Since upgrading WP, I’m suddenly getting the error message “No RSS Addresses are entered to your links in the Links SubPanel, therefore no items can be shown!”
I see from the banner on the top of the WP plugin page for this, that the plugin has not been updated for 2 years. I’m hoping that someone (ideally crazygirl herself) who understands PHP can put a fix together. I have no idea myself from looking at the coding.
All I know is that the RSS addresses are entered as per the instructions and that the plugin WAS working here: e t h e r w o r k [dot] n e t [slash] b l o g [slash] about-the-bread-baking-babes/#bbbabe_links (no active link by design in attempt to keep spammers at bay)
Thank you for any help you can offer.
E. Morris
]]>Since version 3.5, WordPress doesn’t have the for this plug-in required Blogroll links section.
i’m from iran
i have 2 question
1- how can i have Archive page from my RSS links?
2-I want to translate this to persia how can i do that?
]]>I did some bench marking on the Blogroll RSS widget and recorded load times for the widget area of over 5 seconds.
Here is an upgraded version which I tested with a 0.002 second load time.
The performance boost is gained by caching the widget content for a time frame of 3 minutes. It would preferable to process the caching via a cron job if possible, as whoever triggers the cache to refresh will get a very long load time. In the mean though, this should at least fix the problem for the majority of the people visiting the page.
]]>I keep having an error on the feed when I try to use this plugin
]]>I’d like to be able to style Blog Title links differently from their Latest Post link – is it possible to include CSS classes in the plugin code please?
(I will do this myself for now but it seems like something other people might also like)
]]>Is there a way you can tell me how to add a <br />
or a <p>
between feed titles? I am sure it is not difficult but I have looked at the PHP code and am not sure where to add it…Thank you!
]]>Is there a way for my blogroll to display blog posts in order of the time they were posted? In other words, most recent blogroll post listed first?
]]>Hello. I’ve just discovered your plugin and like it so far, with no problems.
One feature missing is for links to open in a new tab, i.e. target=”_blank”.
Thanks and all the best.
]]>When there is an empty string in a title of RSS article, your plugin shows empty line that is created by . Please insert an exception into your code to handle such a situation. There is one blog I have to follow, but it is on blogger and they obviously do not have a workaround for dummy users who forget to insert title of an article. I have made a workaround in your code, but I would like to follow your updates.
My workaround:
if ( $shorten_feedlink && $tit_c > $s_f_length) {
$tit = br_w_r_t_shorten($item->get_title(),$s_f_length);
echo 'href="'.$item->get_permalink().'">'.$tit.'</a>';
} elseif ($item->get_title() != '') {
echo 'href="'.$item->get_permalink().'">'.$item->get_title().'</a>';
} else {
echo 'href="'.$item->get_permalink().'">No title</a>';
Default wordpress RSS widget handles it with generic replacement “Unknown” that is even in .mo files (I haven’t been looking for a way how it does that).
]]>Very nice idea to link RSS feed to existing WP set of links and works fine in basic form. Nice that it picks up only feeds where you’ve entered the feed URL in defining the link. Problems I noticed:
* very slow loading for some reason. NOt sure if that was the fault of the plugin or of one of my feeds.
* doesn’t pick up the hover “title” attribute of the links. That’s quite important for me personally.
* typographically inelegant. Space between links is the same as space between link title and the specific feeds imported, and no distinction in style. Needs esthetic work.
]]>Hi. I have tried this plugin. It works beautifully until I get a blogroll longer than about 30 entries and then I get a fatal error saying it is out of allocated memory. Shortening the number of characters in the link and the blog intro makes no difference. Anyone else having the same problem and any ideas of how to fix this? Otherwise seems like an excellent widget.
Thank you for the wonderful plug-in! All is working well except I want it to “create and show thumbnails” and something is going wrong. The image area is there but it says “coming soon” instead of showing an image.
Out of 32 links, this is the case for 31 of them. One of them DOES show the image ( I looked at the link properties and see no difference. I thought that link might have an image link but it doesn’t.
Any thoughts?
Thank you — I mean “danke”!