When will there be a function available for paid gifts/compliments?
Good work.
I understand that BP Premiums for BuddyPress is mainly for shop or site owner to charge and then user get some rights.
For me, I think buddypress is mostly helpful to build a community, and some function with customer-Oriental is most important. So, naturally, if customer buy a product, we hope these product fans can get some extra right, and we hope these loyal customer can enter a product group. So, I think it will be great if there is option in product setting page for administrator to check “allow” or “automatically adding paid user into a specific” group. For now, this plugin does not support that now, because we only can choose one of the specific “product type” in “product data”. and we can not set all of product as buddypress type.
What you think?
When we can Use your pluggin for monetize or paid subscription for Member type accès in buddypress registration page ?
Thank you
Your plugin would be truely awesome if you could add this features below:
1. Page restriction – Users will need to pay to access certain pages
2. Single post restriction – Users will pay to view premium content
3. Category restriction – Users will pay to access a particular premium post category where by all the posts in that category is restricted.
Basically Pay per view
]]>I think SuitePlugins – BP Premiums is what I was searching for to restrict budypress pages like members page and to being unlocked with memeberships, but it says it works with woo commerce! Is there a documentation or tutorial to show how it works and how to setup it with woo commerce?
]]>Hi there,
I am exited to see this plugin and will test drive it for my website (soon).
I have a question. I would like to use the plugin Social Articles as a premium feature. Will you make this available in the settings later on??
Kind regards,