– Facebook only sends text and not the link
– LinkedIn says it was successful but doesn’t appear on LinkedIn
– Email button doesn’t work at all
– How to translate?
Why don’t you use wp_enqueue_style for your style.css instead of writing it directly in the header (function bp_share_it_button_insert_head) ?
Because it’s not well placed in the header (after javascript files) and seriously impact on page loading time.
In the bp-share-it.php file you didn’t register its function for the activity stream so there is no call to it in the admin option page. Only for BP Media did you call it but I don’t use that plugin. I would like to use it on my activity stream because I have installed the Activity Plus plugin that allows to upload images, videos, and links. How can I call Pinterest to use in my activity stream?
Also, is it possible to add Instagram?
Thank you for this plugin!
I love your plugin, even if I have not used it yet as an operable one yet!
I am using the latest versions of BuddyPress as well a WordPress.
All the options are ticked but there are no ‘Share’ icons showing up anywhere on the site.
It would be great if you could iron this out…
Perhaps I am the only person with this problem and there maybe a plugin conflict, maybe you could let me know if I am the sole person that has this problem.
Thank you,
I really love the idea of this plugin, but it seems not to work, do you have any plans to get it to do so?
Both WordPress and Buddypress are up to date.
I am sure that the Buddypress user community would be extremely grateful.
Thank you,
[sig moderated as per the Forum Rules]
under the last version of buddypress I have installed 1.2.1.
Your plugin does not work and this is a big problem for me.
Thank you!
]]>I have activated this plugin and it does nothing.
]]>I’m running latest version of the Share It plugin, WordPress and Buddypress. I activated and configured this plugin. I’ve tried different settings, but nothing happens. At all. No share icons of any kind show up on the site anywhere.
Any insight is much appreciated!
]]>I love the potential of this, and Twitter share works perfectly, but both Facebook and Google+ shares just open ‘Mysite > Log In >>’ with the homepage for the URL. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks.
]]>Fatal error: Class ‘BP_Component’ not found in wp-content/plugins/buddypress-share-it/loader.php on line 17
I just updated from 1.1.7 to 1.2 and got this error, I deleted the plugin, and re uploaded version 1.1.7 and it’s working fine again, any ideas? I would like to use the latest version.
I use wp 3.4.1 on buddy boss theme version 2.03
]]>I receive the 500 error after activating the plugin.
Wordpress 3.4.1 BuddyPress 1.5.6
]]>Can Pinterest be added to this?
]]>For facebook it won’t pull the correct activity urls but only from the main url.
It works fine for tweeter..
]]>The share button shows but clicking on it does not work. How can I make this work?
]]>nice plugin, would be nice if the below issues/enhancements are fixed
1) Activity – share button only visible if user logged in. Can u make it visible for regular visitors ?
2) Blog posts – Share button can by default show the social bookmarks, instead of displaying them when ‘share’ button is clicked ?
3) Forum posts – Share button is not visible, it is visible at group header.
]]>Good plugin, thanks. I’ve got it active on groups and activity, but I would also like it to appear on each user’s profile (similar to how it appears on groups). How can I enable this?
]]>Activating on WP 3.2.1 and BP1.5, the plugin does nothing – no options in settings or anywhere alse and nothing showing on the site.
]]>How do I add a Facebook “Like” button to the share options?
]]>I installed the plugin and went to its setting page to enable share it for activity, forum, group. I checked the items and hit save it didn’t do anything.
]]>Hi modemlooper, I’m using BP 1.2.8 and WP 3.1 Multisite.
I’m using the latest version 1.1.3 of this plugin, but I can’t find the admin menu for it.
]]>“The plugin buddypress-share-it/bp-share-it.php has been deactivated due to an error: The plugin does not have a valid header.”
WordPress 3.1
BuddyPress 1.2.8
Default Theme with minimal tweaks.