Hi, the read more element is not opening the text, the close button will work but the read more button does not.
Hi support,
there seams to be a problem with Bricksable ?Read More (Expand)?-Element combined with Bricksforge Pro Forms https://docs.bricksforge.io/en/elements/pro-forms/#step.
In the first step (visible) it works fine.
But in the following steps (not visible after loading -> only step by step when clicking ?Next?), the ?Read More (Expand)? Element collaps to 0px instead of unfold to full-size content-height.
I guess it is happens because of the element-settings of the parent-element (step-wrapper):
<div id="brxe-idnpjx" class="brxe-div bricks-lazy-hidden" data-brf-step="3" data-original-display="flex" data-visible="false" style="display: none;">
## Before Click:
The Element looks this before clicking on read-more Button
<div id="brxe-koxvlj" data-script-id="koxvlj" class="brxe-ba-read-more" data-ba-bricks-read-more-options="{"speed":400,"collapsedHeight":130,"heightMargin":16,"moreLink":"Leitfaden lesen","lessText":"Zuklappen","startOpen":false,"scrollBacktoTop":false,"scrollBacktoTopTarget":"element","scrollBacktoTopCssId":"","readMoreIcon":"ion-ios-arrow-down","readMoreIconSVG":"","lessIcon":"ion-ios-arrow-up","lessIconSVG":""}">...</div>
The child element:
<div class="ba-read-more-wrapper ba-read-me-gradient rmjs-3" style="height: 130px; max-height: none;" data-readmore="" aria-expanded="false" id="rmjs-4">...</div>
## And after click:
The Element looks this after clicking on read-more Button (SAME)
<div id="brxe-koxvlj" data-script-id="koxvlj" class="brxe-ba-read-more" data-ba-bricks-read-more-options="{"speed":400,"collapsedHeight":130,"heightMargin":16,"moreLink":"Leitfaden lesen","lessText":"Zuklappen","startOpen":false,"scrollBacktoTop":false,"scrollBacktoTopTarget":"element","scrollBacktoTopCssId":"","readMoreIcon":"ion-ios-arrow-down","readMoreIconSVG":"","lessIcon":"ion-ios-arrow-up","lessIconSVG":""}">...</div>
BUT The child element has inline-style changed to 0px:
<div class="ba-read-more-wrapper ba-read-me-gradient rmjs-3" style="height: 0px; max-height: none;" data-readmore="" aria-expanded="true" id="rmjs-4">...</div>
# My assumption
When I drag & drop the Element in the first Step (Visible by start) the same ?Read More (Expansion?-Element is working fine.
So I guess it has to do something with the “invisible nature” of the steps following the first visible steps, which are invisible.
Hi support,
Do we have to do some settings in Bricksable after Update to Bricks 1.10?
Before the Bricksable elements was showing fine. After the Bricks Update all the CSS Files for the elements seams to be no more loaded.
There are only the JS-folders to find under:
– root/plugins/bricksable/includes/elements/back-to-top/assets/js
– root/plugins/bricksable/includes/elements/lottie/assets/js
– root/plugins/bricksable/includes/elements/read-more/assets/js
– root/plugins/bricksable/includes/elements/sticky-video/assets/js
There are NO css folder to find in the local dev environment. Like:
– root/plugins/bricksable/includes/elements/back-to-top/assets/css
– root/plugins/bricksable/includes/elements/lottie/assets/css
– root/plugins/bricksable/includes/elements/read-more/assets/css
– root/plugins/bricksable/includes/elements/sticky-video/assets/css
Have no Cache-Plugin aktivated.
And have also tried to regenerate the CSS in Bricks.
And also deactivated all other plugins.
And delete and reinstall Brichsable.
And with anonymous, and dev-tool open(no cache at all)….
No change. The css for bricksable are all not findable/loaded.
Do you have some advice to get the css back?
Have recreate the snapshot with Bricks 1.9.9 -> then everything works fine!
Maybe there is some new step with Bricks 1.10. to activate Plugin CSS?
But all other Plugins seams to work fine.
Looking forward to your help/hint.
Best regards
Bricksable Version 1.6.55
There are 3 lottie icons on the preloader. The icons usually loads on desktops and android devices. But on iOS devices, the 2nd two icons do not show only the first.
I have a problem with the multiheading element; Is there a way to type “spacing” so it�� doesn��t show up like this: ‘MultiheadingMulti’.
The only way I found is using the padding tab to separate words. Is that ok?
]]>Hi Bricksable support,
Your plugins is a great extension for bricks and I love it.
# BUG/Problem in frontend.min.js
Unfortunatelly since the update from 1.6.44 the motion.page (GSAP-Animation) Plugin does not working properly anymore.
First I thought it has to do with bricks update. But at the end with a lot of try&error I found out -> It has to do with your update.
Particular with your JS-Code under/bricksable/includes/elements/read-more/assets/js/frontend.min.js
# Exclusion procedure
Have tried different approaches. The Scroll-Trigger is always shifted a lot. with begining of the section with read-more Elements in it. In the linked page in 3.th section after logo’s on black bg. And it continues right to the end of the page. It looks totally broken.
No Idea why, but when I replace this particular js-Code within 1.6.48 with the “old” code 1.6.44 all is fine on every page until the very end of the page.
When I replace the JS-Code with new 1.6.47 or 1.6.48 the broken scrolling is back until the very end of the page.
# Conclusion
So it has to do something with the read-more element JS code.
Would be great if you could analyse the problem and fix the bug in the js-code, so it will also work with the motion.page animation plugin.
# Details
Bye the way, the trigger-class for animation has nothing to do with the classes direct used from read-more elements.
The trigger class (“mp-slide-up”) is added to the bricks element directly within bricks builder.
Tried also your settings in the plugin. But there is nothing to find about the js.code or workarounds.
Looking forward to your help or hint if there is some workaround or setting in your plugin.
PS: Can send you credentials for backend/sftp if you need. But I guess the change has to be minmimal. Because the JS-code only differs only minimally. But because of minfying code it is hard to grasp the logic/change in depth for me.
I got these errors on query monitor, probably an easy fix. I’m using PHP 8.1
Thanks for the great plugin!
]]>Is there any way to apply ‘row gap’ to the Icon List element? Whilst it’s possible to use a bottom margin setting, it means there’s also a bottom margin on the last item which is not ideal.
When i use a SVG icon in the flipbox , the icon isnt shown
And other question , anyway to center the icon? i found the option to center the text but not the icon
The icon list works with icons libraries but not SVG. Is this a bug or expected behaviour?
Thank you,
]]>i tried to insert the after before element in a page layout, with dynamic data, it doesn’t appear in bricks or in front-end but i can set all the options, tried with both default image and entering dynamic data i need
this is the file /wp-content/plugins/bricksable/includes/elements/before-after-image/assets/js/frontend.min.js?ver=1.6.29
This is the error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘classList’)
at t.value (frontend.min.js?ver=1.6.29:1:35459)
at t.value (frontend.min.js?ver=1.6.29:1:30208)
at frontend.min.js?ver=1.6.29:1:615
at Array.forEach ()
at bricksableBAImage (frontend.min.js?ver=1.6.29:1:132)
at HTMLDocument. (frontend.min.js?ver=1.6.29:1:36841)��
this is the frontend.min.js code part wich chrome says there’s an error
(i’m not using vertical mode)
this.settings.verticalMode && n.reverse();
for (var r = 0; r <= 1; r++) {
var o = n[r];
if (o.classList.add(“ba-before-after-img”),
o.classList.add(0 === r ? “ba-before-after-img-before” : “ba-before-after-img-after”),
1 === r) {
can you help me? thx
]]>Lotties that are triggered by another element which is selected by a class identifier do not trigger on all elements. It triggers only on the first element with the element class id.
Like the title say, hotspots from the hotspot element can’t take an svg (they don’t appear)
]]>Would it be possible to add a slide effect to the flip box element.
]]>Hey there, first of all thank you for developing these awesome additions to Bricks.
I have a question regarding Scrolling Images. Is there a way for me to change the trigger from “hover” to let’s say “viewport” or something so it just executes once when I look at the picture?
Best regards
]]>I really want to be able to place the toggle switch to different places on the page – ideally into the header, though that might be more difficult… then it can switch the contents of the entire page.
]]>Execuse me I have a question with the query loop of container, I think the objects not work with query loop I test the tilt image inside a container with loop query but this show the featured_image that the post or page have.
I found these PHP errors after after adding the before after element:
(Bricks Version: 1.5.7 & Bricksable Version: 1.5.5)
: Undefined index: image in
on line
: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in
on line
: Undefined index: image in
on line
: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in
on line
Thank you in advance.
]]>I’m on bricksable 1.5.5 and bricks 1.5.6.
By default, the animation speed is set to 1. Setting it to 2 will double the animation speed, which works. Wanted to slow down the animation speed so I set the animation speed to 0.5, which does not work. The lottiefile stays still and does not animate when the animation speed goes below 1.
How do I slow down the animation?
I was searching for a really free plugin for Bricks Builder and the only-one found was Bricksable, have Icon List and Multi Heading, features was looking for, but does not have BackToTop Button and Breadcrumbs, so I’m kindly requesting both features right now.
Thanks in advance
]]>Error with Bricks 1.3.7, PHP 7.3.2, WP 6.0.2
Type E_COMPILE_ERROR /wp-content/plugins/bricksable/includes/elements/random-image/element-random-image.php
Cannot redeclare static Bricks\Element::$custom_attributes as non static Bricksable_Random_Image::$custom_attributes
Not one support ticket answered by the developer in the last 2 months. All tickets are still open. Last ticket was in reference to Bricks 1.4 beta. Well that was quite awhile back and now Bricks 1.5 is release and half the features of this plugin on longer work correctly or at all. Very sad to see a good featured plugin go to waste.
]]>3 columns, flip-box in each. On first page load there’s a flash of part of the reverse-side of the flip-box… like it renders at 70% flipped and then completes the flip to show the front.
Not a biggie, but a bit ugly. I think it’s because the CSS is loaded in footer… is there an easy way to load it in head instead?
Great plugin though, many thanks.
AFter inspecting Cloudways error log I found lots of PHP errors relating to the before after element:
Got error ‘PHP message: PHP Warning: Undefined array key “image” in /home/739933.cloudwaysapps.com/jbynvzgzhu/public_html/wp-conten…………t on value of type null in /home/739933.cloudwaysapps.com/jbynvzgzhu/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bricksable/includes/elements/element-before-after-image.php on line 475’, referer: https://*******/wp-admin/plugins.php?plugin_status=all&paged=1&s
Any solution for this?
]]>Simply that. Dynamic data doesn’t work in Bricks 1.5 beta with the lottie module
]]>Any idea to solve this issue in Google Pagespeed insight
Hi there, it’s quite some time that I use this plugin mainly using floating images element, but I think images get lazy loaded by default which I don’t want it.
Any suggestions how to remove lazy load?
I would like to request for motion effect.
You can see below video to know what I mean:
Hi there, just test bricks 1.4 beta and found some function is not good with 1.4 like icon list, before-after image.
]]>Appreciate Bricks 1.4 is still beta, but the Lottie element doesn’t work at all. Not visible in the builder or on the front end.