After moving a site from my dev server to live, the plugin stopped working. All I get is the message ‘An error occured: Empty output’.
I’ve removed and reinstalled the plugin but still the same error message. The plugin is still working on my dev server though and Mantis itself is working fine, too… ??
Any ideas how to fix this?
Table 'minecraft.wp_mantis_user_table' doesn't exist
this error shows when I install the plugin for new users. Table cannot be found. I cannot even find the code that creates this table in the plugin. Further there are several other issues with this plugin. See
]]>I posted several issues on the forum on the dev’s webpage but I am not sure where they are read or answered. A comment from the devs would be appreciated:
]]>Sessions are not working on your installation, make sure they are turned on
How i can resolve this?
]]>This plugin is broken.
It will always emit the error above.
The error is due to the file /bug-tracker/mantisbt/connect.php being missing from the installation.
I see also that the provided link for a support forum is no longer existent soo…
Regards, Paolo
Your description is a bit unclear. What does this plugin integrate? WP an myBB or WP and Mantis?