I’m currently using your free version of the plugin.
As soon as I go tho the “get filtered products” button (same goes for “get all products”) I get the loading screen. I’ve waited for about 20min and it doesn’t seem to be working. I tried reload the page and try again and I didn’t get much luck either.
I’ve also tried by category and it still doesn’t work.
I have some >6000 products and I’m using wordpress 4.8.
Thank you for your help.
]]>Does absolutly nothing, install and uninstall. That is all.
]]>I’m confused. This plugin claims to allow bulk editing of attributes but instead it only lets you filter by attributes. There’s no place to edit attributes at all.
]]>Fatal error: Cannot declare class Eh_Bulk_Edit_Main, because the name is already in use in <removed>\wp-content\plugins\bulk-edit-products-prices-and-attributes-for-woocommerce\eh-bulk-edit-products.php on line 24