I was not able to create an ID on the bubble cast site.
]]>Enable Bubblecast Video for WordPress:
[16:30:22.960] GET https://liquidfluoridethoriumreactor.glerner.com/ [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 283757ms]
Disable Bubblecast Video for WordPress:
[18:34:03.826] GET https://liquidfluoridethoriumreactor.glerner.com/ [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 1078ms]
So this plugin adds 282.7 seconds to my blog load time
Perhaps you Must provide your Bubblecast account info?
But I don’t have one, and when I try to load the plugin home page,
https://bubble-cast.com/wordpress.html fails:
“The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.”
So I’m deleting the plugin!
]]>Although this plugin claims to allow playback of 3gp videos, it does not allow them to be uploaded. This may be a documentation issue – if so, please give instructions.
Also, the current install instructions discuss WordPress MU which has been superceded. There is no longer a mu-plugins directory. Please update install instructions to fix this.
]]>Bubblecast works great, but I can’t get it the videos to A. show a screen shot of the video on the home page, or B. more preferably, play the video on the front page – it just shows up with the Bubblecast logo. I’m really happy so far with everything else and have been using it for just over a month; it seems to work great in posts, and it uploads anything I ask of it. All this being said, it might also be a problem with my theme rather than Bubblecast – I’m having other problems with the theme anyway. https://www.eastmnweeklynews.com