i did install this plugin (wp 6.1 dutch)
i get white screen error that i should figure out true php myadmin i did reinstall several times always same.
buddypress + buddypressportfolio=white screen of death
]]>We have upgraded our WordPress and Buddypress to latest versions and we now have an error in the console regarding “live” usage in js files. This is deprecated since jquery version 1.09 and should be replaced with “on” in your plugin to avoid any issues.
Please let me know about your resolution.
Andrei Ratiu
P.S. If necessary I can send you a picture with my error.
Por favor preciso muito deste recurso para terminar o meu trabalho. Me ajudem.
A pagina??o da página personal.php n?o aparece. Obrigado a quem me ajudar. Tentei consertar mas n?o consigo.
Please I need this feature Very paragraph finish my work . Help me .
Paging Page personal.php NO appears. Thanks to those who help me . I tried to fix it but I can not .
Thist plugin is not compatible. Update please!
]]>It is not updated in a while, it is compatible with the current version?
There is another alternative?
I do not speak English.
Please let me talk while translated in Google.
Can I specify the ”Orderby = rand”?
]]>I would like to remove the sidebar in the portfolio pages. Is there a way to do this? I have tried removing the “<?php get_sidebar(); ?>” on the template and other files, but the sidebar is still there. Any idea how to remove this?
]]>Hello all,
The content area is showing up underneath the photo and title?
It looks OK but it would be nice to have it look the same as it does in the screenshots; spanning across the page rather than dividing underneath each field, URL, content & heading? link below
Thanks for the free version, like to see a paid version with some extra settings…
]]>I can’t add new portfolio
I have made a social networking website using BuddyPress
Please help mw how to make my users add new portfolio of their own
I have the portfolio option in my site
But add new project is not there
It just shows – all projects 0
]]>Am facing a compactability problem with the theme i use. The theme is named SweetDate !!
Have a look : https://appincubator.in/members/noble/portfolio/
]]>Dear Team
Would you consider making it possible to add categories in a future release. That could be really good. And make your plugin compatible with the BuddyBoss theme.
]]>I have a big wish for your guys. Could you in a future update make it possible to create categories, that can be displayed on the portfolio page. Then members will be able to select a category, and you can browse through them. Then this plugin would be perfect.
]]>I am getting a 404 error page when I press on the “add portfolio” link on the projects page.
]]>just got some 404 errors on loading general.css, and noticed that the plugin URL on init is wrong:
define( 'BP_PORTFOLIO_PLUGIN_URL', plugins_url().'/bp-portfolio');
whereas it should point to /buddypress-portfolio
]]>Hi all
I have installed the plugin.
Below it what I see
BuddyPress > BP-Portfolio Settings
Active template = default
Description max size = 720
Anyone can tell CLEARLY how to do the portfolio settings?
Many thanks.
I love this plugin. I have two questions:
1. How do I make the layout 2 column as opposed to 1 column? I find that it is a waste of space.
2. I’m using this for people who may not want to link their work. How do I make it so that the URL is not mandatory?
Thanks and awaiting your reply,
]]>“Fatal error: Call to undefined function essages_remove_callback_values() …”
I am just creating my site.
I would like to use this plugin BuddyPress Portfolio. But I don’t understand what URLs users can put for their projects. Please, help me with this problem.
When I try to create a new project, I have the following error:
Fatal error:
Call to undefined function messages_remove_callback_values() in /usr/home/myweb.com/web/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-portfolio/includes/bp-portfolio-screens.php on line 43
I’ve tried again on a new install with just the buddypress and the portfolio plugins installed and I have the same error message.
Can it be a server configuration issue? Or something else?
Thank you for your help.
Could you possibly describe how to remove the URL field from the plugin manually? I am desperate to either remove the field or make it an optional field rather than a compulsory one. I understand that custom fields will be included in a future update but if you could give any details on how to adjust the code to achieve this in the mean time it would be much appreciated.
Many thanks for the great plugin.
I would like to know some details about this brilliant plugin, like if it supports video uploading.
Can you put an option for a member, whether he/she chooses embedding video from youtube, vimeo etc. or upload the video to the website itself (assuming website is giving enough space for videos, though there must be a limit per video/member I guess).
Another question is, can we able to limit access to portfolio for plain visitors? I want only some members to see other people’s portfolios.
And is there any limit for portfolio sizes? Like, 10 photographs, 3 videos or 200 MB total portfolio area? Is it possible to integrate with a membership plugin? For instance, gold members have more space.
Thanks a lot!
]]>This plugin is all I need! It would be great if it worked properly. At the moment I am unable to add new projects.
I am not using multisite.
This error has been mentioned on his personal website:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function messages_remove_callback_values() in /homepages/10/d176099892/htdocs/tahiti-photo.org/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-portfolio/includes/bp-portfolio-screens.php on line 43
I await a new version with this bug correction. Please. Thanks!
]]>hi thanx for a great plugin, is it possible to add custom fields to the portfolio besides the usual title, url, description. Maybe something t do with industry the project is in and a few other fields. Thanx
]]>Hi there,
awesome plugin, comes very handy! I have one problem though. I am translating my buddypress/multisite site with codestyling localization -plugin. I have managed to translate all my plugins except buddypress portfolio. It seems that there is no languages folder and fo some reason codestyling plugin doesn’t detect your plugin.
]]>Hello all,
I’m attempting to change the text of the plugin, but for some odd reason, it does not reflect on the front-end once I edit the code.
In other words, I would like to change the activity update from this plugin from:
“USER created a new project in his Portfolio”
“USER created new content in his Rotation”
I managed to change the word PORTFOLIO to ROTATION but I can’t seem to replace the word PROJECT with CONTENT.
Can anyone help me?
]]>I don’t use a sidebar on my site. The sidebar widget doesn’t even have anything in it and I added the portfolio shortcode to a page with a full width template, yet it is showing a sidebar. Is the sidebar hard coded something? What file would I edit to remove it?
]]>Just a feature request, it would be great if my users could upload PDF files in lieu of having a URL.
It would also be nice if the user could set permissions to decide who can see the project, i.e. private, public, friends only, members of a certain group, etc.
Plugin is great, but I wanted to ask how to publish projects in main profile page…. https://www.domain.com/member/admin/ in this page, under avatar.
By default projects can be visible in https://www.domain.com/member/admin/portfolio and in activity stream.
]]>I’m setting up a site for artists. Their projects don’t usually have unique, if any , urls. If they have a web site we’ll have one field for that in their BP profile. Please make requiring that field optional
Separate feature request: they will also likely have more than one image in the project. I haven’t found a stable BP gallery plugin yet, which is why ‘Portfolio” sounded appealing. Would like be able to upload multiple images. Thanks
]]>Hi! I love the plugin very much; thank you for making it!
For my site’s purpose, the URL field is unnecessary. Is there a way to select an option to opt-out of such a feature?
Thank you for reading! So excited to see your project grow!