Hey there Enjoying the added block functionality with your plugin. I did run into a snag though. When doing price blocks on a page for Gutenberg version 5.9.1. The blocks show up but you are only able to see the dollar sign. If I disable Gutenberg I get a corrupt block and asked me to convert to HTML which the block is still not correct or convert to a block and it is the block with only the dollar sign. So you have to rebuild the price block.
Once the block is rebuilt and saved. you can then reenable the Gutenberg plugin and everything is kosher on the front end, the backend the price block is blank. So not sure what’s happening but I wanted you to know so you can have the best plugin possible
]]>Hi, first of all, thanks for your awesome plugin. But, there’s a little mistake on path to bootstrap CSS and JS ressources: /ultimate-blocks-for-gutenberg/lib/bootstrap/dist/…
which generate a 404 error and prevent load of files – dist
has to be removed.