Hi David,
This is a great plugin and thank you for your work. However, it does not seem to work with WP 3.9.1.
It installs without any errors, you can make the reservations as suggested in FAQ page ([email protected], level=mod or [email protected], level=admin). But when the user with the reserved email address registers that user with a reservation is NOT automatically added to the group.
Any chance you will release an update or you can suggest any fixes that I can implement?
Thank you for your time.
]]>Hi. Great little niche plugin.
Please consider adding an option to restrict the WordPress (and custom) roles that can access this functionality. It would be awesome to give it to our power users and avoid further complicating the group creation process for our regular users.
SAVEQUERIES must be defined to show the query log.
That is the error output from the Debug after I saved with just one email address.
DELETE FROM wp_bp_groups_groupmeta WHERE group_id = 57 AND meta_key LIKE ‘group_reservation_%’
Any chance of a correction to be included in an update?
But I am curious if there will be or already is a way to use this with certain groups.
Say you have your [email protected], level=mod, group=(maybe a group ID or name?)