Ok, maybe I’m just stupid but I can’t figure out how to make a grid that looks like this:
I tried creating rows inside the columns but it didn’t seam to work. I’m trying to achieve something similar that is already in my header banner but to add call to action button under the Welcome text. Also… How can I add padding to the images when placed in to the columns?
]]>Hi All,
Does anyone have any recommendations on how to replace Bootstrap Shortcode plugin on a large website? I have used this plugin on nearly 100 websites and it is not no longer supported and becoming incompatible with my websites.
Thank you in advance!
One my clients site was updated recently and the shortcodes used have changed completely and the code is visible on the pages.
Site – https://themerchantguys.com
If you see on home page, I figured out the old sort code and mapped to new ones and replaced.
But many of my pages have tags which I cannot map to new ones
For e.g.
1> [toggles class=��merch-option-toggles��]
[toggle title=��Retail Merchants�� class=��in��]
2> [row]
[column lg=��12�� md=��12�� sm=��12�� xs=��12�� ]
Can you help map it to the new codes ? Or any other more optimised solution
Looks like this plugin is adding box-sizing: border-box to everything, which is bound to cause conflicts in some areas.
Please see:
Edit: It also messes with the title links on the frontpage. Puts an underline on hover. ??
how do I display my tabs in a vertical List on the left side instead as a horizontal list on the top?
Thanks for help
]]>The table shortcode was not creating an opening tr tag properly. The follow code fixes the issue.
if( !function_exists('tboot_table_shortcode') ) {
function tboot_table_shortcode( $atts ) {
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
'cols' => 'none',
'data' => 'none',
'strip' => '',
'style' => '',
'border' => '',
'condense' => '',
'hover' => '',
), $atts ) );
$strip = ($strip == 'yes') ? 'table-striped' : '';
$border = ($border == 'yes') ? 'table-bordered' : '';
$condense = ($condense == 'yes') ? 'table-condensed' : '';
$hover = ($hover == 'yes') ? 'table-hover' : '';
$cols = explode(',',$cols);
$data = explode(',',$data);
$total = count($cols);
$total_data = count($data);
$output = '<table class="table ' . $strip . ' ' . $border . ' ' . $condense . ' ' . $hover . '"><tr>';
foreach($cols as $col):
$output .= '<th>'. $col . '</th>';
$output .= '</tr><tr>';
$counter = 1;
foreach($data as $datum):
$output .= '<td>'. $datum .'</td>';
$output .= '</tr>';
if($counter < $total_data):
$output .= '<tr>';
$output .= '</table>';
return $output;
add_shortcode( 'tboot_table', 'tboot_table_shortcode' );
I figure I have to add some php to the page.php page. In this example, Home is heading and Hello, World is widget. How can I put the widget first? Thanks in advance. https://training.seacoastunderwriters.com/
]]>Is it possible to add a class to a row? I tried [row class=”section”], but the class information is ignored
]]>Can’t find, somebody?
]]>Is the plugin work with accessibility?
some information can be here https://paypal.github.io/bootstrap-accessibility-plugin/
How can I add “open in new window” into buttons?
I tried with target=”blank” inside the shortcode but it does not work.
I have set my collapse elements to be open on page load, but each time the page opens you can see the boxes collapse.
Any idea what is going on?
Thank you,
I was wondering how I can place images next to each other with the help of Bootstrap Shortcodes in a page? I figured that I can use grid but Im not sure how it works because Im new to these type of things.
I hope you can help me and any help would be so appreciated!
is it possible to integrate a Settings Page where we can disable the Bootstrap.css and .js. Because i often use this Plugin on Templates that already call the Bootstrap Files over CDN. So i dont need the Files from the plugin.
]]>I think the col-sm- should be the default style, because on small screens columns aren’t desired on most cases.
]]>In the latest version of the plugin all my tables wrapped in [table-wrap] have disappeared.
Please advise, this has been an ongoing issue for many versions now.
Kind Regards,
]]>I Installed Bootstrap Shortcodes with theme Go Daddy PodiuumVersi��n: 1.2
Por CyberChimps but my principal menu doesn’t can see. I have desinstalled. Thanks.
Hi, love the plugin but I have one issue. When ever a shortcode has settings and loads the html page into the box I keep getting a 404 error. Any suggestions?
Using the columns in a nested fashion as such:
[bs_row class="row"]
[bs_col class="col-xs-6"][bs_row class="row"]
[bs_col class="col-xs-6"]Text[/bs_col]
[bs_col class="col-xs-6"]Text[/bs_col]
[bs_col class="col-xs-6"]Text[/bs_col]
Doesn’t work. Thats a 2 column layout. The left panel has 2 columns nested in it.
It��s possible to collapse-in automatically on launch page, the first panel ?
Y have tested to add a class in on [bs_citem ��.
But do not works
Thanks for you help
Hi. Great plugin – a must-have for all bootstrap users.. eventhough i dont mind working in html it’s alot easier for the end user to understand shortcodes.. i am wondering though, is there is the possibility to use different col sizes depending on view size like the Bootstrap framework offers? sometimes, objects can be better to resize at certain points, and thats where i dont feel this plugin is sufficient.. Did i miss something, or could this maybe be a future feature?
]]>I tried with wp version of 3.8.2 and 3.8 and the plugin doesnt work.
In the wysiwyg editor i just get an empty row and when hover that row get retancular hover effect.
Using wordpress locally with xampp3.2.1
screenshort describing a situation: https://postimg.org/image/8x0nvfjkr/
]]>Using the out-of-the-box tabs shortcode given with WYSIWYG editor, it displays nicely at first. And it works great if you don’t have a dropdown tab container thing, and you just have two normal tabs. But if you use the dropdown, then nothing happens when you click on the container label for that dropdown.
Here’s the code in the Page:
[bs_tab class="active" type="tab" href="#bs_first_tab79" title="Tab title"]
[bs_dropdown id="bs_dropdown79" title="Dropdown "]
[bs_tab type="tab" href="#bs_dropdown179" title="@fat"]
[bs_tab type="tab" href="#bs_dropdown279" title="@mdo"]
[bs_tcontent class="active" id="bs_first_tab79"]Raw denim you probably haven't heard of them jean shorts Austin. Nesciunt tofu stumptown aliqua, retro synth master cleanse. Mustache cliche tempor, williamsburg carles vegan helvetica. Reprehenderit butcher retro keffiyeh dreamcatcher synth. Cosby sweater eu banh mi, qui irure terry richardson ex squid. Aliquip placeat salvia cillum iphone. Seitan aliquip quis cardigan american apparel, butcher voluptate nisi qui.[/bs_tcontent]
[bs_tcontent class="" id="bs_dropdown179"]Nesciunt tofu stumptown aliqua, retro synth master cleanse. Mustache cliche tempor, williamsburg carles vegan helvetica. Reprehenderit butcher retro keffiyeh dreamcatcher synth. Cosby sweater eu banh mi, qui irure terry richardson ex squid. Aliquip placeat salvia cillum iphone.[/bs_tcontent]
[bs_tcontent class="" id="bs_dropdown279"]Raw denim you probably haven't heard of them jean shorts Austin. Nesciunt tofu stumptown aliqua, retro synth master cleanse. Mustache cliche tempor, williamsburg carles vegan helvetica.[/bs_tcontent]
The plugin doesn’t work on WordPress MultiSite.
Kind. reg.
Trying to get a button from this plugin working inside the WP loop for post type.
if ( shortcode_exists( 'bs_button' ) ) {
echo do_shortcode('[bs_button size="lg" type="default" value="Read More" href=""]');
} else {
// fail silently
This is working well, but how do we get the permalink into that href variable? I’ve tried
echo do_shortcode('[bs_button size="lg" type="default" value="Read More" href="get_permalink();"]');
echo do_shortcode('[bs_button size="lg" type="default" value="Read More" href=" '. get_permalink() .' "]');
But I feel this is the wrong approach. Could it work, or is there another way to make this work?
]]>just updated to the latest and the code was posted on my published page. Also was missing the short codes button on my editor. Had to revert back to past version ??
]]>Was wondering if you had any way of getting an inverse (white text/black background) button color type?
]]>I need to know how I can use this plugin as a theme mode?
]]>Hi there,
I just installed the Bootstrap Shortcodes plugin in my site and I wanted to use the jumbtron in my pages, however I can’t seem to scroll down to the code for the jumbotron in the pop-up window I get when I klik on the litte b in my pages or posts. Is this a bug?
Hope you can help.
]]>Hi there
I’m getting a window with my 404 page when I try to insert a Glyphicon into a post using this plugin.
I’m not sure what could be causing it please could you help?
Is It possible it’s because my content folder is renamed to something custom to the WordPress default wp-content folder?