Email notification send to user to who incomplete their profile. I mean if not 100% completed their profile need to send notification them like how much they are need to complete.
]]>Noticed function bppp_get_progression_block() didn’t work on pages outside of buddypress.
Another user posted some code which gave helped me to understand why….
I have changed the the code slightly so it will always return the current user and not the id of the profile you are viewing.
You will need to edit bppp_template.php and replace bppp_get_progression_block with the code below.
function bppp_get_progression_block($user_id=false,$args=false){
//if no user_id set, but function used on buddypress profile page, use displayed user id
//if (!$user_id && bp_is_user_profile()) $user_id = bp_displayed_user_id(); - old code
if (!$user_id && bp_is_user_profile()) $user_id = get_current_user_id();
//if no user_id set and function not used on buddypress profile page, stop executing
//if (!$user_id && !bp_is_user_profile()) return false; - old code
if (!$user_id && !bp_is_user_profile()) $user_id = get_current_user_id();
// $user_id = bp_displayed_user_id($user_id);
// if(!$user_id) return false;
//if user_id is set, exectute code
//populate user ID
bppp()->user_id = $user_id;
bppp_locate_template( 'bppp-member.php', true );
$block = ob_get_contents();
return apply_filters('bppp_get_progression_block',$block,$user_id);
Also…. I changed function bppp_title so the “My Profile Progession” is always clickable to the users profile.
function bppp_title($user_id=false){
$user_id = bppp_get_user_id($user_id);
$title = bppp_get_title($user_id);
$title = '<a title="'.bppp_get_caption($user_id).'" href="'.bppp_get_link($user_id).'">'.$title.'</a>';
// if(bp_is_my_profile()){
// $title = '<a title="'.bppp_get_caption($user_id).'" href="'.bppp_get_link($user_id).'">'.$title.'</a>';
echo $title;
I hope people find this useful.
]]>Hi Grosbouff,
I just wanted to pass along some Notices I received while in Debug Mode. I haven’t found any issues relating to the notices, but I wanted to pass them along incase they are helpful.
Notice: Undefined variable: user_id in /nas/wp/www/TEXT REMOVED/TEXT REMOVED/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-profile-progression/bppp-profile-fields-points.php on line 15
Notice: Undefined variable: potential_points in /nas/wp/www/TEXT REMOVED/TEXT REMOVED/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-profile-progression/bppp-template.php on line 173
Notice: Undefined variable: user_id in /nas/wp/www/TEXT REMOVED/TEXT REMOVED/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-profile-progression/bppp-profile-fields-points.php on line 57
Notice: Undefined variable: user_points in /nas/wp/www/TEXT REMOVED/TEXT REMOVED/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-profile-progression/bppp-template.php on line 184
Notice: Undefined variable: user_id in /nas/wp/www/TEXT REMOVED/TEXT REMOVED/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-profile-progression/bppp-profile-fields-points.php on line 57
My Profile Progression
Notice: Undefined variable: user_id in /nas/wp/www/TEXT REMOVED/TEXT REMOVED/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-profile-progression/bppp-profile-fields-points.php on line 15
Notice: Undefined variable: potential_points in /nas/wp/www/TEXT REMOVED/TEXT REMOVED/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-profile-progression/bppp-template.php on line 173
Notice: Undefined variable: user_id in /nas/wp/www/TEXT REMOVED/TEXT REMOVED/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-profile-progression/bppp-profile-fields-points.php on line 57
Notice: Undefined variable: user_points in /nas/wp/www/TEXT REMOVED/TEXT REMOVED/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-profile-progression/bppp-template.php on line 184
Notice: Undefined variable: user_id in /nas/wp/www/staging/TEXT REMOVED/wp-TEXT REMOVED/plugins/buddypress-profile-progression/bppp-profile-fields-points.php on line 57
Great plugin, thank you!
does not work with the next version of BP ?
thank you
]]>how can translate this:
Thank you!
]]>how can change the text color?
]]>The code does not work for me and gives me this error message:
Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/getmeupx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-profile-progression/bppp-template.php on line 150
Can someone tell me if this plugin is out of development, the site is not reachable and the plugin hasn’t bin updated in allmost a year ?
All the best
Is it possible to use the plugin based upon how many characters the members has filled out a field ?
I’m developing a dating site using the Sweet Date theme from Seventh Queen, and need to inspire memebers to make good and serious profile by writing as much about themselves as possible.
So i need to have a meter for how much they have filled out a fild e.g. 200, 400, 800 characters, and then use them in an overall quallity measurement in percentage.
And lastly they’ll be given a Bronze, Silver or Gold “medal” on thier profile as a quallity stamp.
All the best
I like this pugin. I’m not sure that the author passes by but I have some suggestions:
Bar display only profile in online mode (not only edition) +++
A configuration in the admin instead of php files / css
– Distribute points between fields
– Color of the bar and look (eg rounded or otherwise)
good day
Function bppp_progression_block($user_id) is not working outside buddypress profile page.
In a next update you might want to uddate bppp-template.php with this code improvement:
function bppp_get_progression_block($user_id=false,$args=false){
//if no user_id set, but function used on buddypress profile page, use displayed user id
if (!$user_id && bp_is_user_profile()) $user_id = bp_displayed_user_id();
//if no user_id set and function not used on buddypress profile page, stop executing
if (!$user_id && !bp_is_user_profile()) return false;
// $user_id = bp_displayed_user_id($user_id);
// if(!$user_id) return false;
//if user_id is set, exectute code
//populate user ID
bppp()->user_id = $user_id;
bppp_locate_template( 'bppp-member.php', true );
$block = ob_get_contents();
return apply_filters('bppp_get_progression_block',$block,$user_id);
Tested it and it is working.
]]>If bppp_get_user_progression_percent($user_id); is used more than once on a page the second iteration’s total points is double the first amount.
Example: I have six point shares. When I include bppp_get_user_progression_percent($user_id) in the sidebar for my logged in user the percentage given back is correct (e.g 3 out of 6 = 50%). However when I visit a members page the calculation becomes 3 out of 12 = 25%. If I was to include this again then it would be 3 out 18 = 16.67%.
I’ve narrowed this down to bppp()->query->points array or bppp_get_total_points().
Furthermore Undefined variable: user_id is found in bppp_get_user_progression_for_field()
]]>How do I remove the username in front of the Progression bar?
For example, if the username is admin, it shows admin’s Profile Progression or if it’s my own profile it shows My Profile Progression.
In both cases, I just want it to show ‘Profile Progression’
Where do I need to make the changes?
]]>Any update coming for this plugin? Looks like one I would like to use with BP 1.8 and WP 3.6.1
]]>Just to give you some background info – people on my site are ‘voting’ on each member using a facebook like system, and at the moment anyone can sign up and their profile goes through my loop.
Is there any way to enforce that only members who have say 80% or 100% completed their profile before it goes through the members loop?
]]>Im using the latest version of your plugin.
How can I show ONLY the profile progression of the logged in user?
I guess I need to change
but what?
I have recently noticed that my profile progression bar starts from 24% for every user that I create on the system even though their profile is 0% complete. When I check on the backend dashboard>buddypress>setting> I see that points are given to certain fields, But all these fields are not filled by any user and still it shows 24%. I think it is a conflict WPMU Q&A plugin. Any help will be highly appreciated.
]]>I get an error with buddypress 1.7.2 and WP 3.5.1 in the settings:
Notice: Undefined property: BP_Profile_Progression::$query in /Users/jaspervanwanrooy/development/hlbhn/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-profile-progression/bppp-template.php on line 140
. Any clue what might cause this problem? It’s a clean install of WP and BuddyPress.
I’ve been using this plugin on a client project I’ve been working on over the past few months, and it appears that one of the recent updates must have removed the global nature of the bppp_get_user_progression_percent
function. Previously I had this working correctly, with a notice in my themes header.php which was only displayed if the completed percentage was below a certain threshold. For some reason now it no longer seems to be working.
Whole code:
<?php global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); $progressmeter = bppp_get_user_progression_percent($current_user->ID); $progressreq = 80; if ($progressmeter < $progressreq) { ?>
Any help would be great, as I know it worked at some point.
Thank you!
]]>Is there someway the admin can be notified when a user gets to a certain percentage?
]]>My instal is: wp 3.5 and BP 1.6.4
After updating, i had an php error like “missing argument 1…”
I have found the error and fixed it :
in: buddypress-profile-progression/theme/bppp-member.php
You need to change :
<?php echo bppp_get_user_progression_percent();?>
<?php echo bppp_get_user_progression_percent($user_id);?>
Cool plugin anyway !
Hope that help ??
]]>After updating – Profile Progression dissapear in front-end.
And I have two plugins in plugin page:
BuddyPress Profile Progression 0.2.5
BuddyPress Profile Progression 0.2.8
If you edit loader.php and change version (like in this topic), you have the same problem, but now you have (two copy):
BuddyPress Profile Progression 0.2.8
BuddyPress Profile Progression 0.2.8
Old version (that work) – BuddyPress Profile Progression 0.2.5
Wodrpress 3.5.1
Buddypress 1.6.4
you’ve forgotten to remove the old version 0.2.5 definition on loader.php file
Plugin Name: BuddyPress Profile Progression
Plugin URI:
Description: Simple plugin that adds a progress bar in the member profile, which displays the percentage of datas filled.
Author: G.Breant
Version: 0.2.5
On file buddypress-profile-progression.php there’s another plugin definition
Plugin Name: BuddyPress Profile Progression
Plugin URI:
Description: Simple plugin that adds a progress bar in the member profile, which displays the percentage of datas filled.
Author: G.Breant
Version: 0.2.8
Which is correct?
I want to display the progression bar of the current logged in user in the sidebar.
I managed to move the progression bar to the sidebar and display it only to the current logged user. It works perfectly if I’m in the users profile but not in other pages (no % displayed).
How can I change the code to make it work outside the user’s profile?
Thanks for your help!
I am a front end wordpress user only, and have built my entire site this way. Usually, most fields are customizable from the admin area. I understand you don’t have this capability, can you explain in lamens terms how to go about changing the points for certain fields? Or can you let me know if you plan on making a front end area to change this?
]]>We have a highly customised buddypress site.
When activating the plugin i don’t see any progress bar anywhere on the site. Profile pages, members home page, backend…. nadda.
On the assumption(hope) that its not just me being stupid, is there another way i can call the progress bar on specific pages? One particular hook that will call it?
I just update the plugin, download de pot file and translate it to spanish, upload the file but is not working.
]]>The link on an other users profile is e.g. “Carla’s Profile Progression27” – that unneeded number seems to be the user ID, or could be the user ID (Carla’s ID is 28 and not 27, on another profile it’s indeed the ID).
Thanks for your coding!
]]>Add please .pot file
]]>Tried to download and install and got the error:
“The package could not be installed. No valid plugins were found.
Plugin install failed.”
I tried both direct install and uploading a zip.