can I use this plugin also to create paid memberships or it is only for free memberships?
]]>Dear @nextgenua,
Hope this message find you are doing well and have happy days with your family ??
Sorry when we want to write the document for you, we got COVID-19 and got troubles, we have wrote the document for you at:
Sorry for the delay again, if you contact us via, we will give you a plugin license as a sorry ??
Thanks, have a blessed day with your family ??
Best Regards,
]]>I am trying to set all components to member only except activity. Does that mean the activity box in the components setting should be checked or unchecked?
how is it possible to give registered users access to each page without having to register the pages one by one?
Best regards
Hi Dear Users of BuddyPress Memebrs Only Plugin,
Hope this message find you are doing well and having happy days with your family, we are happy to report you, BuddyPress Memebrs Only Free Plugin 3.2.3 ??
As some long-time users of the BuddyPress Memebrs Only plugin may know, our plugin was designed at 9 years ago, and over the past 9 years, we have developed many versions of the BuddyPress Memebrs Only free plugin and BuddyPress Memebrs Only pro plugin and BuddyPress Memebrs Only pro plus plugin, in order to meet the new needs of buddypress users. At the same time, wordpress and buddypress has been upgraded many times, and some of the code we designed more than 9 years ago is quite old, so we regularly check our code against the latest wordpess and buddypress code and update our code to keep up with wordpress and buddypress updates. ??
In BuddyPress Memebrs Only 3.2.3, we followed wordpress security standard to enhanced our code to check and filter the data submitted by the wordpress admin in the BuddyPress Memebrs Only Free Plugin management panel, to ensure all data is safe. And we followed wordpress and buddypress security standard to validate and filter each output generated via BuddyPress Memebrs Only Plugin ??
In last version, we followed the user’s request to copy our functions which allow buddypress admin to decide restricts guest users to buddypress group or not — we developed the function about 6 years before. ??
Please upgrade to BuddyPress Memebrs Only 3.2.3 ??
Thanks, have a happy day with your family ??
Best Regards,
Hope this message find you are doing well and have happy days with your family ??
After upgraded to the buddypress members only free 3.0.5, you will find a new menu item “Buddypress Components”, once click the menu “Buddypress Components”, you will open the Buddypress Components Restriction Panel, in here you can opt to open buddypress activity pages or buddypress members pages… for guest or not.
We are still add more functions from our pro version to free version, you will see the new version soon ??
Thanks, have a happy day with your family ??
Best Regards,
Hi Dear Buddypress members only plugin users,
We just released buddypress members only 2.9.5, because we get a ticket from an bp members only pro user, in which he said:
When we edit a page with Elementor and save the page the “Allow everyone to access the page” setting is set to false. Is it possible to keep the setting true after i edit a page with Elementor?
We read the code of elementor and find a solution to the problem, once upgraded to 2.9.5, when you edit posts in elementor editor, the value in “Allow everyone to access the page” metabox will not lost again ??
Based on another user’s request, we are move a few functions from pro version to free version, the user said when he read the document of pro version, he found admin can open / close a few specific buddypress components to users based on user roles, he hope have the ability to open activity to guest user and disable user profile pages to non-member. Yes, we have developed this function many years before, we are happy to add this function to free version too, you will see it soon ??
Thanks, have a happy day with your family ??
Best Regards,
Dear users of Buddypress members only plugin,
Hope this message find you are doing well and have happy days with your family ??
We get a ticket, in which a buddypress members only user said he cannot understand how buddypress members only works, he request us update the document, in the version 2.9.1, we rewrite the knowledge base to help admin understand how bp members only works easier. ??
We get another amazing user’s feature request, he said he found our bp memebrs only pro plugin have the ability to open specific parts of buddypress to users, he hope have the ability to open buddypress members / activity / groups to guest too. we are develop the new version and you will see this function with a new menu item in next version, we have the plan to move this feature to free version a few months before, now we have the time to do it for the user, we will release it soon ??
Thanks, have a happy day with your family ??
Best Regards,
I’ve just had to go through the blog posts on my site resetting all the posts to allow non-members to read them. It seems like an auto-update(?) has reset all the posts to the default ‘members only for this page’. Am just so blind I haven’t noticed the posts were never open for the last few months or is there a bug here?
When we edit a page with Elementor and save the page the “Allow everyone to access the page” setting is set to false. Is it possible to keep the setting true after i edit a page with Elementor?
]]>Hi there, I have enabled this plugin and it works fine for the profile pages however how do I make sure the members directory page is protected? Thanks
]]>I reinstalled your plugin, just in case. But still the same error:
Since WordPress 5.2 there is a built-in feature that detects when a plugin or theme causes a fatal error on your site, and notifies you with this automated email.
In this case, WordPress caught an error with one of your plugins, BuddyPress Members only.
First, visit your website ( and check for any visible issues. Next, visit the page where the error was caught ( and check for any visible issues.
This plugin failed to load properly and is paused during recovery mode.
An error of type E_COMPILE_ERROR was caused in line 44 of the file /home/dponkvjh/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-members-only/buddypress-members-only.php. Error message: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘rules/shortcoderestriction.php’ (include_path=’.:/opt/alt/php72/usr/share/pear’)
]]>Total site crash and impossible to reinstall version 2.8.5 on a WordPress 5.7-fr_FR, buddypress 7.2.0 and PHP 7.4 site
Error message: The extension could not be activated because it raised a fatal error.
Warning: require_once (rules / shortcoderestriction.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in / homepages / 38 / d853745638 / htdocs / clickandbuilds / WebSocialPiedsNus / wp-content / plugins / buddypress-members-only / buddypress-members -only.php on line 44
Fatal error: require_once (): Failed opening required ‘rules / shortcoderestriction.php’ (include_path = ‘.: / Usr / lib / php7.4’) in / homepages / 38 / d853745638 / htdocs / clickandbuilds / WebSocialPiedsNus / wp-content /plugins/buddypress-members-only/buddypress-members-only.php on line 44
I am resetting my test server with a fresh wordpress 5.5.3 + buddypress 7.2.0.
I tried to install your plugin, and I got this error :
L’extension n’a pas pu être activée, car elle a déclenché une erreur fatale.
Warning: require_once(rules/shortcoderestriction.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /***/***/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-members-only/buddypress-members-only.php on line 44
The first sentence says : “The plugin could not be activated because it generated a fatal error”.
Thank you for your great work on that plugin.
Your Plugin was perfect.
But due to the new update CRASHT my site.
Kind regards
]]>I am running WordPress 5.5.3
Buddypress 7.0.0 beta1
Buddypress Members Only Pro 4.6.6
My post and pages are open to the public.
Please advise.
I took the PRO version of BP Members only plugin which has not yielded any results so far to my expectations. I tried all possible ways to restrict BP components with existing WP users. Irrespective of settings to restrict certain user role(viz. subscriber) to a few components, the users with subscriber role are able to access all the components. This is frustrating. How to restrict wp user (with a specific role) from accessing certain component?
No proper documentation is found to check my configuration settings. Can anyone help?
B N Reddy
This problem has been posted THREE other times in the last month with no fix provided. PLEASE ADDRESS THE PROBLEM IN THESE FORUMS. Deleting the plugin DOES NOT fix this issue.
Other threads complaining of this issue:
I tracked it down. This line was added to the .htaccess file and NOT removed when the plugin was deleted:
RewriteRule ^/?$ /wp-login.php [QSA,L]
After the latest update it has stopped working. I am using wp vesrion 5.4 and buddypress version 5.2.0. Please advise, thanks.
Hi. i am using your plugin to make my buddypress installation private.
I only gave access to the groups page, because I would like to show the unregistered users the discussion groups, so as to show the potential of the community. But I would like to show only the groups home page. Instead excluding the “bp/groups/” page, the sub pages (activities, events, members, etc.) are also displayed.
Is there no way to display only the home page and to deny sub pages? Since the sub pages have a different url from the home, isn’t there a filter to exclude the urls after bp/groups? maybe using* the asterisk will negate urls of the type …
Looking forward to your reply, best regards.
I’m using a subdirectory website of my main domain. When I use this plugin, it redirects all the pages to default login/register page of my subdirectory site. I want to restrict only some posts and i’ve selected Enable Page Level Protect Settings to give access to non-members for all other pages.
Homepage is not accessible to nonmembers. I want hompage to be accessible for everyone. I even pasted my website homepage url in Opened Page URLs, but it didn’t work, any solution to this?
I cannot view my site while logged in as admin because whenever I click to visit site, it redirects me to login page and when I login, it redirects me back to wp-admin page.
]]>After installing the plugin I only get a login form and cannot even log in as it redirects to the login widget again. I deleted the plugin and it doesn’t change it. I can’t even access wp-admin. Please could someone tell me how to solve this?? Thanks.
I installed this plugin and it automatically only showed the login page (eventhough I tried to setthe homepage and register page as visible to logged out users). I deleted the plugin and it didn’t change back (only the login widget is visible). How can I reset the settings?? Thank you.
I wish to download the plugin I’ve paid for.
I’ve tried using my login details, contacted you via the contact form and password reset. I’ve received no emails.
I’m not getting any inbound and I’ve carried out a mailtrace. Can you please assist?
]]>Hi Dears,
We just released buddypress members only 2.1.5, in this version:
Added new option “Temporarily Turn Off All Featrures Of BuddyPress Members Only”, If you enabled this option, all features of buddypress members only will be disabled, you site will open to all users
Updated description of buddypress members only settings panel.
Thanks, have a happy weekend with your family ??
]]>Hi Dears,
We have released buddypress members only 2.1.1, based on user’s feature requests,
in setting panel, new options to only protect your buddypress pages, so other section on your wordpress site will be open to the guest users. ??
Thanks, have a happy day with your family ??
I love this plugin! I have used it on many sites I have built so far so thanks.
I want to be able to redirect users on login to the previous url they requested (that was restricted, so they had to login).
For example if a non logged in user clicks this restricted link:
They are taken to a login page as this content is restricted to logged in members only.
Once logged in they are sent to the homepage (
I want them to be redirected to the original content they requested (
How can I go about doing this with your plugin?
Many Thanks for your help,
]]>Hi Dears,
We just released BuddyPress Members Only 2.0.1, in this version, We added Knowledge Base sub menu item in admin area, based on users requested, Knowledge Base include:
How to Install BuddyPress Members Only
What is the Function of BuddyPress Members Only?
How BuddyPress Members Only Works?
BuddyPress Members Only Plugin Settings
What We are Developing Now
How to Get Support
Thanks, have a happy weekend with your family ??
1. I want to have my Public groups be visible to Google and visitors but to give an option to our members to hide their profiles and posts from these Public groups for non logged visitors.
2. To keep all posts in Public groups but make the members Anonymous (hide their profile pictures and names) for visitors (Google and non logged members).
So, Non logged users and visitors will see posts in Public groups but:
instead of a name > Anonymous
instead of a profile picture > Default profile picture
3. To give to my members a privacy option/setting to hide their posts in Public groups for everyone except logged in members.
4. To keep all posts in Public groups public but respect the privacy of owners of posts (their names and profile pictures must only visible for logged members
]]>Hi… first of all thanks for your plugin.
I’m trying to use it’s free version for limiting groups to be seen only for logged in users.
The idea is allowing guests to see groups list, but when they click on a group without being logged in, they get redirected to register page.
I installed the plugin, then, I have set the groups list page for guest viewing, I have inserted the register page url… but it is redirecting to Home page.
I have uninstalled the plugin and reinstalled… nothing has changed.
Well… I’m a bit lost here and I expected that not allowed pages redirect users to register page. I’m not sure if I’m missing something.
Do you have any idea why it is redirecting to homepage, even when I insert the register page path?
Thanks in advance.