hello, tried to modified the values in pick-up and drop-off points but when i viewed the values are not updating in the front-end the and still displayed values as Berlin, Hamburg….
i already clicked those urls mentioned in “Welcome” page but the pages are not found
]]>I want to show articles in a category, but I’ve selected articles in that category but it still doesn’t count as having articles in that category.
How to use a 10% discount in a Backend Order?
But there are still questions, in the backend after clicking the button the product immediately becomes processed, and the discount does not apply, because there are not 2 products in the cart.
In 5.2.1 after backend order an error appears in the search form
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_cart() on null in /wp-content/plugins/bus-ticket-booking-with-seat-reservation/mp_global/class/MP_Global_Function.php:398
This code fixed it in 5.2.1
public static function check_product_in_cart( $post_id ) { $status = MP_Global_Function::check_woocommerce();
if ( $status == 1 && function_exists( ‘WC’ ) && WC()->cart ) { $product_id = MP_Global_Function::get_post_info( $post_id, ‘link_wc_product’ );
if ( ! is_null( WC()->cart ) ) {
foreach ( WC()->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item ) {
if ( $cart_item[‘product_id’] == $product_id ) {
return true; }
return false;
Hi, we need the search datepicker +2, them with more than 48 hours, meaning to block the first two days so clients can’t book.
Where can we insert this code.
$( “#datepicker” ).datepicker({
minDate: 2 // Esto establece el mínimo a 48 horas (2 días) desde la fecha actual
On frontend .php
$current_time = current_time(‘timestamp’); // Obtiene la fecha y hora actual
$selected_time = strtotime($selected_date); // Convierte la fecha seleccionada a timestamp
// Verifica que la fecha seleccionada sea al menos 48 horas en el futuro
if (($selected_time – $current_time) < 48 * 3600) {
wc_add_notice( __(‘Las reservas deben realizarse con al menos 48 horas de antelación.’, ‘bus-booking-manager’), ‘error’ );
After updating to version 5.4.0 the buses are not shown in order of departure time.
Thank you
]]>if seat reservatio is set off, how will this generate a price and add to cart option.
this plugin works perfect, but i need to just be able to select a bus without seat selection and let user add as many as they wish, I thought by selecting reservation off this would happen it doesnt, is this a pro version feature?
]]>It is possible to avoid add count of people to the bus and just order the entire bus instead?
Thanks a lot
]]>Suppose someone books tickets on redbus platform and i also want to reflect it in my wordpress website to reflect which seats are booked, so it is possible in this plugin to enter the API details and the seats booked through redbus also reflects in the frontend of the wordpess website created using bus ticket booking with seat reservation plugin
]]>If we want to block any seat directly from the admin portal we are not allowed to do that and there is no option to block any seat, if possible can we add this functionality or if there is any other plugin that can be used to block the seats along with bus ticket booking with seat reservation plugin please tell me, this feature is really needed.
]]>The search button isn’t working on mobile, after inputting required data, that’s where it stops. I can’t access the next page meanwhile it’s working perfectly fine on other devices. Please help!!!
How can compare prices be created for different transporters?
Can your plugin allow marketplace where different transporters create own accounts, upload their buses and set prices?
How can it be done if possible?
How can it be made to allow user to select the number of passengers during booking?
How to add selection for number of children during booking?
How to introduce coupon code and other offers?
]]>if i try to book 3 seats at once the cart show the price currently of the reservations, example each seat costs $100, in the cart i got subtotal 300 but cart only has 1 product and not 3
]]>nice plugin, but why is it Coach Type type not showing up on checkout page, or in the cart data, and also where all bus are listed on the admin area it appears blank as well, is this a settings issue
]]>nice plugin does what i need, but I do not know if what im asking if pro version only.
Can you help me how to code in order dates in the calendar to be selectable only when there is available routes on specific pre selected cities ?
]]>This happens in PC and mobile, but PC can manually fix it.
I choose destinations, journey date, and return date, then click search. This works correctly, however when I press “book now” automatically changes return date no “next day”. In mobile doesn’t allow me to change the return date again…
To try solve this, i tried to put 2 forms in mobile, one just for journey date, and the other just for return. However only the first has a calendar.
This is quite frustrating because the main target use for this stuff is mobile.
I try to change in the Bus settings page the “Maximum advanced day sale” but with every value I try it doesn’t work as expected.
If I erase the content from the field a placeholder “30” is being displayed and after save the field is filled with “30”.
The interval is set to 30 days. The customers can’t buy tickets 30+n days from now.
Found the issue. It was between chair and keyboard.
?Hello! In the last versions from 5.2.7 to 5.2.9 (the Latest), the mobile view of bus details sections for the ?Without seat plan” bus is broken on mobile (Screen –?https://ibb.co/jL8SG1P)? The seat layout works ok. Can you please check this and solve?it for the next versions of the plugin??
Thank you in advance!
]]>Hello, I have this plugin installed for many years. I have created several races (several thousand), I would like to delete some of them, but I am only allowed one by one.
In the “bulk” section, I only have the option to edit. How can I add the delete option as it is to pages or articles?
I just updated from version 5.1 to version 5.2.7 and I have had many problems.
The search engine appears with the date set to 1970 and does not let me select another year or date.
The plugin settings have fewer options than the previous version.
Translations made with Loco translate have been lost, especially those made in the plugin’s administration area.
The search results appear in a different order.
I tried going back to version 5.24 and the settings appeared again as in version 5.1 but I got many php “warning” errors in the search results related to the path of this file: …/wp-content/plugins/ bus-ticket-booking-with-seat-reservation/public/template-hooks/layout/helper.php on line ####
But the most serious thing is that I can’t find version 5.1 on the WordPress page to download and be able to return to that version. The version after 5.2.7 that appears available for download is 5.2.4 and then 2.6.
I will greatly appreciate your help.
]]>Hello! How to display the bus list on the page in the latest version 5.2.6.?
The shortcode, below does not work anymore on my site, and is showing a blank page.
Thank you!
I have an issue with the “Book now” button. When being clicked on the button the page refreshes and I have to add again the data in the form to be able to buy the return ticket.
The best user experience would be to click on “Book now” and the ticket to be added in the cart without refreshing the page.
To mention that the option in Woocommerce > Products > AJAX add to cart … is active.
I can’t do backend ticket purchase anymore. It always return “Sorry! No Bus Found” when I do ticket search for all available bus.
]]>Please help me, the ticket plugin on the homepage spills over on mobile when customer tries to fill the form and select bus.
]]>Hello ,
[view-ticket] shortcode does not work even though the user is logged in. It appears as [view-ticket] text on the page. In another support request, you said that your problem would be solved by updating the plugin to the latest version, but I am still having problems with the latest version of my plugin. Can you help me ?
]]>ok so you guys give a shortcode to display search result on the same page or the desired page but i am trying to do the same but it does not work. it only works when i move my user to the set page which is in setting of the plugin to show the search result.
]]>Hi i need help i need to populate only the routes or dropping point that are attached with the Boarding point means right now all the dropping points are showing in the To Field but i want to populate to dropdown based on selection of From dropdown according to the routes attached in the posts of Bus Custom Post Type
Every time I update the seating information, after saving it it resets with an error “Select boarding Point”
Does anyone know how to resolve this type of error?