It would seem that there is no support for this plugin anymore – i will find another slider.
]]>please help
I have the box slider working. I want to make on small change.
The images loop until i hover my mouse over the image. I would like to images to continue to loop when I have my mouse over the image or not
I purchased the BxSlider WP Pro version to utilize the Carousel Options, which should allow for a slider to display multiple slides at one time. I installed the plugin by uploading the .zip folder provided during my purchase, which made the Pro Option tabs available for editing. However, any changes to the Pro Version tabs (Pager Options, Controls Options, Auto Options, Carousel Options) do not affect any of the sliders.
How can I get the Pro Version Options to be applied to my sliders?
]]>Starting today 6/20, my slider is scrolling at super speed. I did not change anything but suspect an update is responsible. How can I fix this? I have to pause the slider or remove it from the home page.
]]>The General Options under Get Slider code do nothing? Tried many options but nothing changes. What could be wrong?
]]>I am getting a PHP Fatal Error running BxSlider WP Pro 1.5.3
The error comes from line 119 of
Class ‘CycloneSlider_Crispin_RestClientWp’ not found
The block of code in this file looks like this:
protected function get_plugin_info(){
// Create client
$restClient = new CycloneSlider_Crispin_RestClientWp(
It looks like the author might have copied the code from his/her other plugin called CycloneSlider
To fix I am editing the line
$restClient = new CycloneSlider_Crispin_RestClientWp(
$restClient = new BxSliderWp_Crispin_RestClientWp(
I hope the author releases an update.
]]>images show but not automatically sliding…Ive tried deactivating other plugins in case there is a conflict but that didn’t make any difference. please help!
]]>Want to do full-screen slide and need to remake structure:
<li><img src="image.jpg"/></li>
<ul><li style="background: url('image.jpg')"></ul>
Is it possible by this plugin?
And what i need to change to make it possible?
when I choose “include image captions” and I put in a caption in the caption text-field, the captions doesn`t show up. Can someone help me?
I wonder if anyone has a step by step of how to set the code this plugin?
I have the pro version and have attempted to contact you via the Codefleet contact page as well as replying to the Order confirmation email to no avail.
There are a number of issues regarding the pro version. First 1.5.1 says there is an update available to 1.5.2 however there is no actual update available.
Also widgets in the dashboard fail to load while the plugin is enabled.
]]>The images show too big for the screen on the iphone and ipad. Just a little if the device is held horizontally but enough to crop important parts of the image off and a lot if the device is held vertically.
Any advice on how to have the images fit the viewer width would be greatly appreciated.
site can be seen at
I have BxSlider WP installed but is not working auto play.
How do I load the page when the Slider automatically run?
[ ]’s Robison
]]>I just updated the plugin and the php template tag that I was using to insert my slider has stopped working. It was:
<?php if( function_exists('bxslider') ) bxslider('home'); ?>
I’ve found a workaround using:
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[bxslider id="home"]' ) ?>
Just more of a heads up rather rather than a question. Not ruling out a problem with my site though.
]]>It concerns a slider on the website of a client of mine: You can see the slider on the homepage.
It has worked fine for some time. But now, it does not display the second slide (a flame on a match) any more. When you click the ‘next’ arrow, the slider kind of skips through this one and then displays the third slide (group of people).
Can you tell what the problem is and how I can solve it?
Thanks in advance
]]>On a regular basis though not every time when you click to open a gallery all that opens up is a white screen. If I go back to that gallery a second time and try again it usually opens no issue. Of course I don’t want my visitors having to try and figure that out.
This happens in Chrome, Safari and Firefox. Other browsers are untested. The site can be seen at
I am writing to the theme developers and so far they are simply telling me they are not experiencing any issues at their end. I have enough feedback from others here in Australia and the U.S that shows that I am not alone though. Given that they are busy with support replies are not always fast so hoping someone here can help out.
The site so far has a lot of dummy content as I get things worked out and is not yet my main site though if I can get it all working it will soon be.
The theme does have the latest version of bxslider
Thanks guys.
]]>I purchased BX slider pro and I am testing it before employing on a site. I have three slides. When it gets to the second slide it shows it for a second and then shows the third. The second button is lit. When it rotations to the third the third one is shown again. I tried turning off other plugins. Here is the test page:
Can anyone Know in Bx-slider plugin images are not rotating.Means images are not sliding by Auto like first image than next image.They are sliding by clicking on next and previous button.
I checked your example of carousel
I would like to do something similar. My images are so big and I’d like to indicate in the admin the height, but I don’t see it.
How cai I do it.
My link:
Thanks so much.
]]>Paid for premium version on Jan 5 but download link is 404- page not found.
Immediately emailed developer and Codefleet on Jan 5 and again today, tweeted to developer this AM as well, no reply yet.
Very bummed as we need this ASAP for a client project and were happy to pay for the additional pro features.
Any ideas?
]]>Hi there,
I have some problems with the plugin.
When I display several images, some with a horizontal format and some other vertical, the horizontal ones are too much bigger and don’t take the height of the vertical pictures (dunno if it’s understandable…).
Here’s a link to better understand :
Thanks in advance !
How comes the element style of bx-viewport stars as 4px in height?
the first 2 slides do not appear on the website untill i enable auto height for each image then after first slide my images gets a height.
thank you
I am looking for a way to modify the link attributed to a slide image programatically, when $slides is loaded for instance. Is it possible for me ? an idea ?
Hello, thanks for bxslider.
I cannot see my media library nor upload images on a site part of a multisite. On the site head of the multisite, it works well. On a child, i have an error message when I upload.
Does it work on a WordPress Multisite ?
I have two issues with BxSlider (1) I have resizing image and erxpect it to adjust for BxSlider WP Kosinix, the slideshow on homepage but it’s not showing as it should. Here is preview link
I like this size but the slide arrow is too far out, how do I get it fitting correctly?
I was told I need to add a little bit of CSS in my style.css since the slideshow is smaller. Where exactly should I insert in the below shortscode on the Edit Themes?
.bx-wrapper {
Thanks in advance for your kind help.
]]>I installed Version 1.3.2 and inserted the code into my header.php file. I used all the default settings (didn’t change any of them for the test). The slider appears in my page, but no images, just the spinning wheel. Any ideas?
]]>I’ am using BxSlider for my slideshow on my wordpress. I need to add 2 new custom fields “Title” and “View Map”. I searched around and was not able to get anything.
Please help out.
]]>I’ am using BxSlider for my slideshow on my wordpress. I need to add 2 new custom fields “Title” and “View Map”. I searched around and was not able to get anything.
Please help out.
have installed the slider on rtl system – free version
uploaded images –
but only the preloader animation is visible – no images….
a link