Hi, i am making changes in buddypress code. But that changes are not applying on mobile site. i am using buddyMobile plugin.
Please help me out.
Thanks in advance.
Hi All,
My site was working fine untill yesterday (26th / January / 2014 ) then i started seeing this error on my site : https://events.myvirgo.info
The Error is at the top and it it :
Please help, i tried un-installing the BuddyMobile…And still it shows and de-activating it and still no luck.
Thanks ??
]]>I have found that creating a post inside a group with buddypress will post to your profile activity instead of the groups activity. On desktop version this works.
]]>Please help
please fix wrong rotation picture after uploaded
* Try to put iPhone straight up or Home button on the left side then take a photo then upload. u will see it is wrong rotation.
It is only work great if the Home Button on the right side. photo will be perfect view.
Please I really need this fix. help.
]]>Please add Search Bar for BuddyMobile Pro Please.
]]>Hi there, Buddymobile works fine for me on Android and Ios devices, now i want to support some other devices like some nokia phones, can anybody tell me how to do it?
]]>Hi there,
I have got the buddypress mobile plugin up and running. It works on the iphones, but not the android phones or tablets.
Can anyone advise how to fix this issue?
Thanks is advance.
]]>Hello, so I just installed the plugin, and everything works fine..exept that I don’t understand the part with AdMob. What exactly do i have to do to get ads on my mobile website? I tried creating a site with Admob, but it tells me to put in my App URL from either Apple or Android, and then it says “This app requires an AdMob SDK that was released on or after March 15, 2011. Please download the latest version of the AdMob SDK before making ad requests with this app.” I am very lost in all this procedure, and any kind of help would be very much appreciated!
Thank you!
]]>Hello, I would like to know if you use the Buddy Mobile in normal, ie blogs without being in Buddy Press? Already grateful.
]]>I had to remove Buddypress mobile as it seems not to be compatible with WP-FB-AutoConnect (https://www.justin-klein.com/projects/wp-fb-autoconnect).
I am not writing this to complain, the uncompatibilty may be on the other plugin.
I just wonder if you have a solution as the pair WP-FB-AutoConnect / Buddypress mobile seems to be a quite powerful one and it’s a pity they don’t work together.
Having to chose I’ll keep WP-FB-AutoConnect and will use the non mobile theme.
Hello BuddyMobile-Team,
i have a big problem…and the counter is so important for my plattform.
Without using a mobile device, the counter works fine.
But when I try to open for example this post with my iPhone 4s iOS6, the counter will be not displayed…
I’m using, for mobile devices, the BuddyMobile-Plugin and in safari, the javascript is enabled.
What can I do? Do you have an idea, why it does not work?
Best regards,
]]>When I select default style option and Add to homescreen notice
and then save changes, I get this error message – 404 Not Found
The resource requested could not be found on this server!
The address of this error message is – …./wp-admin/network/options.php
There is no options.php at this location in the new install files either.
I also had previously added a bp-mobile page as requested in the readme.txt file included with BuddyMobile install files.
Does it not work with this version of WPMU BuddyPress
Please advise…
A few days ago I noticed a big drop in visits to my website from mobile device. From more than 100 visits to almost zero!!!
An user contacted me complaining because after entering the login data he was sent to a site that was not mine! A redirect after login!
how can I fix this?
I disabled the plugin and visits from mobile devices are back to normal, but I would like to use the plugin.
thank you
]]>the page was mostly blank. it only showed notifications. Menu was empty. I have buddy press 1.6.1
my smart phone uses android.
I am trying to make my plugin GEO my WP work perfectly with your plugin. GEO my WP does proximity search for members and display results together with google map. it works fine but google maps wont show up. any idea how i could fix that?
Thank you
]]>When I make a post on the site, it’ll show up on the screen when I hit “post update”. But when I refresh the page the post disappears and is no where to be found on the site.
Any ideas?
Thanks you,
My website security found this in a scan and I cannot get to Buddy Chimp website on my personal computers because my security tells me buddychimp.com is a Reported Attack Page.
[Aug 08 01:32:45] Adding issue: File contains suspected malware URL: …/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-mobile/buddypress-mobile.php
Filename: wp-content/plugins/buddypress-mobile/buddypress-mobile.php
Bad URL: https://buddychimp.com/
File type: Not a core, theme or plugin file.
Severity: Critical
This file contains a suspected malware URL listed on Google’s list of malware sites. Decoded base64 when scanning files so the URL may not be visible if you view this file. The URL is: https://buddychimp.com/
The next part is from: https://safebrowsing.clients.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=http%3A%2F%2Fbuddychimp.com%2F&client=googlechrome&hl=en-US
Safe Browsing
Diagnostic page for buddychimp.com
What is the current listing status for buddychimp.com?
Site is listed as suspicious – visiting this web site may harm your computer.
Part of this site was listed for suspicious activity 3 time(s) over the past 90 days.
What happened when Google visited this site?
Of the 1 pages we tested on the site over the past 90 days, 1 page(s) resulted in malicious software being downloaded and installed without user consent. The last time Google visited this site was on 2012-08-06, and the last time suspicious content was found on this site was on 2012-08-06.
Malicious software includes 4 scripting exploit(s).
Malicious software is hosted on 1 domain(s), including ens122zzzddazz.com/.
This site was hosted on 1 network(s) including AS11042 (LANDIS).
]]>The “Lazy Load Images” option, when selected, is being applied to my desktop theme, too. Any one else experiencing this? Any way to prevent this?
]]>Hi. I want to be to beable to add and remove links when the user click Menu, then profile, I need to edit the links when they see the navigation on the loaded page with their profile. I tried looking at the PHP/HTML and couldn’t figure it out.
Here’s the situation I’m facing:
– WP 3.4.1. + BP 1.5.6 + a child theme of BP default theme + BP Mobile
– while editing a post from a desktop browser everything is fine
– when editing a post from a mobile or tablet the featured image box just disappears and it’s not present in the Screen Options either
– I also noticed that when I connect from a mobile I get these 2 message on the wp-admin:
ERROR: The themes directory is either empty or doesn’t exist. Please check your installation.
You’ll need to activate a BuddyPress-compatible theme to take advantage of all of BuddyPress’s features. We’ve bundled a default theme, but you can always install some other compatible themes or update your existing WordPress theme.
I also want to mention that some minor corrections were made to the default BP Mobile theme, but they are mainly CSS related and I assumed they won’t generate this issue.
Any help with this would be highly appreciated.
]]>I like the plugin.
Menu is created in the: Appearance -> Menu.
And a page named: bp-mobile. Pages -> Add new
WordPress: 3.4
Buddypress: 1.5.6
Achievements: 2.3
Buddypress mobile:
I Am trying to have my Achievements widget display properly across my site but for some reason in my members directory the Image for the achievements in the Achievements unlocked widget are calling the src of the image in my buddypress mobile plugin folder? As soon as i scroll the page about half way POP! the images come up properly?
This is happening when viewing the FULL site not the mobile version. The mobile version seems to be working alright.
Here is the code being created when viewing the Buddypress Members page in the Achievements Unlocked sidebar widget:
<img class="avatar achievement-pirate-high-guild-rogue-avatar avatar-thumbnail" title="Pirate – High Guild Rogue" alt="Pirate – High Guild Rogue" src="https://medievalchaos.ca/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-mobile/themes/default/images/grey.gif" original="https://medievalchaos.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/ACHIEVEMENT-ICONS-PSD_247.jpg">
You will notice that is it calling the image from here:
But the original from here:
I have NO IDEA how or why this is happening , and insights or solutions?
You can login to our site using
I have assigned some achievements so navigate to :
to see the issue in action.
]]>In your plugin you use the PHP5.3 deprecated function eregi.
Could you change that from let’s say :
if (eregi($useragent,$container)){
>> to <<
if( preg_match( strtlower( $useragent ), strtolower( $container ) ) {
Oscar Frowijn
Can I use a page template for the front page (with or without bp-mobile)?
]]>How can I add links to “home” and “activity” under the menu button? Currently the only option is “profile” for logged in users.
Great plugin, thanks!
]]>Latest version of both Buddy Press and WordPress.
I am having the issue with my BPMobile theme of all the images i have being Squished instead of resized to fit he format. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
You can view the app here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.w4VillainsWebSeries
]]>I have both the latest version of Buddy Press and WordPress, and installed BuddyPress Mobile. Everything seems to be working fine but i cannot for the life of me get it to switch to using the Black theme instead of the Blue iphone style theme. I would love to have my mobile site reflect what you see in the screen shots of the plugin page.
You can view my mobile site on your mobile device here: https://4villains.org
Also is there any guide to the CSS so i can customize the look further? i keep having issues of not being able to find the correct css properties since i cant use fire fox & fire bug to find the classes.
All in all however GREAT app!
I want to use the mobile theme especially with my activity stream.
if I write s.th. in the post box and then want to send it I can′t see the “post-button”… has anyone else the same problem?
how to solve this phenomen?
thanks, bergblume
is there anyone succesfully using this plugin? because i think this plugin is the only one who can made our BP can be access with mobile devices.
]]>Can anyone list one or more websites that are using the BuddyPress Mobile plugin?
I’d like to explore it with my iPhone and iPad to make sure it suits my needs.