I’m using BP activity shortcode to display the “what’s new” activity form on posts.
I edited your _maybe_load_scripts() function to have it run on posts:
public function _maybe_load_scripts() {
global $bp;
if ( // Load the scripts on Activity pages
(defined('BP_ACTIVITY_SLUG') && bp_is_activity_component())
// Load the scripts when Activity page is the Home page
(defined('BP_ACTIVITY_SLUG') && 'page' == get_option('show_on_front') && is_front_page() && BP_ACTIVITY_SLUG == get_option('page_on_front'))
// Load the script on Group home page
(defined('BP_GROUPS_SLUG') && bp_is_groups_component() && 'home' == $bp->current_action)
) {
add_action( "wp_enqueue_scripts", array (&$this, 'enqueue_scripts') );
add_action( "wp_print_scripts", array ( &$this, 'print_style' ) );
Although the actual posted activity will be truncated, the script won’t show neither the countdown nor the “live” cut.. Any idea how to fix that?
]]>I have this php code and it works for showing the post form
<?php if ( is_user_logged_in() ) :
bp_get_template_part( 'activity/post-form' );
endif; ?>
However, your great plugin does not work with that form. How can I get your plugin to work with that form which is generated?
]]>Using lastest bp. Tried with bp default and twenty fifteen theme. Activity box becomes unresponsive with your plugin. I mean can do activity update on mobile phone. Desktop works fine
Kindly advise.
]]>This plugin is still maintained? I don’t know if it’s due to the latest WP and Buddypress updates but noticed that while your plugin works like a charm to limit the number of chars on statuses in buddypress, it also limits the comments on my regular posts. And it only does that with mine, the author.
The limit is set to 160 chars. Let alone Buddypress if I post a comment on an article, or if I respond to someone else and it’s larger that 160 chars, the coment is posted but after a cache clear or something like that I see it cut at 160 chars. I try to edit it, paste again the whole coment click update and I still see only 160 chars.
Don’t know what’s wrong but I think this plugin should only be effective on buddypress and have no impact on the rest of my site, in this case my comments.
]]>Is there a way to exclude certain users from the activity length restriction? I have a premium option on the site and I want them to have unlimited status length.
]]>Thanks for superb plugin.
Next — A Tall order.
your plugin sometimes truncates the bp activity plus shortcode input
for example
`[bpfb_link url=’https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/’ title=’BBC News – Home’ image=’https://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/67373000/jpg/_6733987_09f16……..rest truncated
Is there any way you could have a conditional on it
like say
if activity does not contain ” [bpfb” the plugin works, otherwise do not.
It would be awesome if both plugins could play together!