:
2018/05/31 13:36:14 [error] 18639#18639: *14760 FastCGI sent in stderr: “PHP message: Array
[0] => Error executing “CreateInvalidation” on “”; AWS HTTP error: Client error: POST
resulted in a 404 Not Found
<?xml version=”1.0″?>
<ErrorResponse xmlns=””><Error><Type>Sender</Type>< (truncated…)
NoSuchDistribution (client): The specified distribution does not exist. – <?xml version=”1.0″?>
<ErrorResponse xmlns=””><Error><Type>Sender</Type>NoSuchDistribution
<Message>The specified distribution does not exist.</Message></Error><RequestId>9673aed6-64d7-11e8-bdeb-b1d2a6983786</RequestId></ErrorResponse>
PHP message: PHP Warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /var/www/ on line 97
PHP message: PHP Warning: array_unique() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /var/www/ on line 98
PHP message: PHP Warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /var/www/ on line 98
PHP message: PHP Warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /var/www/ on line 97
PHP message: PHP Warning: array_unique() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /var/www/ on line 98
PHP message: PHP Warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /var/www/
Is it possible to define the AWS keys in the wp-config file? Thanks.
]]>Hey, I have a feature request. For my wordpress blog, the blog posts are on a page like this:
Can you add a field where we can provide a custom URL to invalidate when new posts are made?
]]>I am getting this error after upgrading:
Uncaught Error: Class 'XMLWriter' not found in phar:///var/www/MYSITE.COM/wp-content/plugins/c3-cloudfront-clear-cache/aws.phar/Guzzle/Service/Command/LocationVisitor/Request/XmlVisitor.php:198\nStack trace:\n#0 phar:///var/www/
This happens when I update a post. Is there something I need to enable in the server? Please help?
Plugin version: 5.1.0
]]>This plugin looks extremely useful, but I’m having some trouble getting it to work.
I have installed the latest version, and entered my access keys to connect it, but when I try to publish posts, or even select “Flush All Cache” from within the Cloudfront Settings screen, I get this error:
Fatal error: Class 'Aws\Common\Credentials\Credentials' not found in /home/mydocroot/wp-content/plugins/c3-cloudfront-clear-cache/module/model/client-v2.php on line 92
This is on a fresh WordPress install with no other plugins and running the Twenty Sixteen theme. This is not on an Amazon server, but a shared hosting account. Do I need some extra setup to get this working?