As title says: it does not display image and IE reports error.
]]>Plugin is no longer usable. I has been causing many problems.
One of the biggest problems is that it causes an infinite loop when someone tries to access the group page that is not a member.
I removed the plugin and problems went away.
I appear to have where I can edit the tab text, as I actually saw it in place after my change.
After this, my site bugged out from the file upload, is my guess. I tried it twice and each time i edit this text it breaks and I have to re-install.
Not being a programmer, can you tell me if it’s possible to edit the tab name and if so, how? When I do, even though it seemed to work for a short time the first time, I immediately got this the next time around.
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/massagem/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bp-group-frontpage/bp-group-frontpage-main.php:133) in /home/massagem/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 876
ALSO: If anyone can tell me why the group description text seems to add line breaks where they are unwanted, it’d be helpful. After seeing the issue, I edited in my own html editor and it looked ok. Upon saving in this descrip text box, it seems to add br tags or push the text down where I don’t have returns or breaks … in some places.
]]>Using this this BuddyPress and yes I do have BP Album installed as well, but anytime I try and add something to the setting and click save all changes… it never saves, just clears itself. I normally just code fix it myself, but unsure on this one. A list of plugins in use:
BP checkins
BP Groupblog
BP Group Frontpage
BP Group Management
BP Group Reviews
BP My Home
BP Posts on Profile
BP Profile Video Widget
BP Show Friends
BP Webcam Avatar
BuddyPress Automatic Friends
BuddyPress Community Stats
BuddyPress Docs
BuddyPress Extended Friendship Request
BuddyPress FollowMe
Buddypress Friends
BuddyPress Friends On-line (FOL)
BuddyPress Group Tags
BuddyPress Hovercards
BuddyPress login redirect
BuddyPress Media
BuddyPress MyMood
Buddypress Notifications Manager
BuddyPress Restrict Messages
BumpIn Multi IM Chat
Events Manager
Invite Anyone
MapPress Easy Google Maps
Rating-Widget Plugin
Skysa Announcements App
Skysa App Bar Integration
Skysa Facebook Like App
Skysa Google +1 App
Stop Spammer Registrations Plugin
TinyMCE Advanced
W3 Total Cache
WebPurify Profanity Filter
This plugin is not what my client was looking for, but when I uninstall it, I get a “page not found” when clicking on any groups from the directory. What is causing this?
]]>The idea is that anyone logged in can see both the private and public groups (public groups work fine). The problem is that if a logged in user tries to view the Frontpage of a private group they can’t.
I want my users to be able to see the private group frontpage and be able to click “Request to Join Group”. I see those buttons as a WP admin, but not as a member.
This function is crucial to my site and is hindering my progress right now. I use this plugin with the Frontpage CSS and it works great.
Related: there is a Group “Frontpage” and a group “home” page. How can I get rid of the “home” page? Thank you.
]]>Works for Image From External BUT NOT for Image From User Profile tried several different file types: jpg, .png., gif,…etc
using current version of WP. Please assist. just getting the imge fram but no image just the tiny image icon in the middle. everything else is working fine. Thanks!
Can this be used in the categories of my blog content? Like certain groups be the contributor of certain blog post? Or instead of blog categories it be group categories as the main blog content. I am using WPMU and BuddyPress and want the BuddyPress groups to be the categories for my blog content. Hopefully I explained that right!
]]>Hi Tim,
Many Thanks for the beautiful plugin ??
Could you please advice how can I get Group Moderator Avatar and User Name on the Group Front Page?
Appreciate your help
]]>I am using another theme for my site. When viewing the frontpage tab, the template is all messed up.
I edited the group-header-tac.php file but nothing changed,
How do I fix this?
]]>I would like know if is possible use a wysiwyg editor to edit frontpage?
I don’t like use code ??
to use this frontpage as main page of the group the only way is to set a new menu tab with link to frontpage???
]]>At the buddy press website there are people who like my plug in and it works for them. Please e-mail me if it doesn’t work for you.
[email protected]
After installing this plugin I could not go to my group pages any more and the failed urls would look like
Quite clearly a bug.