Hi everyone,
I’m sad to announce i will drop the support of this plugin within a month. I posted on my blog to ask people willing to adopt this plugin, so hopefully it will perhaps be supported by someone else.
Apologies to users of this plugin, i need my full time for a personal project. I hope you’ll understand. Many thanks to all of you for your feedbacks and reviews since this plugin’s birth.
Here’s a link explaining my choice in detail on my personal blog french / english (google translated)
You have a question? Please add it as a comment of the blog post.
]]>Hi there,
I have a simple question. When I login the widget says “UserX’s Friends” and in any other page shows UserX’s Friends except in case I visit my own profile where I see “My Friends”
I believe that it would be better that after logging in the widget title should be “My Friends” and only when I visit another user’s profile I should see “UserZ’s Friends”.
What is the reason to see “Myusername’s Friends” when it could be just “My Friends”.
Thank you and Congratulations for your work.
Is there a way to show rounded avatars instead of square avatars?
]]>Hello. Great plugin!
Found an issue on search results page. The widget returns a ‘No Friends!” error. If you click on the ‘recent’ or ‘online’ tabs, they show up. Its just on initial page load that they dont.
]]>I’m trying to change the name of “My Friends” too “My Mates” using the language file, I’ve done the translation and created the po and mo, but I don’t know what to do next.
]]>Hey, love the plugin and the update is great. One question though: is there any way to display the friends list in 2 columns like the older version…it seems now the avatars are going way down the page in single file.
]]>V2 is brilliant indeed – thank you iMath… I guess it is too late to ask for the ability show and extra tab that has “Shared Friends” that shows common friends between you and displayed user?
This means I can switch off the BP Shared Friends plugin an so have one plugin that does it all
]]>Hi all,
is there a way to resize the Avatar picutre and have them shown beside each other rather then unter each other?
Link in lines of 5 or something?
When I switch to “Online Friends” this works fine – I think (so far I have not had 16 friends online at the same time).
However, when I switch back to “Recently Actives” the maximum number of avatars in the widget setting seems to be ignored as I have all of my friends showing up. I expect only the most recently active 16 to show again as that is the number I have in the widget setting. Are you able to reproduce this? I’m using WordPress 3.5.2 and BuddyPress 1.7.2 but I have noticed this glitch earlier.
Thanks for your time.
I just installed the plugin and I noticed that it shows the avatars, but doesn’t show the name of the user either under the photo or when you hover over the photo.
Is there a way to display this information?
Hi. Thanks for this great plugin and your good work towards the bp community. Please, how can i show total friends count beside widget title e.g Friends (10) have tried echo get friend count but it shows nothing.
Thanks for your help
]]>For some reason, it always shows “My Friends”, even if I’m on another member’s page. I want it to always show the member’s friends only. Is that possible?
]]>Love this plugin, does it’s job well, the best I’ve seen.
But, is it possible for me to change the code so the widget displays on every page and it only displays that person’s friends.
I think I’ve changed it so it only display the logged in person’s friends by changing $user_id = $bp->displayed_user->id; to $user_id = $bp->loggedin_user->id; but I can’t figure out how to change it so it displays on every page. Any help would be great.