I created two separate test sites that are very similar in set up (same plugins, same themes). Previously I asked about the issue where it only lets me type a few letters into the search box before it becomes deactivated. The solution to that was to get an API key from Google Console and add it to the settings in Buddypress. After I did that, it worked for the first website and you can search for users by their location.
However, when I tried the same process for my second website, it didn’t work. I created a new project (two actually), created a new API, restricted them the same way, added a valid billing method, and put the API in the Buddypress settings, however, for the second website, in the member directory page, you cannot search by location at all, you get the error “This page can’t load Google Maps correctly.” if you try.
I compared both sites and I am stumped why the same process should work for one site and not another almost exactly the same site (a few different plugins but this is not a plugin conflict, because I once had the same plugins currently on site 2 on site 1).
I then discovered that you can put a search box for the location of members using a short code from the BP Search settings. When I used a short code to place the location search box in a page of its own, the search box works perfectly fine for both of them, it’s just that the location search function does not work for the second page on the members directory page for some reason.
Since everything in the Google side is set up properly but it only works on one of my WordPress sites when posted as a short code, I think the matter is more related to the plugin side of things and I was wondering if you could help.
Thank you
When I tested this plugin, I cannot search for locations, when I type a location name eg London, only the first 2 letters get entered, and a white exclamation mark in a grey circle appears, and the field can no longer be edited, like in this screenshot: https://snipboard.io/IsOMUZ.jpg.
Edit: I have WordPress 6.6.2 and BP xProfile Location 4.9.
Edit 2: Found this page: https://www.philopress.com/products/bp-maps-for-members/ Not sure if my issue is related to not adding an API but I don’t have the “BP Maps” option under the wordpress settings.
Edit 3: I have found where the option for adding an API is (settings > buddypress > in the Options tab, scroll all the way down) and added an API key, cleared the cache and the same thing happens.
]]>The Location field works for admin when adding via Users—autocompletes when typing and geocodes the location for the user—but the front end profile edit field for members is not autocompleting or geocoding the Location.
]]>I have downloaded the plugin BP xProfile Location. Installed and Activated.
I have gone to Settings, Buddypress, Options and entered in the API key. (Also, have Maps Javascript / Places & Geolocation enabled in Google Developer).
It seems to be constantly loading – any suggestions, greatly appreciate it
Here’s the image: https://pasteboard.co/bBCjRfBmjRsn.png
so “a latitude / longitude ‘geocode’ will be saved as a separate field, if that option was selected when the field was created”.
This is a fixed “location” then which is very useful for stores, but how about on a BuddyBoss website for members?
Users/members travel or move around so in order to fully use a radial search with for example your plugin and BP Members Map, the location would need to update on a regular basis.
Is it possible to continously check where the member currently is? So, a cron job or a interval GPS check?
That would be really great, thanks.
]]>Great pluging, one problem.
I’m using buddypress and when i do a search within a radius i only get results when the username initially is filed with an email address. When the username is filled with e.g. a name, the plugin doesn’t give any results. (no members found.
Really strange and surely would appreciate the help,
]]>This is just to a note for other plugin users my previous bug post has been fixed very quickly and all works well.
]]>In Buddypress – oddly the plugin has started crashing my search profiles page (/members/) when activated. I get; There has been a critical error on this website. I wonder if there is any solution to this or it’s somethin I have set wrong? I am using buddyX theme. It has started doing this since updating to BuddyPress 12.0.0. Thanks.
]]>I have a multi-language site. I want to set the autocomplete results to return the Japanese values from Google Places API. For example, when I type ‘Shibuya’ it will change to ‘渋谷’ – currently the opposite happens.
I already managed to restrict my location field to a certain country and to minimize the autocomplete suggestion to only cities. This change (which I made in the php file “class-pp-field-type-location.php”) grabs the location input field within the user profile.
On the member loop I use BP Profile Search. Unfortunately, my above mentioned php changes does not grab the field input in the search box, too. Here it is still possible to enter any values in any country. How can I adapt this autocomplete form as well?
Thank you for your help.
I want the same. I want people to enther their whole adress, but only show the city in their profile. I don’t understand the answer you gave, so can you please help me?
It looks like the visibility option is not working correctly. Some people want to hide where they live. To do this they have changed the visibility to only themselfs. However, the location is still visible on their profile and they are also visible on the map.
Example: https://wappiez.com/leden/mireille/profile/
]]>I’m using the BuddyBoss Platform.
Most everything seems to be working correctly. I’ve set up my Google Maps API Key and set up the “Location” profile field. When I edit my profile I get the list of addresses when I type, and when I see mine I can click on it and it shows up in the field. I save the changes to my profile. When I VIEW PROFILE, the location does not show, and it is no longer there when I go back to EDIT PROFILE. Anyone have an idea why?
how to convert the https://www.buddyboss.com/product/locations-for-buddypress/ plugin data to your plugin which would store the gps coordinates in it ?
I noticed that when I search for a location near me, my own profile card turns up in the search which I don’t think is necessary. Is there a way to stop that from happening? Thanks!
I don’t have a link to show you because I am testing this plugin and my urls change.
I installed this plugin according to your instructions for both BuddyBoss AND BuddyPress when the former didn’t work.
On my registration page for the members, I made “location” compulsory. According to your FAQs, I have turned on “save a geocode”, but when you try to type a city name in the location field, nothing shows up for the person to select. I’d give you a screenshot but there is no where to do that here.
Also, when I got a a user’s front end profile to edit their location, the text box is filled with white exclamation marks in grey circles in a line.
Please help.
Can you help me to understand how to echo the state or country value into the member loop and member profile page?
I’ve tried this
<?php echo pp_loc_get_field_value( 'state', bp_get_member_user_id() ); ?>
with no luck
I have an issue where WordPress logs me out when navigating to a specific page, ‘Members Map’ https://swalky.com/members/membersmap. I am using the ‘BP Maps for Members Plugin’in Elementor, with the Gwangi theme. The versions are all up-to-date.
You’ll also notice formatting issues with the navigation bar and corrupted GoogleMaps API script. This issue came around after my host provider (Bluehost) changed my CDN settings a few weeks back. I have contacted them countless times and they have done many tests and assured me that it’s not their end, rather a plugin issue. I find it hard to believe that a plugin can cause such an issue!?
Could anyone please shed some light on how to fix this. My website is completely redundant atm until this is fixed.
Is it possible to restrict the Google Maps ‘location’ search field to a particular Country, for instance UK? Moreover, a specific postcode?
I have approached a number of freelancers and they all say this is a big job that will require a lot of coding. I want to get your opinion before proceeding further.
The plugin is not quite compatible with BuddyBoss theme and platform.
I can use it in location form fields but when being used in searching the location of users, it doesn’t work.
Would you mind fixing that?
Hi, for privacy reasons, I’d like to just show a piece of the location.
For example, an user type “Stret 1, Postal code 2, City 3, State 4, Country 5). I just want to show the State 4 and Country 5, is that posible?
Thanks a lot!
]]>I’m using buddyboss theme and added this plugin. But I’m not seeing the settings page to enter google map API Key.
]]>Hi! Is it possible to create a multiple selection field or multi-field of location with google place?
]]>What would be a good way to use this plugin without compromising registration page load time?
I’ve been trying lots of things, but maybe the wrong things. I’ve tried adding async to the script, and tried adding defer to the script. (No improvement)
I also tried removing the field from the registration page, and letting users edit it after signing up, but even then, it still loads in the registration page.
Something I haven’t tried yet, but am looking into, is hosting the google maps js locally, but I’m not sure how, or if it would help.
Any suggestions?
]]>Would be nice if it supported the use of open street Map
Could you add support of autocomlete of your plugin to BP Profile Search
I would like to know if it posible to get the distance from an user based on your selection in the location field. For example:
Me (user 1): My location set in xProfile Location field it’s London
User 2: his location set in xProfile Location field it’s Paris
–> So in user 2 I would like to see “User 2 it’s 1.200km away from you”
Is that posible? How can be done?
]]>Hello Shane,
I’m trying to send you an email about:
but it’s not being delivered – possibly mailbox full?
Kind regards
Will this plugin work for the following?
Create profile forcing user to set location, and then group everyone in the same city or county.
Have it so that the default group the person is assinged to is related to their location.
Please advise on if this plugin can accomplish this.
I’m using someone’s code to create a new registration page with BP XProfile fields so you can fill in all the fields DURING the registration. Unfortunately the field for location (which this plugin creates) isn’t in the php. I have been trying to figure out what code needs to be put in the register.php file in order for it to work but I’m not savvy enough to figure it out.
Do you have any idea what code is needed to add your field?
This is the code he uses for the checkbox for example:
<?php if ( ‘selectbox’ == bp_get_the_profile_field_type() ) : ?>
<div class=”profile-table”><div class=”editfield”><span id=”styled<?php bp_the_profile_field_input_name() ?>”><label for=”<?php bp_the_profile_field_input_name() ?>”><?php bp_the_profile_field_name() ?> <?php if ( bp_get_the_profile_field_is_required() ) : ?><?php _e( ‘<span title=”Required” class=”required”>*</span>’, ‘buddypress’ ) ?><?php endif; ?></label></span>
<?php do_action( ‘bp_’ . bp_get_the_profile_field_input_name() . ‘_errors’ ) ?>
<select name=”<?php bp_the_profile_field_input_name() ?>” id=”<?php bp_the_profile_field_input_name() ?>”><?php bp_the_profile_field_options() ?></select><?php do_action( ‘bp_custom_profile_edit_fields’ ) ?><div class=”editfield-description”><?php bp_the_profile_field_description() ?></div></div></div><?php endif; ?>
I’d very much appreciate it if you (or someone else) could help me out.