I’m seeing a lot of these errors after turning on WP debugging. Are we missing a setting or is this something that needs to be fixed in the plugin code?
[22-Jul-2013 19:41:01] PHP Notice: Undefined index: left_widgetize in /wp-content/plugins/byob-thesis-simple-header-widgets/includes/byobtshw_header_html.php on line 7
[22-Jul-2013 19:41:01] PHP Notice: Undefined index: right_widgetize in /wp-content/plugins/byob-thesis-simple-header-widgets/includes/byobtshw_header_html.php on line 8
]]>I just upgraded to the newest version of BYOB Thesis Simple Header Widgets and 3 hours later my site went down. I got the fatal error:
wp-content/themes/thesis_185/lib/classes/css.php on line 27
Any suggestions?
]]>Do the BYOD Thesis plugins work with a WordPress multisite?
I have a site with four sub directories.
Installed plugin on site admin and on first sub directory site, and when activated the plugin get
The plugin generated 971 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.
I also tried the short code plugin and get a similar message.
Any advice or workarounds for BYOB plugins on a multisite?