Seems difficult finding plugins with this purpose. I would even be willing to pay for a good one. Will this ever have update and support?
]]>Hi there. Im the owner of the site (forum with selling section for mens and womens). This Plugin is the most helpful way to send feedbeck and also give good/bad reputation for a buyer/seller. Can someone help me to make it work on bbpress forum?
Thank you in advance. marco From Italy
]]>Hi! This looks really awesome… I was just wondering if there are any plans to update it? I’d love to be able to use it on all bbPress forums, not just groups…
]]>Looks ideal for my purposes considering I want a lightweight karma system for buddypress – anyone got any other suggestions of something similar?
]]>Would sure appreciate an update on this plugin. Plugin is not showing up at all.
]]>Any chance you can make this plugin work across all areas of Buddpress and bbPress forums? Since I don’t allow forums within groups on my site this plugin doesn’t help in its current form.
]]>Perhaps it will be updated for 3.6?
I’m looking forward to trying this.
]]>Can i use this pluggin for BBPRESS ? Thanks four your reply
]]>Hi Deryk – You will love our site – https://ChypIn.Me
As you can see, Karma points line up nicely with the basic thrust of our idea.
However, post activation, the plug in does not render. We are using the Razor theme on WP 3.5.1, with BP 1.7.2
Is there something we need to do make it work with the theme? We are not experts, so some detailed direction is much appreciated.
]]>I am displaying the karma points for individual users on their profile pages, but when they have not yet posted or received ratings on their forum posts, nothing is displayed.
Is it possible that I could display 0p instead of nothing?
]]>How can I show a complete list of users and their points?
Thanks for that nice plugin ??
I′d like to know if it works with a bbpress / budypress invironment and how dificult would be to make a widget to displays the “top voted/liked” threads.
Thank you
I installed this plugin in this WordPress version and it wasn’t working. I believe others are in the same situation.
After a few research, I found at least one problem: the function $wpdb->prepare changed and the plugin was not updated. This is a security issue and must be corrected! See the reference below!
is it possible to use the same rating-functionality with wordpress posts?
]]>I am using the latest WordPress and Buddypress (1.6.1)
There is a bug whereby if one installs the Buddypress Rate Forum Posts plugin, video embedding no longer works for forum posts.
Disabling the plugin fixes this issue.
Discussed here:
]]>Is there any chance to update this plugin in future?
]]>Thank you for putting the time into making these plugins.
On my installation The admin menu item does not show up on subsites.
WP MultiSite, BP Multisite, BP MultiNetwork (BrajeshSingh)
I have seen this issue before with some BuddyPress Plugins menus not showing up properly in MultiSite.
Let me know if you can take a look.
[ Signature moderated. ]
]]>Hello, have read through other similir posts.
had site wide forum installed on early stage WP site… Removed and installed group based forum. Still not seeing any rating options (thumbs up down etc) in forum posts…
Running newest version of plugin.
Any help?
]]>Hi great plugin! I was testing this and I noticed that when I set all the rate posts back to 0 for a specific user, they still would have 4p. And if I marked them -4 points they would be at 2p. Not sure if I’m missing something. The user is an Admin, if I do this with a normal user it seems to work ok from what I can see.
Thank you for any help.
]]>The plugin itself is functioning fine after installation and activation, but I can’t make any changes to the settings. As soon as I try to save any changes I get a simple notification that I don’t have sufficient rights to access that page.
]]>I must confess that despite having a reasonable knowledge of wordpress I’m fairly new to buddypress, and therefore don’t fully understand the relationship between buddypress and bbpress.
I’ve installed this plugin at but can’t see any of the features, is that because I’m using BBpress (or at least I think I am)?
]]>“Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_user_meta()”
I am getting this error after activating the plugin. What might be the fix. please let me know.
]]>In the latest version of this plugin it appears normal users have the ability to vote infinitely, like only admins are supposed to.
]]>Any support for the search facility according to the highest points of a user? Presently i use BP Profile search by Andrea…If only i could integrate search by karma levels i’d be glad…
Recently installed your plugin and get this error when activating it or other plugins.
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/41/8215541/html/test/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-rate-forum-posts/bp-rate-forum-posts.php:52) in /home/content/41/8215541/html/test/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 934
Have tried a few things myself to fix it, besides the hidden tab character on the end of line 52, I haven’t been able to resolve it. I’m assuming it is something simple?
]]>The latest version of your plugin is not compatible with BuddyPress 1.5. I know there is a new plugin in the works, but we (at the jMonkeyEngine community) would greatly appreciate it if you could make this plugin compatible while we wait.
If you don’t have time to apply a fix right away but have a patch in mind you think might work, we’d be happy to apply it and put it to the test.
]]>as written in the titel post highliting not working like here:
i see also that the plugin is slow :s
could you help me?
]]>I was wondering if you will be continuing to support this plugin when BP 1.3 comes out. AS well as WP 3.2?
]]>it did not work for wordpress 3.0.5 multisite and buddypress 1.2.7
]]>Would it be possible to expand this also to comments on pages/posts?
I really like that this tracks user karma/reputation.
Would it also be possible to track the most popular content?