Hi! I have 132 items in the queue. I know they’re all spam, and I want to delete them all – but it looks like I have to review each one individually and click the delete link for each? Is there any way to bulk delete items in the queue? Thank you!
]]>BuddyPress Moderation has been remade a old buddypress plugin that has been updated 10/28/2022 please see link for demo of plugin also its freeware
We’ve changed the default activity root slug (throught the “Activity Streams” select in the bp-page-settings) and we’ve detected that the “View this content” button on bp-moderation admin page is not working because it uses the default (not the new). We’ve solved this problem editing the bp-moderation/classes/bpModDefaultContentTypes.php file and changing the following line (in the activity_info function)
$url = bp_core_get_root_domain() . '/' . BP_ACTIVITY_SLUG . '/p/' . $id . '/';
for this:
$url = bp_core_get_root_domain() . '/' . bp_get_activity_root_slug() . '/p/' . $id . '/';
Could you change it also in the main code to avoid other people have the same problem?
Thanks in advance and best wishes from Barcelona,
I really need a content flag plugin and beside this and another one that works only with wordpress posts/pages I can’t find any.
]]>Is this still being developed? If so please add a feature so when a users is flagged the user who flagged gets a thank you notification thanking them for taking the time to report the spam user etc.
]]>Notice: Undefined index: action in /wp-content/plugins/bp-moderation/bpModLoader.php on line 70
Found in debug mode
Thanks for maintaining this very useful plugin.
While testing, I tried flagging a user. When I went into the dashboard to review the flagged content to see that it worked properly, I then intended to delete the item from the dashboard, so I clicked Delete. I had no idea that I was actually deleting the USER. The user was immediately deleted.
I recommend a warning appear prior to ever deleting a user.
Thanks for your consideration ??
]]>Hi –
Thanks so much for taking on this valuable plugin!
This issue is on BuddyPress 2.1.1 and WP 4.0.1, with plugin version 0.1.7
Flagging works great and flagged items show up in the Dashboard as expected. But if I click on the “view” link to see the flagged content, I always get a 404 page error. This is true for both activity feed updates and comments.
I’m happy to work with the developer to provide access for debugging and testing.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
]]>Hi there!
I have just adopted the plugin from Francesco and am fully responsible for it now.
I have liked and used this plugin for various purposes, just like you. I see from the support requests that the plugin has a list of issues and hasn’t been maintained for a while (which is where I come in).
It will take me some time to go through them and isolate the problems and also get acquainted with the code.
So, it’d be a while before I can tweak things and make the plugin more stable, secure and uptodate with the latest WordPress techniques.
Please bear with me during this time.
I have installed this theme and I changed the language file so all flags now say report instead.
Uploaded back to the server and there is no change on the front end at all.
Exported as a .mo, .po and even tried adding the language header and nothing seems to work.
Any ideas anybody?
]]>Will BP Moderation work with WP 3.9 and BP 2.0?
]]>Hi I have been using the moderation plugin on my site. However, I have recently started getting a ‘Deprecated’ error message.
The error message refers to a the return value of new by reference being deprecated in bpModeration.php on line 118.
Could you please advise how I can fix this as I really need this working again on the site.
Thanks in advance.
]]>Could there be a major update to support and fix a ton of stuff?
– Icon in dashboard
– Speed
– Improve support for multisite.
– More customization for the text.
– Misc security/bug fixes.
– Support for bbPress.
– Ability to remove the icon from the flag link.
– Font Awesome?
– When you click the report button, it will open a modal and ask you for details of the report (Category, description, comments, etc)
– Better way to review.
– Auto delete/hide content after X flags.
– Post-by-post disallow flagging (Pages/Posts not BuddyPress)
– Site-by-site view of reports for that site and global view in network admin.
– Disallow reports to specific content types for specific sites (Don’t want main pages being reported on your main site when you know they are clean/safe).
I have a plugin that generates automatically excerpts if they are not set. With your plugin on, excerpt outputs “Flag this content as inappropriate” and we cannot see the post excerpt.
Is there any chance you could add a checkbox in the settings to deactivate excerpts?
Hi. Thanks for the great plugin.
I’ve managed to get your “BlogPostExample” file to work. Is it possible to insert the function anywhere I want in my theme template file with something like
” <?php if(function_exists(‘XXX’))echo XXX(); ?> “
I really want to position the flag and link better than just placing it at the end of the post.
Thank you.
]]>We received the following error when we attempted to active the plugin:
Fatal error: func_get_args(): Can’t be used as a function parameter in /home1/savteam5/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bp-moderation/bpModLoader.php on line 119
WordPress: 3.7.1
BuddyPress: 1.8.1
PHP: 5
Please help!
]]>I am unable to view individual ‘activity comments’ from the bp moderation dashboard (no problems with ‘status updates’). The ‘view’ link returns a 404. I am using buddypress with multisite.
I am also unable to delete individual entries from the dashboard (this applies to both ‘activity comments’ and ‘status updates’). If I delete via the ‘delete’ link or via ‘bulk actions’ the entry is marked as ‘Status: moderated (deleted)’ but it still remains visible.
]]>Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Fatal error: func_get_args(): Can’t be used as a function parameter in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/bp-moderation/bpModLoader.php on line 119
I’m using WordPress 3.6 and buddypress 1.9 with the commons in a box theme. I also tried using this with multi-site as i thought it was a problem with multi-site but was not. It also effects a single install please tell me there is a fix as the is an extremely important plugin more or less this should be incorporated with the core of buddypress because it is one of the most important plugins and i don’t think there are any alternatives.
I hope to here from you. Thanks.
Will users be able to flag a single post?
I mean:
Will the function be available on single post page for the community to report the content?
Is the “Warning Message” (found under plugin settings –> Automatic Moderation) sent to the user whose activity is marked as spam? Or is it only sent to admin and other email addresses entered there? Sorry, might be a dumb question, the wording sort of confused me.
Before installing this plugin, please answer this quick question:
Is this plugin compatible with bbPress group forums (through BP)?
Does this plugin’s “flag as spam” feature integrate with the group forums?
Add Docs support?
]]>On multisite the flags show up in all the right places but when a user clicks one it never goes to the “unflag” state nor are any reports actually being sent. Any ideas how to fix??
I’m running the latest budypress and wordpress.
]]>Hi, i wanna change the language but my .pot file is not working. do you able to help me?
]]>I have BP installed on site ID=3.
I installed bp-moderation 0.1.6, but it doesn’t appear on site 3’s plugin list.
Then, I network activated it, but found no settings on ID=3.
Is this plugin still viable? We really need a function to allow members to flag inappropriate content.
I want to now how could I send an e-mail once Admin has marked the flagged content as moderated from Admin Panel (ofcourse).
Kindly inform me about this.
Thanks and Regards!
BuddyPress: 1.6.2
WordPress: 3.5
php: 5.3.2
MySql: 5.1.46
Here’s the error:
Warning: setcookie() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in [my path]\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\buddypress-group-documents\index.php on line 286
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at [my path]\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\buddypress-group-documents\index.php:286) in [my path]\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\classes\em-notices.php on line 11
Can I use this plugin even though I don’t have BP Installed?
]]>Hi every Moderators
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in …\wp-content\plugins\bp-moderation\classes\bpModeration.php on line 117
Is there any one who can point a direction to exhange this method before the fallback removes. Seems like a PHP4 fallback, and we don need that.
Here is the code
* why $_istance is an array? Zend 1 engine (php4) can't store a reference in
* a static var, but can store it as a value of a static array
function &get_istance($cname = false)
static $_instance = null;
if (null === $_instance && $cname) {
$ref = & new $cname;
$_instance = array(&$ref);
return $_instance[0];
]]>Hi ! Does anyone know how to make it work within a network? I can only activate it in the network admin, and then no menu, nothing…