The text overlaying the video at the top has two buttons that just look loke text.
Stronger Bones in Just 15 Minutes a Week
No Meds. No Sweat. Just Results!
So I LOVE the buttons. We are using them everywhere!
BUT I found a new use. I had trouble getting ‘normal’ text to the right size so I am using a ‘button’ to place text exactly as I want it and in whatever size I want it.
The problem is there is no LINK! So when someone clicks text that has NO reason to be clicked but they do, they get a little popup that they are now logged out of WordPress.
I don’t see anything I can choose that is just ‘no action’ – any suggestions?
I’ve been testing your extension. It seems it does all I need, except that the buttons do not take you anywhere when clicked. Please check the “Contact Us Now” button at the bottom right of my page.
Also this screenshot of the way I set it up. On click it should take users to the page /plumbing-products/
Thank you in advance for your help.
]]>I have created two buttons, OS rounded button – Large Free Phone Consultation and
OS rounded button – Large Free Introductory Session
They are MUCH nicer than the buttons I have on this page now and I want to replace the exiting buttons with the new buttons. But they don’t appear anywhere for me to insert.
What am I missing?
]]>Realice una instalación multisitio en wordpress pero veo que no funciona solo crear el boton en el sitio principal pero en los sitios de la red no se crearn los botones, solo indica ITEM creado pero no aparece. Hay solución a esto?
]]>Current version of WordPress is 6.7.1. )))
Is there not a way to create a button that opens a new page? I’ve searched for link target and target in the support forum and there isn’t any mention.
How can you create a button that opens a new page when you create one? I do not see a setting for that.
WordFence is stating that your plugin has a security issue. Will this be addressed soon?
Plugin Name: Button Generator
Current Plugin Version: 2.3.8
Details: To protect your site from this vulnerability, the safest option is to deactivate and completely remove “Button Generator” until a patched version is available. Get more information. (opens in new tab)
Repository URL: (opens in new tab)
Vulnerability Information: (opens in new tab)
Vulnerability Severity: 5.3/10.0 (Medium)
]]>Hi, 3 seconds to react after click
]]>hello, i don’t know if its possible to do a return button, I tried to add this at link “javascript:history.back()” but is not working.
Could you help me? thank you
Hello, I had used your plugin to create a sticky button in the lower-left of the screen that worked great! Then, unfortunately, I had to restore the website and when I tried to recreate the button, the location settings were gone. How do I change where my button is on the screen? Right now it’s all the way at the bottom of the page under everything.
]]>I used your plug-in to create a button on the front page of my site. For a few days, it worked just fine. Now, Chrome is blocking the button. The message says
“Insecure content blocked. This page is trying to load scripts from unauthenticated sources”
On all other browsers, the button loads OK.
Hi @wpcalc @lobov,
When i view the website on Mobile phone(any browser), I am not able to access the sub-menu, neither by clicking on it or hovering over it.
I am using the latest version of Button Generator.
Appreciate your immediate help please.
Thanks / Manish
]]>Hi @lobov,
Not sure whether this concerns your plugin but still hoping to get a solution.
I have buttons that are working on my website except the Logout button i created.
Whenever, i click on Logout button(in the main menu), it doesn’t log me out but instead take me to account page.The link i am using for this button is & i tired using I am using userswp plugin along with Geodirectory as its a listing website.
Can you, by any chance, help me out?
Thanks / Manish
]]>Bought the Pro version, very nice! Here’s some things I’m missing – are they there and I just didn’t see them?
? Button background-image and all the f/x
? Overlay background images would be wonderful
? Multiple text blocks with separate style settings
I was able to define a background in css, so that one has a workaround.
Great plugin! Well worth the $
]]>When you create a button, especially if it forwards to a live chat app like messenger, you would want it open on a new window when clicked so the visitor can still see the webpage he has having questions with.
Please add this feature on your upcoming update.
Thank you.
]]>How could we create a popup clicking a buttom create with your plugin? if we can′t do this now it would be a good idea.
]]>As alem21 said, I want to know if there is an option to open the links in a new tab, or where can I manually modify the html linf for the button. Thank you!
]]>Hola, este plugin me ha funcionado muy bien. Solo necesito, si es posible, que agreguen la opción de abrir el enlace en una pesta?a nueva. O bien, indicarme en cuál documento puedo editar para agregar esta opción: target=_blank.
Muchas gracias.