Hello @slushman.
Youtube video link is just showed as URL, but not video player.
Could you help to resolve it?
Thank you
Hi there,
I was wondering if you had time to consider revamping this plugin? There’s a deprecated create_function error and also I’m not sure the remove_profile_fields function is working, it’s certainly not for me at the moment.
I’ve been considering forking your plugin, to create a version that works a little more like I want it to. For example I’ve written some js and ajax to allow users to set their videos from the widget itself rather than the edit profile page.
I have a dream of giving the users a set of sortable sidebar profile widgets, but I’m pretty new to programming and will need to learn that stuff as I go. I’d be more than happy to collaborate though if you have the time and motivation.
]]>Hi. Is there any developer make this plugin live?
]]>I can’t embed soundcloud. I get please visit soundcloud to listen to this content. Bandcamp works just fine. Any idea what I am doing wrong? The url code alone does nothing. I used the embed wordpress code and got this. Any help is appreciated.
]]>Are you planning on updating this thing or?
]]>I went to enable how many music widgets i’d like to use on my site. Next thing i know i get met with a white out page no text no error message nothing. My front page functions normal no probs. But i can no longer use my admin panel. Have i lost all my work or is there a way to save my site?
]]>Do you plan on updating this plugin for version 4.1… Just let me know and I will give 5 stars for a working plugin… ??
Thanks for this plugin! I am seeing an issue when I deactivate the plugin and then reenable it. All the user links entered are gone. The settings made on the plugin settings page are also gone. Any idea how to fix this? I am hosting on WPEngine.com. the development site is located at shpdev.wpengine(dot)com. Thank you.
Also are you maintaining this plugin to keep it functional with the recent releases of WordPress and BuddyPress?
]]>Am I doing something wrong? When I paste a Youtube URL into the fields and hit save (and then view my profile) they only show up as links.
]]>Hi there,
I am using custom sidebars for my BuddyPress pages and would also love to use your plugin but it doesn’t show in the sidebars of the profiles anymore.
I have registered this sidebar for Profile pages:
‘name’ =>__(‘Profile Sidebar’, TEMPLATE_DOMAIN),
‘id’ => ‘profile-sidebar’,
‘before_widget’ => ‘<aside id=”%1$s” class=”widget %2$s”>’,
‘after_widget’ => ‘</aside>’,
‘before_title’ => ‘<h3 class=”widget-title”>’,
‘after_title’ => ‘</h3>’,
Any idea how to make things work again?
I just installed the plugin and all I see is a box showing the following text:
“Music Player, This user has not activated their music player.”
How do I actually activate/add a link to the player? I have disable back-end access to my site. I’m not sure if this effects using the plugin.
]]>I think this might be pretty hard and maybe a deviation from the plug-in, but I would like to enable my users to upload their own music to their profile and arrange it in playlists. Similarly I would like them to be able to upload their own images to my site and have them play in their own profile slideshow.
I also think that for the audio and video playlist plugins there should be a user selectable auto play feature.
]]>I’ve just set this up on a test system and I have the following issues, using your test data.
1. The widgets can only be seen by the user themselves, not by visitors, be they logged in or not.
2. I can’t get the video player to display for anyone.
Any ideas/suggestions?
]]>Good day, I install your plugib BD profile widgets on my site and when I went into setup, it generated the error below. what should I do need your urgent help!
please help me with this error in all my wordpress admin panel.
I need your help!
Fatal error: Call to undefined function xprofile_insert_field_group() in /home/mariaale/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bp-profile-widgets/bp-profile-widgets.php on line 435
U has created one .pot file to make the possibility to make your plugin multilangual. But no instructions, how to..! ??
Please tell me, what I need to do after I has translated your .pot file.
I think I need to move the resulted file into langugages folder in your bp-profile-widgets directory. But what sohuld be the name of this file? That is very important. : bp-profile-widgets-hu_HU.po , bp-profile-widgets-hu_HU.mo, bp-profile-widgets-hu_HU.pot ? Or I need to move the resulted / translated file to the dir wp-content\languages\plugins ?
Please revise the multilangual oerability of this plugin, when it works really, the plugin will download more user. Me too. ??
Hi Slushman,
Thank you so much for your hard work on this plugin.
I’d like to edit this description: “Please enter the URL for your album / set / profile from any of the following services: Bandcamp, SoundCloud, Reverbnation, Tunecore, Mixcloud, or Noisetrade.” and can’t seem to find where. I’ve tried changing it in every instance I’ve found it, including in the language file for the plugin. Am I failing to load the language file correctly? Is it done differently for plugins?
Thanks so much for your time.
]]>Hi @slushman,
This is a great plugin you’ve got here. It’s definitely a valuable feature for a buddypress network to have.
At the moment, I’m having an issue with saving the widgets. When I add a video widget for instance, it won’t save the data that I’ve entered until I enter it and save it 2 – 3 times. Then, the video only shows up some of the time. When I go back to edit the widgets, it removes the video again.
I would love to get this working smoothly on my site. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Great plugin it works great and everything but just one little problem, well is there a way the user can pick what songs are being played, but I’ve realised on SoundCloud its the soundclouds account first 3 songs is there a way to make it play the 3 most recent songs
]]>Fatal error: Call to a member function bppw_get_profile_data() on a non-object in
wp-content/plugins/bp-profile-widgets/inc/bp-profile-text-widget.php on line 107
Thanks For the Update!
]]>Hi, im all of a sudden seeing this error:
This user has not activated their music player.
I have filled out the field with link to my soundcloud profile
any help much appreciated
]]>I was using an older version of the plug-in (3.1) because the new version does not work with any of my sites. It may have something to do with my server since even a fresh instal on a new site doesn’t work. If you know of anything I could have them look into to solve this issue I would appreciate it. For some reason only the soundcloud link works.
Version 3.1 is not compatible with buddypress 1.9.1 it causes a fatal error. So I can no longer use this version.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function xprofile_insert_field_group() in /wp-content/plugins/bp-profile-widgets/bp-profile-widgets.php on line 423
Version .4.2 gives this info where music player should be:
Error The page you requested was not found.
You may have clicked an expired link or mistyped the address. Please check the format of the url.
Go back to the previous page
Search for ‘artist_’
ReverbNation Home
ReverbNation Support
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Hi I have successfully been using these profile widgets on a site I am working on but they have suddenly disappeared.
The widgets on the widgets page have disappeared also.
I have tried deactivating the plugin and then reactivating the plugin, but this had made no difference.
Could you please advise how I can fix this?
Kind regards
]]>I do not understand why the width will not change in size it only fits half the widget box size?
Can you help me to fix this?
is my site
]]>The plugin is installed along with buddypress. I don’t see any fields on the profile pages for input by the user plus the widget is not shown on the sidebar. Any help?
]]>Am I reading the FAQ incorrectly or is the widgets this plugin uses only visible by the profile owner & admin or do you mean the actual fields you see in settings where you insert the relevant links? It says “The profile fields created by this plugin are set to only be seen by the user and admin’s only. People looking at a user’s profile page shouldn’t see any of these fields.” If an ordinary user cannot see the player or music can that be made possible? Can the profile owner select who he wants to see the widgets, for example ‘Only Me’ ‘Public’ ‘Friends Only’.
Also, I’m surprised there aren’t more options to complete for the actual Social Media links. Many of those you allow for the various players aren’t even included. Is it possible to at least add those in future? I did look at the options to try to manually add but when I found there was no images folder including the various logos I figured they were pulled from official sites somewhere.
Thanks for a good plugin, it has the potential to be very popular indeed amongst musicians using wordpress.
]]>I activated BP-Profile-Widgets and now can’t get into my admin to deactivate it, get this message – Fatal error: Call to undefined function xprofile_insert_field_group() in /home/content/29/10889729/html/wp-content/plugins/bp-profile-widgets/bp-profile-widgets.php on line 423
Please HELP!
I tried all your music player links and the only one I got to work for me was the SoundCloud one.
Don’t know why the others don’t work, but figured the info for the one that does would help.
I’m getting a page not found message.
Here is what is in the source for the reverbnation one:
<iframe class="widget_iframe" width="100%" scrolling="no" height="320px" frameborder="0" src="https://www.reverbnation.com/widget_code/html_widget/artist_?widget_id=50&pwc[design]=default&pwc[background_color]=%23333333&pwc[included_songs]=1&pwc[photo]=0%2C1&pwc[size]=fit">
]]>Video player works fine but with the music player, it comes up and works but on top of it, it comes up with
Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTMLFile(): htmlParseEntityRef: no name in https://soundcloud.com/classeyuk, line: 226 in /home/ondistin/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bp-profile-widgets/inc/bp-profile-music-player-widget.php on line 37
If you take a look at my profile here: https://www.animezero.tv/members/pendulum/
would it be possible to add like a direct linkage to a mp3 fro man external site.
and make it show up “not on the sidebar” but rather on the profile image background i have there? (i disabled sidebars for profiles to allow for bigger profile images)
]]>I’m getting a weird error after I’ve updated to the latest versions of BP and WP…
Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTMLFile() [domdocument.loadhtmlfile]: htmlParseEntityRef: no name in https://soundcloud.com/macklemore/macklemore-x-ryan-lewis-cant, line: 14224 in /home/(removed)/wp-content/plugins/bp-profile-widgets/inc/bp-profile-music-player-widget.php on line 375
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/(removed)/wp-content/plugins/bp-profile-widgets/inc/bp-profile-music-player-widget.php on line 379