Is it possible to use this plugin to send email notifications only to the users subscribe to a forum if there are multiple forums?
]]>Hi, I’m Mexican and I want to change the languaje to Spanish, is it posible???
thank you! ??
Love your product but at the moment my website don’t need Bublaa forums. And here is the problem.
I have removed Bublaa plugin from my WordPress but on the bottom right of my website i can still see the bublaa message “Join the community” even though i have deleted Bublaa plugin and my bublaa account from your website.
I have tried to find it from my style.css file but it doesn’t seem to be anywhere. Still it appears to be on my website. (
Can you help me with this?
I created a forum for a site that I built in wordpress for an individual and I made him a moderator of the forum but I need all user approvals to go to him instead of myself because when we have the site running smoothly I will be taking myself out of the forum as it will be private. Is there a way to make it where he is the one approving new users instead of myself?
It is for a law enforcement agency and the forum has to be private to protect the content.
Thanks for the help!
]]>Hi guys,
I really like what you’re doing. Very sleek design and functionality.
There’s only one problem that I’ve discovered. When I embed a board (either in WordPress through a plugin or as direct code embed) notifications show up in a red bubble, complete with tooltip on hover, but it isn’t clickable. Any ideas?
Here’s a quick screenshot:
Here’s a test page where I’ve embedded the board. There are no conflicting CSS or Javascripts or anything:
I’d be glad for any input…
]]>Hy, my nome si mike and i’m usino bublaa for a web site. I embed the bublaa in a page called forum. When i view the page With a mac or a pc all is ok. When i view the page With iPad , i ‘m redirect to bublaa website on the page of my forum.
The page is
Thank’s in advance for the replay of tris post.
Hello everyone!
We have exciting news for you. We are releasing a major product update soon. Our current estimate is the end of this week or next week.
The update will affect:
-Discussion forums and
-The network at
You can read more about the update here:
Thank you!
Kim from the Bublaa Team
]]>I have the Bublaa plugin installed but the top buttons ‘Log in’ & ‘Sign up’ are hidden by the themes menu bar. If I click ‘Maximise’ page at the bottom it brings the forum page to the ‘Top level’ over the menu bar so all is accessible. Is there a way to either nudge down the buttons or make the bublaa forum page ‘maximised’ by default.
Kind regards
I just created a Bublaa forum that is embedded on my own web site and through testing it I’m finding that the email notifications I received upon posting or replying are pointing me to the Bublaa domain. Is there a way to get these notifications to point me back to my own site and/or globally turn off notifications completely?
We looked everywhere but can find no setting options for styling the forum to match the rest of our site. Our theme uses a *boxed* framework. The header and footer show, but the forum width completely overlaps the site’s width and looks clumsy. Also, the header overlaps the top area of the forum, which gets cut off. Styling options would offer us a way to fix that. It would be nice to be able to make the forum *fit* within the design we have worked so hard on. We wanted to report this and ask if there are such new options in dev. Otherwise, the forum disrupts the site design way too much and we cant use it as is. Thanks.
Hi guys,
Is there a way to search for topics/posts within my Bublaa forum?
]]>Hi guys,
Really good-looking and cool forum theme. Unique I would say.
However, when a user signs up to the forum embedded into my site, it doesn’t seem he will automatically sign-up as a subscriber. Is there a way to get the user signing up to my blog when signing up for the forum?
I’ve downloaded Bublaa plugin and set it to be shown on a specific page.
After opening the page with the embedded Bublaa forum and pressing Login/Signup the popup breaks scrolling (seems that it always focuses back)
Checked with Google Chrome and Firefox.
Forum is here:
Related issue was with the embedded forum itself as well
]]>Embedded Bublaa in a page breaks scrolling
I’ve downloaded Bublaa plugin and set it to be shown on a specific page.
After opening the page with the embedded Bublaa forum, activating it (clicking on it) and trying to scroll down/up afterwards – it is not possible.
Seems that it always focuses back.
Checked with Google Chrome and Firefox.
Forum is here:
]]>Hello, I am French, how to change the language?
thank you ??
Many of you have been asking about Single Sign-On (SSO) for WordPress.
As a reminder, Single Sign-On means that people don’t have to create a new account for the discussions, if they have already registered on your website.
Single Sign-On is now 99.9 % ready, but we need your help with the last 0.01.
If you:
1. Have a WordPress website,
2. Want to make it super easy for people to discuss on your website,
3. Want to be the first to enjoy this new feature and
4. Are awesome,
Please send me an email at [email protected]
Thank you,
Kim from the bublaa team
P.S. I will notify you here when we are not looking for testers anymore.
]]>I have setup two different forums on the bublaa site.
I can can get one or the other working on the page i want it, but not both.
As I see it. I go to the wp dashboard, select Bublaa near the bottom on the left sidebar. My options are to enter the forum title in the “general” box, and choose which page to embed it into. I don’t see how i can do this “again” without removing the current working forum.
how would i do two forums for two pages?
I’ve had multiple users experience frustration when trying to request access to a Bublaa forum using an email address that they have previously already tried to register (for some reason they have forgotten the request, or are simply confused with the process). The issue lies in the signup screen hanging when a user attempts to use an email address that has been already used to create a Bublaa account. Internet Explorer and Firefox behave slightly differently, but ultimately the screen will simply hang with no feedback to the user that a previous Bublaa account has been created and associated with that email address. This is easily re-created by attempting to “sign-up” with an existing registered email address.
]]>I’d like to have multiple forums on a single WordPress site, to segment discussions for different audiences e.g. General Forum, Special Subject 1 Forum, Special Subject 2 Forum. With the plugin it appears that I can only have one active forum on my site. I tried deactivating the plugin (which deleted the target page!) and embedding code manually, but that didn’t work at all. Any suggestions on how to do this?
I asked this question in another thread but didn’t get a response, so starting a new thread.
There is an option for guests to write a posts?
without any registration?
]]>I am thinking of using embedded Bublaa on a website that I am developing.
I have read the source code of the plugin and it seems that there are 2 external javascript files (on your domein) that get executed. Somehow that doesn’t feel right. If your site gets compromised I suffer too. Isn’t it much better to add those 2 javascript files to the plugin? That way every user is responsible for their own safety and every user can read what code is in there.
]]>Hi, can I ask for help?
I installed the plugin for wordpress, but the page does not load anything
the second-level domain is:
the domain level 3 (where wordpress is installed) is:
(I think the problem is there)
help me please
]]>Can I set this forum up to be the home page of my website, meanwhile placing my WordPress blog, articles, and content in a /blog/ subdirectory?
]]>So I’ve tried using the embed code AND the plugin, both separately, and the forum doesn’t appear to show up when viewing it on my Android smartphone. If I go to the forum directly on it works brilliantly.
This is a hurdle I have to overcome to use this, but this really looks like a solid forum option. Any ideas?
]]>Glad to be one of the first to declare the Forum works just fine using the new WordPress 3.5 version…However, I have reviewed other peoples forums using wordpress and in every case the WordPress Footer is not loaded.
I have scripts and my google analytics tracking code in my footer, so now I can’t accurately gauge traffic to the forum page. I brought the issue up in the bublaa forum but thought I would re-post here just so people are aware of the footer not loading when using this plugin.
Hope for a solution soon.
]]>Like what to put on the damn Bubbla page.
Is separate sign-up for the forums available?
When will the Bubbla home page be updated of IE 6?
]]>Is there a way to get the plugin to work with a page that is not at the top level? E.g., /members/forum does not seem to work.
]]>Interested in using for members of a paid for program but need to make access private. Can this be done?
]]>Help me understand, is there a benefit to using the plugin vs. just getting the embed code off my bublaa and embedding it into a page?
]]>I see I can attach photos and videos, but what about docs like PDF, Word, Excel, etc?