I would like to have this for all users, not only groups. I mean for the whole members og buddypress.
Only for this I want to create extra group for all wich is not easy with autojoin which not yet works and maybe confusing for some.
I thought there was a place to change the colours of who is talking, but I seem to have lost where I found that. Also, the “users in the chat room” box isn’t populating for me. I am using two browsers to test with myself, and neither user is showing in the box.
It also appears that my normal user (not a mod) and my group admin can both delete each other’s chat comments.
Where can I go to clear the chat without deleting every single message one at a time?
]]>I cannot get the chatroom to open anywhere after activation.
]]>The plugin is decent enough on the desktop, but on mobile, the plugin is not at all responsive when in portrait mode. The button for adding users to chat to are off the screen. Please design the plugin to be responsive to the size of screen used.
Kindly enquiring if the plugin would have an update? Please let me know.
Many thanks,
I am using your plugin for Group Chat. Everytime I open the Chat it writes every 5 seconds -no messages yet–no messages yet–no messages yet–no messages yet–no messages yet- and so on. Is it possible to hide this because it’s annoying.
Thanks for your support.
Can you please give me a listing of shortcodes to make the chatroom available on a page?
]]>Hello Venutius,
I was looking for a GDPR compliant chat plugin and this plugin is a perfect companion to BuddyPress Groups – thank you!
I am having some minor troubles on my single site running the latest WP and BuddyPress versions.
1. The image upload lets you choose a file ?the WordPress way“, which in my case also exposes my Library to the user. Would it be possible to either be able to hide this feature or prevent users from getting access to my Media Library?
2. I have translated the plugin via Loco Translate, but the translation does not show up. Maybe my fault, but Loco states everything is set up fine. (By the way: ?Image“ does not show up as a translatable string yet.)
3. On mobile devices, would it be possible to expand the Chat to it’s full length? On Safari it is almost impossible to scroll through the windowed thread display. Also the the display of the box ?Users in the Chat Room“ on the right hand side of the thread gets cut off. Would it be possible to move it to the top or bottom of the chat?
4. Maybe this is theme related (I am using the Kleo Theme which does not support the BuddyPress Nuveau Template yet: the text on the button ?Request Friendship“ expands over the button boundary.
Would you mind in loader.php add
Text Domain: bp-group-chatroom
Tips: If you in readme change required WordPress version to at least 4.6, then you don’t need to load the text-domain in the code, it will happen automatically.
Oh. Just stumbled upon: in bp-group-chatroom-display.php you’ve got a submit button “Say” that you may want to make translatable.
(I’m not using this plugin myself, but someone has started trying to use it in Swedish, and I’m checking Swedish translations now and then.)
EditAdd: Oh. “Requires at least:” in readme should ONLY have numbers, like 4.6. If you enter anything else, this field is just disregarded.
Are you still looking to expand this plugin?
What I would like to see is something like Microsoft Teams for Buddypress whereby teams can talk about things in a group chat.
When the chat session starts it automatically creates an entry in the group activity stream and periodically updates it so that the stream has a copy of the chat session.
Also the chat session automatically closes down when no further activity is happening and the active stream entry would close off with the entire content of the chat session and a close time.