how i blocked message in particular user
Blocking a user in frontend mode does not work. The URL within BuddyPress shows the admin username.
Please check this! Blocking works only in backend mode!
Kindest regards,
Great plugin!
Would be great if a future version could include the ability to completely hide a blocked user from existence:
– hidden from directories
– hidden from searches
– member page are redirected to the default directory
– activity removed
We have been searching for a way to allow non-superadmins to be able to remove users until a superadmin can properly backup/delete users on a schedule.
I like the idea of this plugin but would it be possible if you put a setting’s page where the administrator can set automatically a user to expired or blocked in bulk when it lapse the month,hours,days,year he set by the given/selected role. For now i need to go through each user and set specific time of expired. So the idea here is that when a user register to the site as a member or by any role you have set they will automatically block or expired from the site. The idea is some like the screenshot. This was integrated already on EXPIRED USER: but it doesn’t sync on Buddypress registration.
Hi Support,
its good plugin, but the options doesn’t show to the other roles i.e. Editor. I want to show the Block option to all the Editors of my sites. Please help.
Please add the possibility of Banning members to each other
Thank you ??
I have both bbpress and buddypress installed if that makes a difference.
Very nice plugin.
User should be called member to be more consistent with BP.