Dear Mr.
Im using free version. All good, but if someone book an appointment, then i ‘llget “No recipient forward path has been supplied” email.
Pls. help
Thank you
]]>Hi Team,
I have set up a profile page for all of my users via- Ultimate Member.
Users come in and setup their account and add their pets to the profile.
when the profile is completed and all of their pets have been added
i would want bookme to give a drop down of their pet names so itll be easier for them to book for which pet they want to book the appointment for and itll be a seemless experience
Dear support,
I use BookMe Pro in version 4.3.4
You recommend in this Support-Forum that we shall translate with LOCO-Plugin v2.5.3.
I did so (German language) and encounter the problem, that your e-mail notifications are never translated (your plugin uses all other LOCO translation units correctly).
Can you help please ??
]]>From the staff Member Schedule option, I want to add a break time so that our stuff member can take a break for lunch. But the break option is not working at all. Please see this screenshot:
]]>Dear support,
I use BookMe Pro in version 4.3.4
You recommend in this Support-Forum that we shall translate with LOCO-Plugin v2.5.3.
I did so (German language) and encounter following result when calling the shortcode “[bookme category_id=”1″ service_id=”1″ staff_member_id=”1″ show_number_of_persons=”1″ hide=”categories”]”:
– your plugin ignores LOCO-Translation of all words in progress bar
– (Service, Time, Cart, Details, Done)
– your plugin ignores LOCO-Translation of “Employee”
– your plugin ignores LOCO-Translation of “Service”
– your plugin ignores LOCO-Translation of “Number of persons”
Your plugin shows all other LOCO-Translations correctly. Can you help please ??
]]>How can I add more employees to each appointment?
<div ng-hide=”loading || form.screen != ‘main'” class=”modal-body”>
<div class=form-group>
<label for=”bookme-pro-provider”><?php _e(‘Dipendenti’, ‘bookme_pro’) ?></label>
<select id=”bookme-pro-provider1″ class=”form-control” ng-model=”form.staff”
ng-options=”s.full_name + (form.staff_any == s ? ‘ (‘ + dataSource.l10n.staff_any + ‘)’ : ”) for s in”
<div *ngFor=”let staff of”>
Your plugin is not compatible with PHP 8.0.X.
As soon as we switch from PHP 7.4.X to 8.0.X, your plugin generates a blank page where pages contain your plugin’s shortcode.
Would be great if you can look into this and fix the compatibility issue.
Thank you!
]]>Dear Community,
I wasn’t able to add breaks via the plugin backend in WP. Don’t know why, but it doesn’t matter. If you’re having the same issue, open your database (phpMyAdmin) and search for this table:
Here you can insert the breaks you need.
Best regards,
Mike Knappe
Dear Community,
if you give your users the option to cancel their appointment (link from the shortcodes), you maybe wish not have a bugged system afterwards at all.
By default a user can cancel its appointment still after its approved, payed and long ended. That’s not really worthy conditions.
You will find the conditions within the file
at line 946
public function executeCancelAppointment()
As you see here, the system won’t never be think of deny canceling until the db entry ‘bookme_pro_gen_min_time_prior_cancel’ is equal or lower than 0.
By default this value is 0.
So find the value
and change it at least to 1.
The numbers represent hours – 1 would mean, that it can be cancelled 1 hour before the appointment starts. Don’t try 0.5 or other float number to have for example half an hour. It won’t work, because there is an integer cast in the php-file.
Best regards,
Dear Community,
if you want to remove the notes textarea, go to your DB (phpMyAdmin), move to wp_<suffix>_options, search for bookme_pro_custom_fields and modify it to your needs.
The content is simple JSON. By default you should see:
To remove it simply type only this:
If you want to extend it for example with a text-field for street:
Types should be:
The problem is, that within “bookme-pro-free-appointment-booking-system/frontend/controllers/booking/templates/4_details.php” only the text-area is implemented.
So if you need for example a text-field, put the following after line 80:
<?php elseif ($custom_field->type == 'text-field') : ?>
<input id="custom_field_<?php echo esc_attr($custom_field->id) ?>" type="text" class="bookme-pro-custom-field form-control" value="<?php isset($cf_item['data'][$custom_field->id]) ? $cf_item['data'][$custom_field->id] : null; ?>"/>
Now you are able to extend/use text-fields.
For other elements look at “bookme-pro-free-appointment-booking-system/backend/controllers/calendar/templates/_customer_details_dialog.php”, there are all types nearly with full code implemented to copy/adapt them to/for 4_details.php.
Best regards,
Dear Community,
If you’re having issues with this plugin (backend and/or frontend) after updating to WP 5.5 or above, please follow the instructions provided below.
Most issues are fixed by simply replacing the plugin’s current built-in Bootstrap JS file (v3.3.6) with the latest Bootstrap JS file used by WP (v3.4.1).
(1) Download Bootstrap JS v3.4.1 (zip file) by clicking here.
(2) Unzip the downloaded file, open the JS folder, and place the file titled, “bootstrap.min”, on your desktop.
(3) Using cPanel or an FTP application (e.g., FileZilla) follow the path given below to identify Bookme Pro’s file titled, “bootstrap.min.”
(4) Replace the file identified in Step (3) with the file set aside in Step (2).
Special Note:
If your site is hosted by SiteGround, do not use their UltraFast PHP. Instead, use their Standard PHP (7.4.X and above). Using SiteGround’s UltraFast PHP will break the frontend of the plugin.
Hope the above helps. If not, post your issue here and we’ll try to help you.
]]>Dear @bylancer,
We have tried to contact you via many channels. We hope you are well. If so, can you revise your plugin’s code to ensure it’s compatible with WP 5.5 and subsequent?
For example, the tabs contained within the plugin settings no longer work. Other functions don’t work as well.
Hoping you’ll have a chance to resuscitate your plugin very soon.
Thank you.
]]>I have been playing around with this plugin and it seems pretty promising for my needs but I keep discovering a series of functional issues with the calendar and the settings. At firs the calendar was disabled no matter what I did. Then finally, for an unknow reason it started working (I didn’t do anything specific). Now however, the calendar ignores the fact that I have Saturday work hours. Only Monday through Friday days are selectable. Also the days don’t show my actual work hours…
]]>Hi there is it possible to hide the category dropdown on the booking form as we do’int need it?
thank you in advance.
]]>Hi. When the plugin is activated, it causes the following error on the Site Health check:
The REST API request failed due to an error.
Error: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received (http_request_failed)
I haven’t seen any noticeable problems with the site however.
]]>I am buy the bookme Pro full version , Its can possible change the payable service like paypal, twillio etc.
if possible talk to me how to purchase this one.
]]>We have BookMePro and the email notifications to customers are not sending but our staff receive theirs. Please help!
]]>Hi There,
Is there a way to set a default value to each of the drops down options – I have 1 service, 1 category and 1 staff member
]]>Hi there,
Does your plugin depend on and/or use REST API?
According to iThemes Security and Wordfence it’s best to disable or restrict REST API.
]]>We have created service categories and services but the catogies show in the select menu but the services do not?
]]>On this page of your website you display a WooCommerce option in the Settings. However, this option is not visible in the Settings. I’m using BookMe Pro version 1.1
Your plugin (FREE and PAID versions) is causing the following WP Site Health check error:
Your site could not complete a loopback request. The loopback request to your site failed, this means features relying on them are not currently working as expected.
Error: [] cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10004 milliseconds with 0 bytes received.
Click here for details:
Research suggests your plugin is blocking WP loopback requests. PHP code may be outdated or incorrect.
Click here for more details: Plugin is Blocking Loopback Requests
Our temporary fix has been to add the following code to our wp-config.php file:
//For PHP 5.X or higher
// Do the rest of your PHP execution below
Would be great if you can review and fix both plugin versions. This finding or issue should also help WP Moderators for future WP releases.
Please advise. Thanks!
]]>We’re using Bookme Pro (paid version).
WordPress’ Health Check tool reveals this plugin is causing REST API and Loopback request errors.
Click here:
Plugin conflict tests performed, etc. We have narrowed down the issues to this plugin. When we deactivate this plugin, the error messages disappear. Anybody having the same issue?
We have contacted the developer via email for a fix. Unfortunately, no response so far.
Assistance appreciated!
I just installed the plugin and it looks great. I have a problem with the dates not being available after selecting a service. How do I configure date availability?
I have tried in every way possible to translate the term NOTES which is in 2-DETAILS, but I was unsuccessful. Does Loco Translator plugin translate everything except NOTES, why does this occur? Please help, as I intend to purchase the pro version in the future, but this simple detail makes the use unfeasible.
Thanks for attetion,
Best regards.