installiertes Plugin ist nicht mit den letzten beiden Hauptversionen von WordPress kompatibel.
]]>Hello, I have this installed and really like it! The fact it notifies buddypress users when there’s new activity on their web browser. Either form friends or users they follow, it’s cool and I like it for a buddypress-desktop-notification addon. I like the way It mimics how Facebook works with pop-up push notifications. But, I’ve also noticed the queries to my Database has greatly increased after installing this plugin… Although, I’m not sure if this plugin is at fault, by sending too many request to the database per hour, or something else is causing it… If so, I’d like to modify the code of this plugin, lower the amount of times It queries the database per day, change it to It doesn’t query the DB than originally scripted. Any thoughts about this?
Does anyone know what I would need to do. to possibly modify, in order to reduce the amount of times this plugin queries the DB? Thanks for your help! Dan
the plugin not showing the member avatar image in desktop notification. How can i fix it?
BuddyPress ver. 4.2.0
Wordpress ver 5.0.3
PHP ver 7.1
Best Regard
Ernesto Romano
Awesome plugin, please I would like to request for support for service worker API since majority of websites are now becoming PWA(PROGRESSIVE WEB APPS).
Support for this plugin would be awesome
Please can you update this plugin to support the latest version of buddypress also there is a problem with multiple notifications.
Also the notification keeps showing on every page refresh It should only show once
Thank you
]]>If the website is opened in four tabs, then I get four notifications for the same activity. Ideally it should be only one notification.
]]>Hi! is it possible to remove the default image?
Are there some settings anywhere?
Hi, I would like to use your plugin but when I activate it after a while the performance of the server starts to go to the maximum and the site stops, what can it depend on? is it solvable?
need help…. i am using buddypress desktop notification plugin in a forum website, using boss theme, bbpress and buddypress plugins. the problem i am facing is that, this plugin shows notification in firefox but it not in chrome and internet explorer.please help me out if anyone know how to solve this problem.
thank you
First I want to thank you about the plugin it’s very helpful.
My question:
Is there any APIs or some something that allows BuddyPress Desktop Notification
to interact with onesignal nothifications API so that the plugin would be able to send live notifications with oneSignal API.
Thank you.
in the following page:
I can reed the following:
Starting with version 44, Firefox can deliver on-screen notifications even when that site isn’t loaded. Using the Push API, a W3C standard, Firefox receives a push message and can show notifications (if permitted by the user) at any time.
I have done a test and if my firefox (version 50.0) is openend but the web is not opened in a firefox windows, descktop notification is not showed. If I charge the web in a windows I will receive the descktop notification.
For to do the test, I have used 2 different computer:
A: Computer A with my web opened in Google Chrome, and also with my user A log in and sending for example a friend request to user B
B: Computer B with the user B log in, with the firefox opened, but with my web page not opened.
If you do the test, you can see that notification is not showed…
If you do the same test using the same computer with 2 differents browser opened
1. web opened in Google Chrome, and also with my user A log in and sending for example a friend request to user B
2. user B log in, with the firefox opened, but with my web page not opened.
if you are allowed notification to both browsers, you will receive the notification but it is a “ERROR NOTIFICATION”. It is a strange error. It is not a firefox notification… it is a google notification. Opening this notification will be not opened a page in firefos, but in Chrome…
For to do a good test using the same computer, please apply the following setting:
In Chrome do not allow push notification
In FireFox, yes allow push notifications
After that send for example a frind request from the user A into Chrome to the user B into FireFox. I can see that notification will be not showed if in FireFox the web is closed. Only after open the web the notification will be showed.
I hope you understand me… If no, please tell me what you do not understand.
In conclusion, if firefox say “notification are sent even if page is closed”, please, let me know why your notification are not showed when page is not opened.
I hope your answar.
Thanks for your support.
Congratulations. This plugin run very well for descktop.
I have 3 Questions:
1. There is a limit of number of send notification dayly? Or it depend of my server? If depend of my VPS, aproximatelly for a “normal VPS” how many notification can be sended in 60 seconds.
2. I have gone to for have a look and know if run for Android.
In this page say: Partial support with prefix: webki
What mean that. What I need to do for run your plugin in android?
3. Are you working in to do push notification for Android and iOS?
Thanks very very very much for your work and your professional support.
Is there a way to change or disable the sound that occurs when a browser presents a notification?
]]>Is there a way for the site admin select what kind of notifications the users will receive? I think they may not understand how this pluging works. I would like to be able to choose only personal notifications for them.
]]>Is it possible to show the notifications in the user selected language?
]]>Hi, I use
I get this error in the newrelic. And my php load increases 10 times
Error message
E_WARNING: Illegal offset type
Sample stack trace
bp-activity-functions.php (744)
in bp_activity_post_type_get_tracking_arg called at /var/www/pandaplusb/
bp-blogs-activity.php (909)
<strong>in bp_blogs_new_blog_comment_query_backpat called at ? (?)</strong>
…_func_array called at /var/www/pandaplusb/
plugin.php (235)
bp-core-functions.php (278)
bp-activity-template.php (304)
desktop-notification.php (156)
desktop-notification.php (55)
<strong>in dn_query called at ? (?)</strong>
…_func_array called at /var/www/pandaplusb/
plugin.php (525)
… do_action called at /var/www/pandaplusb/
admin-ajax.php (89)
]]>Thanks for your plugin, it’s really great I think, but I have two issues:
Using wrong notifications are shown.
If user A visits User B’s profile page a notification for user B is created.
1. Desktop notification for user B is shown (thats OK) but twice
2. User A has no notification but gets a desktop notificatin, that user A has visited your profile.
=> desktop notification should only be shown once
=> wrong desktop notification should not be shown
all notification topics in BuddyPress are in English, although I use the German translation of several plugins.
Is there a way to change this?
See screenshot
Best Regards, Thorsten
]]>Hi, when I activate your plugin, I receive a lot of this errors in my error log from apache server:
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_has_message_threads() in /xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/Sites/ on line 97, referer:
Please can you help me to solve it.
Thanks in advance and best regards.
]]>Really great plugin. Is there a way to do the translation outside the php file?
]]>One thing I forgot. Is there a list of notifications that get pushed to the desktop somewhere or is it just all notifications in the buddypress queue?
Any guidance on turning off specific ones?
Perhaps it could be linked with the BuddyPress email notification tab under settings.
Thank you.
]]>I’ve been testing and comparing with Facebook.
Facebook messages fade away after like 10 seconds, whereas this plugin’s messages stick around forever. How can we get the fade away and be-gone effect?
Facebook also just lists the url as www. facebook .com at the bottom with no https:// in front. I think that looks cleaner and hope that could be default.
Facebook doesn’t make a sound. Can we turn that off?
The title and the message seem redundant (and confusing at places: See “Bbp New Reply” referring to bbpress). Can we just replace it with the site title like Facebook?
Facebook has the ability to turn desktop notifications on and off via a setting within the site. Is something like that possible to add in BuddyPress.
If you’re viewing the site or just logging into the site, Facebook doesn’t seem to bother you with notifications, but this plugin does. Can that be prevented?
This along with fixing the images would make this a truly great plugin, but I do appreciate everything you’ve done so far. Thank you!!
]]>How is the image set? Sometimes I’m getting a generic Gravatar logo.×300.jpg
It would be nice if we could set that to the site favicon or site logo.
]]>Thank you for this promising plugin.
One quick fix is the language of messages. It should say Brian “sent” you a message, not “send” you a message which doesn’t make sense.
]]>For example: You have 1 new reply to …..
]]>Does this plugin send nots to mobile too ?
]]>The plugin is excellent and awesome, I am using 50 plugins as of now and I must say this is one of the best of the lot and I am very choosy and experienced plugin picker.
Is there any way I can customize the request prompt which browser throws which asks for the permission from the user to allow notifications or deny ? Something like in facebook where there is a flower smiling like crazy in a flower pot which asks permission for desktop notifications (not asks but simple lets you know sort of).
Thanks for this wonderful plugin.
]]>Notification received excellent but repeating again and again
Is it possible to filter only show the related notifications for the user, not all activity updates. Only mention to user, message, friends accepted, etc.
Thank you.