У нас возникла проблема с вариативными товарами. Все настройки выполнены в соответствии с инструкцией, но товары не работают корректно. Проблема воспроизводится следующим образом:
Мы перепроверили настройки и убедились, что всё выполнено по инструкции. Однако проблема сохраняется.
Подскажите, как можно исправить эту ошибку? Спасибо!
]]>Добрый день! Подскажите по какой причине после установки плагина на рабочий сайт … сайт полностью перестает работать… с ошибкой: НА САЙТЕ ВОЗНИКЛА КРИТИЧЕСКАЯ ОШИБКА… удаляю плагин сайт начинает работать …
Вот этот плагин ….
Hi, what location user needs to provide during checkout?
And is it possible to pay in-app in telegram not to go to Woocommerce place order page?
Hello. Help. Installed the pro version of the bot. made all the settings. checked the permalinks. everything is set up. but the bot does not respond to the /start command. @guruteamWP has already written and sent a screen recording in telegram.
]]>I set up the plugin correctly, it is connected to https://nabad.ae the bot works, but whenever anybody clicks on Shop and then chooses a category nothing happens. Simply nothing happens. I tried disabling all the plugins only left the Bot plugin and Woocommerce still the same issue.
WordPress version 6.4.1
WooCommerce version 8.2.2
]]>can’t parse product filter for display?
Any sorting changes on the site do not lead to an action in the telegram, how to sort?
il plugin ha smesso di funzionare non mostra più i prodotti anche se il bot è attivo prego risolvere<font _mstmutation=”1″></font>
]]>this plugin cant show my account button
]]>Installed on latest WP & Woo today. Also latest plugin. The symbols on product title does not encoded properly in Telegram. Symbols like dash (-), And (&), and maybe other shown as code &
Example Product title: Burger & Pasta
In telegram bot shown as: Burger & Pasta
Check screenshot: https://snipboard.io/MalZVD.jpg
не появляются кнопки Pro версия
]]>It does not work to place an order directly in the telegram when the button is pressed endless loading and then cancel, I buy pro version and there are no web applications buttons, the basket stopped working earlier than the loading now endless loading
Is it possible to use google script?
May i know what do you mean by checkout in Telegram? is it using the telegram built-in payment method? How does it works? Tested the free version and when checkout, it will open a webview to show the website checkout page.
Or maybe next version, can you make the checkout page open in the telegram webapps button?
In telegram bot users can put to cart out of stock variations. When users go to checkout, they see that the cart is empty. It is not good!
Is there a way to prevent users from adding out of stock variations to the cart?
when i want click in Active Reset Url show this error :
JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.3.2
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for https://xxxx.com/wp-content/plugins/bot-for-telegram-on-woocommerce/nuxy/metaboxes/assets/js/vue-select.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for https://xxx.com/wp-content/plugins/bot-for-telegram-on-woocommerce/nuxy/metaboxes/assets/js/vuedraggable.umd.min.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
Hi, your plugins vue js scripts are conflicting with my other plugin that using vue js. The plugin called uipress https://uipress.co/. Basically the menu editor function in uipress will not work when telegram bot plugin is activated.
They said your telegram bot plugin is using older version of vuejs and overriding other plugins script.
Can you fix this? I must use both plugin without conflict.
]]>i purchased the pro version, followed all setup instructions but nothing worked as advertised. no shop menu in bot, no sighs of life
]]>Je cherche à créer un bot Telegram pour faire ceci :
Action 1 :
L’utilisateur s’inscrit sur le site Woocommerce -> inscrire l’utilisateur sur un canal Telegram
Action 2 :
L’utilisateur se désinscrit sur le site Woocommerce -> désinscrire l’utilisateur du canal Telegram
Est-il possible de le faire ?
]]>I already followed the instruction to set the channel public, add bot as admin, then click get channel. channel id fetched in the field. then i clicked save, all seems to be ok. but when i navigated away from the setting page and come back, the channel id is gone…how to fix this bug? your support is very slow. I got the pro version also lack of support.
]]>Just stopped working.
Support hasn’t responded in over 2 weeks. Were sick, and now just ignore.
PRO version. Expected updates, but in the end it does not work at all.
I installed the plugin, however, the products are not displayed on telegram.
I already configured everything correctly as you can see in the image.
What can it be?
]]>Hi, is this a bug or not?
When I only published 1 product on its own category (ItemA in Category 1), in TG only shows ‘All products’ menu. When tap the All Products, the single product appear.
But the actual product category is not listed in the menu.
– All products
When I published 2 products under a single category (Item A&B in Cat1). The same situation happens as above.
– All products
When I published 2 products under 2 separate categories (ItemA in Cat1 & ItemB in Cat2). Then only in TG show the menu like this:
-All product – Category 1
-Category 2
Buongiorno ho installato il plugin ho creato il Bot su telegram ma a me non compare l’integrazione in woocommerce cosa sbaglio?
]]>Variations do not work in the bot at all. I’ve attempted multiple times to fix this to no avail. Please advise.
]]>Hello. Our server is located in Iran and it can not be connected to Telegram.
Is it possible to replace the address in the “Proxy server” field?
Entered to make the robot work properly?
Or can we buy a European host that acts as a proxy for us. And if the answer is yes, how should this be done?
In addition, due to some issues, we can not move the main server out of Iran. Thanks
I fill the information in the Notifications tab Get Channel ID for Notifications. I successfully get the channel ID.
When I go away and come back to this tab the channel ID is gone.
Bot mailing shows that it send but nothing is received on Telegram app.
]]>Hi there,
thank you for the great plugin.
I want to use your plugin only to post the new added products to the telegram channel with the link and price (both regular and discount price).
Is that possible using your plugin?
]]>Very interesting plugin that also seems to work very well!
Do you think there will ever be a version to use it without WooCommerce? I mean above all the research part, to be able to use it for posts and not exclusively for products.
]]>Hi. How can I add a button such as “about the store” or “terms of delivery”. Are you planning to add these features to the plugin?