Please kindly help me on the following issues:
Issue 1: frontend booking page working only in firefox
Issue 2: custom booking filter throughout the site need to take to the frontend booking page with filter values automatically selected in the form.
Created locations, services, providers…
Booking page broken calendar not loading
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 () /wp-json/bookingrobin/v1/availability/times?provider=9&location=2&services%5B%5D=8&date=2022-01-01&days=33&timezone=Asia%2FCalcutta&unix=1641019867:1
Hi, I’m working with “The7” WP template. If I create a new page and I add the text:
<?php echo do_shortcode(“[bookingrobin view=”booking”]”);?>
in the editor, nothing happens. I just find my newly created, blank page, no calendar.
Can you give me a suggestion to solve this? The plugin in properly installed.
Is this plugin still actively being suported and developed?
On my WordPress version 4.9.7 it’s not working.
Admin screens only show the default grey background when loading.
Tries disabling other plugins, without luck.
Thanks in advance,