Rating: 5 stars
This plugin works fine for me. Thank you.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I have this working on WP 3.8.1, buddy press in a member area in a group.
Everyone spend the $ for the pro version the ability to size up is nice. And certainly worth the $ this author charges. Do NOT bother with going pro at TinyChat too. The features are not available to this plug in. Maybe John will get to that in a later vesrion.
The only thing I wish was different and I don’t think it’s caused by this plug in is the ability to size up the fonts for those that are a bit visually challenged. It’s nearly impossible for some of my members to see the text without having to do all caps. Again that’s not this plug in’s problem… it’s tinychats. I’ll likely keep this version for my groups and find another service for the whole site depending on what I can find. In the mean time this will work. Thanks John!!
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A quick but brief history of myself, a couple years ago I was so blessed with my second son being born, at age 51 I was ever so proud. Not even 2 weeks afterward he needed emergency heart surgery to rebuild his heart because he was born with CHD. You can follow his story at [Link redacted] and 6 weeks later on our way back I became ill. Now I am fighting Kidney Disease stage 2 and numerous other things to battle and at least I am on long term disability making about 1000 a month to survive with a family of 4. My battle to stay alive is a long one and each small battle I win is in the right direction to fight this war. Nevertheless, the last surgery I had is a lifelong change and a new lifestyle. I created an online support group because there is none here–there are facebook pages and while they are neat, their really not so functional. Anyway, with the Help of this Plugin BuddyPress Group TinyChat, I was able to create a support group site that should make our group proud but most of all enjoyable to use and share information. Thank you for an awesome plugin.
]]>Rating: 4 stars
thanks for your plugin. It looks nice but I have some issues.
1. can’t find any translation file, maybe a pot file
2. want to login with buddypress user name and not with facebook, twitter or guest login
Any chance to correct this?
Rating: 5 stars
This is the best wordpress chat plugin so far! It also supports Single-Sing-On. Automatic Login with your wp username also you don’t have to worry about your server anymore, it will not slow down your site. Really do what it says, the free plugin is good but the pro version he’s offering is the best, I can say so because I have it now. Thanks a lot ??
]]>Rating: 5 stars
The pro-version is a very good job. It works great.
Thank you. My members love it.
Rating: 5 stars
[Link redacted]