Do s?t c?a bên e là hotline 8 s? nên ko update ???c. X? ly giúp e cái này ?
Sao t?i dùng Wordfence quét thì l?i b? báo là l? h?ng b?o m?t? Dev xem l?i nhé
]]>Mình cài plugin Button contact VR thì th?y các plugin security c?nh báo b? dính l? h?ng b?o m?t
Dev xem l?i th? nhé
kh?ng th? nh?p OA username vào tr??ng zalo
]]>I used the all in one button, but it will not hide. When i change the setting to hide, the buttons do not show upon clicking on the button.
]]>Cool plugin for mobile, but for desktop need to update link from href=”viber://add?number=123456789000″ to href=”viber://chat?number=%2B123456789000″
How to update the link? please help me
]]>Hi there,
First of all, thanks for the plugin, it is excellent.
I suggest you guys review the alt attribute for images, to get a better rank in web vitals from Google.
I’ve made a simple change in the button-contact.php file, and fixed, but if it came in the next update, I guess can help more users to the betters score too.
So, I’ve shared the file in the attachment.
Best regards,
final class PZF {
protected static $_instance = null;
public static function instance() {
if ( is_null( self::$_instance ) ) {
self::$_instance = new self();
return self::$_instance;
public function __construct() {
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( $this, 'init_hooks' ) );
public function init_hooks() {
add_action( 'wp_footer', array( $this, 'pzf_frontend' ) ); // add frontend to footer
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueue_scripts' ) ); //add style to frontend
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'mw_enqueue_color_picker' ) ); // add scripts to frontend
//add style to frontend
public function enqueue_scripts() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'pzf-style', PZF_URL . 'css/style.css', array() );
// public function enqueue_scripts() {
// }
// add scripts to frontend
function mw_enqueue_color_picker() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-color-picker' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'my-script-handle', PZF_URL . 'js/script.js', array( 'wp-color-picker' ), false, true );
// add frontend to footer theme
public function pzf_frontend() { ?>
<!-- if gom all in one show -->
<?php if(get_option('pzf_hide_default_all_in_one')){
$class_active_allinone = '';
}elseif (!get_option('pzf_enable_all_in_one')) {
$class_active_allinone = '';
$class_active_allinone = 'active';
<div id="button-contact-vr" class="<?php echo $class_active_allinone;?>">
<div id="gom-all-in-one"><!-- v3 -->
<!-- contact form -->
<div id="contact-form-vr" class="button-contact">
<div class="phone-vr">
<div class="phone-vr-circle-fill"></div>
<div class="phone-vr-img-circle">
<img alt="Contatc Form" src="<?php echo PZF_URL.'img/icon'.get_option('pzf_icon_contact_form').'.png'; ?>" />
<?php }; ?>
<!-- end contact form -->
<!-- showroom -->
<div id="contact-showroom" class="button-contact <?php echo get_option('pzf_content_showroom')?'no-event':''; ?>">
<div class="phone-vr">
<div class="phone-vr-circle-fill"></div>
<div class="phone-vr-img-circle">
<?php if(get_option('pzf_link_showroom')){ ?>
<a href="<?php echo get_option('pzf_link_showroom'); ?>" <?php echo get_option('pzf_link_newtab_showroom')?'target="_blank"':''; ?>>
<img alt="Contact Showroom" src="<?php echo PZF_URL.'img/showroom'.get_option('pzf_icon_showroom').'.png'; ?>" />
<?php }else{ ?>
<img alt="Contact Showroom" src="<?php echo PZF_URL.'img/icon'.get_option('pzf_icon_showroom').'.png'; ?>" />
<?php }; ?>
<?php }; ?>
<!-- end showroom -->
<!-- contact -->
<div id="contact-vr" class="button-contact">
<div class="phone-vr">
<div class="phone-vr-circle-fill"></div>
<div class="phone-vr-img-circle">
<a href="<?php echo get_option('pzf_contact_link'); ?>">
<img alt="Contact VR" src="<?php echo PZF_URL.'img/contact.png'; ?>" />
<?php }; ?>
<!-- end contact -->
<!-- viber -->
<div id="viber-vr" class="button-contact">
<div class="phone-vr">
<div class="phone-vr-circle-fill"></div>
<div class="phone-vr-img-circle">
<a target="_blank" href="viber://add?number=<?php echo preg_replace( '/\D/', '',get_option('pzf_viber')); ?>">
<img alt="Contact Viber" src="<?php echo PZF_URL.'img/viber.png'; ?>" />
<?php }; ?>
<!-- end viber -->
<!-- zalo -->
<div id="zalo-vr" class="button-contact">
<div class="phone-vr">
<div class="phone-vr-circle-fill"></div>
<div class="phone-vr-img-circle">
<a target="_blank" href="<?php echo preg_replace( '/\D/', '',get_option('pzf_zalo')); ?>">
<img alt="Contact Zalo" src="<?php echo PZF_URL.'img/zalo.png'; ?>" />
<?php }; ?>
<!-- end zalo -->
<!-- whatsapp -->
<div id="whatsapp-vr" class="button-contact">
<div class="phone-vr">
<div class="phone-vr-circle-fill"></div>
<div class="phone-vr-img-circle">
<a target="_blank" href="<?php echo preg_replace( '/\D/', '',get_option('pzf_whatsapp')); ?>">
<img alt="Contact Whatsapp" src="<?php echo PZF_URL.'img/whatsapp.png'; ?>" />
<?php }; ?>
<!-- end whatsapp -->
<!-- Phone -->
<div id="phone-vr" class="button-contact">
<div class="phone-vr">
<div class="phone-vr-circle-fill"></div>
<div class="phone-vr-img-circle">
<a href="tel:<?php echo preg_replace( '/\D/', '',get_option('pzf_phone')); ?>">
<img alt="Contact Phone" src="<?php echo PZF_URL.'img/phone.png'; ?>" />
if(get_option('pzf_phone_bar') == '1'){ ?>
<div class="phone-bar phone-bar-n">
<a href="tel:<?php echo preg_replace( '/\D/', '',get_option('pzf_phone')); ?>">
<span class="text-phone"><?php echo get_option('pzf_phone'); ?></span>
<?php };?>
<?php }; ?>
<!-- end phone -->
</div><!-- end v3 class gom-all-in-one -->
if(get_option('pzf_enable_all_in_one')){ ?>
<div id="all-in-one-vr" class="button-contact">
<div class="phone-vr">
<div class="phone-vr-circle-fill"></div>
<div class="phone-vr-img-circle">
<img alt="Contact Phone all in one" src="<?php echo PZF_URL.'img/icon'.get_option('pzf_icon_all_in_one').'.png'; ?>" />
if(get_option('pzf_note_bar_all_in_one') == '1'){ ?>
<div class="phone-bar" style="background-color: <?php echo get_option('pzf_color_all_in_one'); ?>;">
<span class="text-phone"><?php echo get_option('pzf_note_all_in_one'); ?></span>
<?php };?>
<style type="text/css">.phone-bar-n{display: none;}</style>
<?php };?>
<!-- popup form -->
<div id="popup-form-contact-vr">
<div class="bg-popup-vr"></div>
$pzf_max_w_contact_form = 'max-width:'.get_option('pzf_max_w_contact_form').'px;';
$pzf_max_w_contact_form = '';
$pzf_bg_contact_form = 'background:'.get_option('pzf_bg_contact_form').';';
$pzf_bg_contact_form = '';
<div class="content-popup-vr" id="loco-<?php echo get_option('pzf_loco_img_contact_form'); ?>" style=" <?php echo $pzf_max_w_contact_form;echo $pzf_bg_contact_form; ?>">
<?php if(get_option('pzf_img_contact_form') and (get_option('pzf_loco_img_contact_form')=='left' or get_option('pzf_loco_img_contact_form')=='top') ){ ?>
<div class="content-popup-img-vr" id="loco<?php echo get_option('pzf_loco_img_contact_form'); ?>">
<img alt="Contact Form all in one" src="<?php echo get_option('pzf_img_contact_form'); ?>">
<?php } ?>
<div class="content-popup-div-vr">
<?php echo get_option('pzf_title_contact_form'); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode(get_option('pzf_content_contact_form')); ?>
<?php if(get_option('pzf_img_contact_form') and (get_option('pzf_loco_img_contact_form')=='right' or get_option('pzf_loco_img_contact_form')=='bottom') ){ ?>
<div class="content-popup-img-vr" id="loco<?php echo get_option('pzf_loco_img_contact_form'); ?>">
<img alt="Contact Form popup" src="<?php echo get_option('pzf_img_contact_form'); ?>">
<?php } ?>
<div class="close-popup-vr">x</div>
<!-- Add custom css and js -->
<style type="text/css">
<?php echo get_option('pzf_add_css'); ?>
<?php echo get_option('pzf_add_js'); ?>
<!-- end Add custom css and js -->
<!-- popup showroom -->
<div id="popup-showroom-vr">
<div class="bg-popup-vr"></div>
$pzf_max_w_showroom = 'max-width:'.get_option('pzf_max_w_showroom').'px;';
$pzf_max_w_showroom = '';
$pzf_bg_showroom = 'background:'.get_option('pzf_bg_showroom').';';
$pzf_bg_showroom = '';
<div class="content-popup-vr" id="loco-<?php echo get_option('pzf_loco_img_contact_form'); ?>" style=" <?php echo $pzf_max_w_showroom;echo $pzf_bg_showroom; ?>">
<?php if(get_option('pzf_img_contact_form') and (get_option('pzf_loco_img_contact_form')=='left' or get_option('pzf_loco_img_contact_form')=='top') ){ ?>
<div class="content-popup-img-vr" id="loco<?php echo get_option('pzf_loco_img_contact_form'); ?>">
<img alt="Contact Content popup vr" src="<?php echo get_option('pzf_img_contact_form'); ?>">
<?php } ?>
<div class="content-popup-div-vr">
<?php echo do_shortcode(get_option('pzf_content_showroom')); ?>
<div class="close-popup-vr">x</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$('div#popup-form-contact-vr .bg-popup-vr,div#popup-form-contact-vr .content-popup-vr .close-popup-vr').click(function(){
$('div#popup-showroom-vr .bg-popup-vr,.content-popup-vr .close-popup-vr').click(function(){
<!-- end popup form -->
<!-- Facebook Messenger -->
<!-- Load Facebook SDK for JavaScript -->
<div id="fb-root"></div>
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
xfbml : true,
version : 'v3.3'
(function(d, s, id) {
var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
js = d.createElement(s); = id;
js.src = '';
fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>
<!-- Your customer chat code -->
<div class="fb-customerchat"
page_id="<?php echo get_option('pzf_id_fanpage'); ?>"
theme_color="<?php echo get_option('pzf_color_fb') ? get_option("pzf_color_fb") : '#0084ff' ?>"
logged_in_greeting="<?php echo get_option('logged_in_greeting') ? get_option("logged_in_greeting") : 'Xin chào! Chúng t?i có th? giúp gì cho b?n?' ?>"
logged_out_greeting="<?php echo get_option('logged_in_greeting') ? get_option("logged_in_greeting") : 'Xin chào! Chúng t?i có th? giúp gì cho b?n?' ?>">
<?php }; ?>
<?php if(get_option('pzf_color_phone')){ ?>
<!-- color phone -->
.phone-bar a,#phone-vr .phone-vr-circle-fill,#phone-vr .phone-vr-img-circle,#phone-vr .phone-bar a {
background-color: <?php echo get_option('pzf_color_phone'); ?>;
#phone-vr .phone-vr-circle-fill {
opacity: 0.7;box-shadow: 0 0 0 0 <?php echo get_option('pzf_color_phone'); ?>;
<!-- color phone -->
<?php }; ?>
<?php if(get_option('pzf_color_contact_form')){ ?>
<!-- color contact form -->
.phone-bar a,#contact-form-vr .phone-vr-circle-fill,#contact-form-vr .phone-vr-img-circle,#contact-form-vr .phone-bar a {
background-color: <?php echo get_option('pzf_color_contact_form'); ?>;
#contact-form-vr .phone-vr-circle-fill {
opacity: 0.7;box-shadow: 0 0 0 0 <?php echo get_option('pzf_color_contact_form'); ?>;
<!-- color contact form -->
<?php }; ?>
<?php if(get_option('pzf_color_contact')){ ?>
#contact-vr .phone-vr-circle-fill,#contact-vr .phone-vr-img-circle {
background-color: <?php echo get_option('pzf_color_contact'); ?>;
#contact-vr .phone-vr-circle-fill {
opacity: 0.7;box-shadow: 0 0 0 0 <?php echo get_option('pzf_color_contact'); ?>;
<?php };?>
<?php if(get_option('pzf_color_showroom')){ ?>
<!-- color showroom -->
#contact-showroom .phone-vr-circle-fill,#contact-showroom .phone-vr-img-circle {
background-color: <?php echo get_option('pzf_color_showroom'); ?>;
#contact-showroom .phone-vr-circle-fill {
opacity: 0.7;box-shadow: 0 0 0 0 <?php echo get_option('pzf_color_showroom'); ?>;
<?php };?>
<?php if(get_option('pzf_color_all_in_one')){ ?>
<!-- color all in one -->
#all-in-one-vr .phone-vr-circle-fill,#all-in-one-vr .phone-vr-img-circle {
background-color: <?php echo get_option('pzf_color_all_in_one'); ?>;
#all-in-one-vr .phone-vr-circle-fill {
opacity: 0.7;box-shadow: 0 0 0 0 <?php echo get_option('pzf_color_all_in_one'); ?>;
<?php };?>
<?php if(get_option('setting_size')){?>
<!-- size scale -->
#button-contact-vr {transform: scale(<?php echo get_option('setting_size'); ?>);}
if(get_option('setting_size') < 0.9){ ?>
#button-contact-vr {margin: -10px;}
}elseif (get_option('setting_size') > 1.3) {?>
#button-contact-vr {margin: 10px;}
<?php };
<?php if(get_option('pzf_location') == 'right'){ ?>
<!-- location left right -->
#button-contact-vr {right:0;}
.phone-bar a {left: auto;right: 30px;padding: 8px 55px 7px 15px;} #gom-all-in-one .button-contact {margin-left: 100%;}
<?php };?>
<?php if(get_option('pzf_location_bottom')){ ?>
<!-- location bottom -->
#button-contact-vr {bottom: <?php echo get_option('pzf_location_bottom'); ?>%;}
<?php };?>
<?php if(get_option('pzf_hide_mobile')){ ?>
<!-- hide mobile -->
@media(max-width: 736px){
#button-contact-vr {display: none;}
<?php };?>
<?php if(get_option('pzf_hide_desktop')){ ?>
<!-- hide desktop -->
@media(min-width: 736px){
#button-contact-vr {display: none;}
<?php };
}// add frontend to footer theme
kh?ng hi?n th? nut chát mesage
]]>Cái phone bar nó ch? hi?n desktop mà khách mình mu?n hi?n th? trên c? mobile thì mình ph?i làm sao ad he
]]>Hi everyone, first I would like to thank you for add WhatsApp, I was looking for it a time ago.
I have two points that I would be great if you can fix it.
1 – WhatsApp Border Color (now is RED, change for Green)
2 – All in one Tab – If you enable and chose show hide, it isn’t work on AMP sites.
Sau khi làm các b??c nh? h??ng d?n nh?ng kh?ng hi?n th? ???c lên website
]]>Sau khi mình add s? ?i?n tho?i vào ph?n zalo thì url sau khi b?m nút Zalo là ra nh?ng báo l?i:
This page is not found or invalid. Try accessing via Zalo app.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Trang này kh?ng tìm th?y ho?c kh?ng h?p l?. Th? truy c?p b?ng app Zalo.
Xin l?i vì s? b?t ti?n này.
Many thanks to your great plugin. I have a small confusing issue with Facebook chat button. Im following this website to get my fanpage ID Then I added the id in plugin setting page. But there is no Facebook chat displayed on website. I also checked the console tab. There is no error occurred.
I have no idea how to resolve this problem. Any help is appreciated!
Thank you!
]]>I put facebook fanpage ID, but the icon not show