Sur le site que je g��re, plusieurs clients se sont vus d��biter des cr��dits de leur abonnement, seulement, lorsque je clique sur ces r��servations, elles apparaissent inexistantes. Comment c’est possible ? Ci-joints des captures ��crans pour illustrer.
Merci par avance de votre r��ponse.
I am wanting to use this plugin for a client, but I was wondering if there is way to generate a QR code through the plugin?
The idea is that that the customer will book a bunch of activities, and it will send a QR code in the confirmation email.
On the day of the booking, when the QR code is scanned, it should display all the data from the order (customer info, activities booked, etc��)
Also, we need to have a subscription system. So that a user that is paying a yearly or monthly subscription can book activities for free. Could we do that with the “Prices and Credits” add-on?
]]>Hi there.
I am trying your plugin which seems great!
My idea is to make a tennis court available for any users to book per hour.
So I created a calendar with one activity per hour and 12 activities a day.
But I want to prevent a user to book for more than one hour (activity) per day.
I tried to group events but it didn’t help.
Any idea is welcome.
]]>Hi, I have added an activity and connected it to WooCommerce. The calendar shows up, they can select it, but despite setting it to add to cart, it doesn’t add. Where could the problem be? Thanks in advance for your help.
J’ai eu une cliente qui s’est vue supprim�� automatiquement des activit��s avec cr��dit dans son panier sans action de sa part, et sans que le d��lai ait ��t�� d��pass�� vu qu’elle venait de le faire. R��sultat, elle perd ses articles, mais ��galement ses cr��dits qui ont ��t�� d��bit��s sans avoir pu valider sa commande.
J’ai aussi effectu�� plusieurs tests depuis son compte, mon compte avec ses cr��dits et avec les cr��dits d’un autre client, et j’ai retrouv�� le m��me probl��me. Mais �� force de tester, le probl��me est parti de lui-m��me.
Est-ce un bug ou un probl��me de r��glage ? Comment ��viter que le probl��me ne revienne ?
We are encountering a bug when using the module regarding pass reservations.
In fact, a customer who has credit and who places an order still sees an amount to pay in their basket
i ve 2 activities during all weeks for septembere are unavailable
I dont know why and how …
For october is OK november too ….
Can someone help me ?
When I want to put day off for 2 weeks
Activities continue to be displayed ….
Dans la partie Admin / Reservations est il possible de faire un export avec la date et heure de l’annulation du client ?
Quand je valide une activit�� j’ai un message furtif
“Il y a une erreur sur l’un des champs du formulaire”
Voici une copie d’��cran d’une vid��o que j’ai du film�� pour capturer le message
View post on
De plus si je veux cacher le nom de l’unit�� ca ne valide pas (dans mon cas “place” “places”)
]]>Hello dear support team,
i am facing the issue that i would like to combine my seperate pages with each one form on it to one. Thats why i used the elementor nested tabs to do this, now i can just place a shortcode into the tab and display it. But when i look on the page, the first form is generated normally but the ones that are in a tab that hasnt opened yet arent. Instead of beeing displayed in one row it is displayed in a column (i fixed this with css on live page).
But also the form is starting in “Day” Mode not in week, something is not loading properly. Is there a workaround?
Hello Team,
I am very interested in getting the Prices & Credits package however I have a few concerns.
When my customer purchases credit package via the woocommerce payment gateway, will the credits be automatically credited into their account after successful payment?
And also, can I set an xxx amount of days for cancellation, if they cancel before the cancellation policy, credit will automatically be refunded?
]]>I have a problem with the coupon refund in my web. It doesn’t work, I clik on the refund button and nothing happens, the console shows this. I need help
Images here:
]]>Dear Booking Activities Support Team,
We are using the “Display Pack” and “Advanced Forms” plugins from Booking Activities on our website Our account is managed by Janos Klak ([email protected]).
Unfortunately, we are currently facing two major issues that are significantly affecting us and our customers:
Here is the code we are using for the “New Booking” email:
You have received a new booking!
Number of Persons: {booking_total_qty}
Spectators: {field_zuschauer}
Wetsuit: {field_neoprenanzug}
First Name: {user_firstname}
Last Name: {user_lastname}
Phone: {user_phone}
E-Mail: {user_email}
All participants must adhere to the following boat rules:
Magic Wave’s Terms and Conditions:
Booking Status: {booking_status}.
Click here to manage this booking (ID: {booking_id}).
We urgently request your support to resolve these issues. These problems are significantly disrupting our business operations, and we hope for a quick resolution.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Best regards,
Janos Klak
Lorsque je valide une r��servation, en envoyant une notification ou non, j’ai un message qui m’indique “erreur AJAX” et l’��tat de la r��servation ne change pas.
Pourtant lorsque je rafraichis ma page de r��servation l’��tat a bien chang�� et l’utilisateur a bien re?u la notification.
Savez-vous comment je pourrais r��soudre cette erreur ?
]]>I’ve created numerous 1 hour training slots spread over a month that I would like the customer to be able to select a maximum of 4 of their choice and the cart show it as one price. I can use multiple selection but end up with 4 x the price as they show as individual slots, I cant group them as this then removes the ability for the customer to choose when it suits them.
Any advice would be appreciated
Hello, I need to change the stock quantity based on if they book a child or an adult, I can do this in the variations stock, how do i use the stock from the variations rather than the booking activity app? Thank you
]]>Hi, there are 2 options in the Settings menu: Are started events bookable? (1) and Are started groups of events bookable? (2). I understand to these 2 options that you should be able to book an Event that already started for instance at 10 am also at current time 10:05 am. I don��t know if it was your intention but first you have to allow Display past events (3). But then the callendar is messed with past events that are not able to be booked. I think it would be better to set first 2 options (1) and (2) independent on the option (3).
je n’arrive pas �� trouver comment mettre en place une r��servation multiples pour une seule activit��s voir pour plusieurs ?
Comment faut il proc��der ?
faut-il utiliser un add-ons ?
]]>Hello, first of all I would like to thank you for your nice plugin! I found a small problem.
If you limit a calendar visibility with “Availability period” and the variable “At the earliest”, then the last item in the Calendar is not possible to book, in spite of the fact that it is visible on the screen. Maybe you have a different criterium for visibility and booking.
Un client achete une carte de 10 voir 20 seances de coaching( par exemple) , est-il possible de g��rer ce nombre dans son compte ?
je vois que B.A gere le nombre de places dans une seance mais peut-on gerer le nombre de “cr��dits” restants sur chaque compte ?
En vous remerciant pour votre aide
it looks like booking activities has updated this morning – now when customers try to book they get an error saying that they have not selected an event, when I try to add a booking it tells me I have not confirmed the tick box for terms and conditions.
I cannot load a back up – i get an error and I cannot update a theme. Have emailed booking activities but not yet got an answer
]]>Hallo, notifications (after booking a date) never work if a client makes a reservation. It is sometimes delivered after 24 hours and other time it doesn��t work at all. Can you please provide some advice? Our clients are not showing up to our lessons because they dont know if they are booked or not.
]]>How can I change to the loading icon?
I need to exclude weekends from a repeatable event. I saw that the display pack addon will do this but the client is on a tight budget and can’t afford to pay for this yearly. Is there a free or cheaper alternative to do this. I think I saw I could create days off in the calendar options but the client would need to add lots of dates for Saturday and Sunday.
Is there any custom code that weekends could be excluded or some other way please?
I’d like to change this default message :”you are currently logged in as…”. How can I do please ?
]]>I have been asked to create a booking system for a clients classes/courses and this plugin looks to be suitable enough but want to make sure it can do the following requirements please
1) Create recurring courses for weekday courses that start at 10am to 1pm?
2) Create recurring courses for courses that run once a week for example part 1 is on week 1, part 2 is on week 2 and part 3 is on week 3 and they are linked/grouped so they are a bundle series that makes up a course
3) Need to apply a discount to courses when a user book 3 courses for example if a user books 3 courses for the bundle series above, they get a discount of ��12
4) Limit the number of available places on a course to 4 people
5) Can multiple courses be selected and paid for in one booking for example the user can select a course that is on Monday and select another course on Friday and book and pay in one booking?
6) Can PayPal be used to pay for the bookings?
Hello everyone, these days I have been changing the business rules of an yoga almeria gym. I want to change some promotions that have already expired automatically, but I don’t know which file I have to modify or the plugin itself gives you an option to change certain reservations. I hope you can give me at least some advice other than changing it manually.
Lorsque je cr��e des nouvelles activit��s et que je les place sur le calendrier g��n��ral, elles n’apparaissent pas sur le site internet sur le calendrier g��n��ral. Elles n’apparaissent que sur le calendrier li�� �� la page du produit en question. (Une activit�� = Une formation, une page produit = une formation = une activit��)
Pouvez vous m’aider ? Y a t-il des options �� cocher ?
Merci d’avance pour votre aide,
I have multiple bookings turned on but for some reason it won’t let me select more that one booking?